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XIIII. Farewell unkind farewell

Found in allparts.abc from the Serpent Publications abc collection
XIIII. Farewell unkind farewell - staff notation
T:XIIII. Farewell unkind farewell
C:John Dowland
H: From The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires.
%%MIDI nobarlines
%%MIDI ratio 3 1
N:Original clef, C on third line
%%MIDI transpose -12
K:G mix -8va
z2 z d e d e d d3
w: 1.~Fare- well un- kind fare- well,
w: 2.~Tis not the vaine de- sire
 c A > "?"B c B ^c2 c2 
w: to mee no more a fa- ther,
w: of hu- mane fleet- ing beau- tie,
d > A B > G F > E E > c B B A2 G3
w: since my heart, my heart,  my heart holdes my love most deare:
w: Makes my mind, my mind  to live though my meanes do die,
d e d e d d3
w: The wealth which thou doest reape,
w: Nor do I Na- ture wrong,
c A > B c B ^c2 c2
w: A- no- thers hand must ga- ther,
w: though I for- get my du- tie:
d > A B > G G > E E > c B B A > A G
w: Though thy heart, thy heart,  thy heart,  thy heart  lies bur- ied there,
w: Love, not in, not in the bloud, but in the spi- rit lies.
|: B/ c/ d A z  B/ c/ d A z c/ d/ e B
w: Then _ fare- well, then _ fare- well, then _ fare- well,
e c A2 z d > c B A 
w: O fare- well, wel- come my love, 
d > c B/ c A/ d B :|
w: wel- come my joy for- e- ver.