tune page


Fair Trade

Found in lighthouse_cd.abc from the John Chambers abc collection

This tune may be copyright, so no music is displayed here.

The background information for the tune is:

T:Fair Trade
C:Paul S. Cranford
O:20th Century Cape Breton
D:The Lighthouse, Cranford Publications
B:The Lighthouse Collection, ISBN 0-9691181-5-5
N:Contacts ...
N:..... Cranford Publications <http://www.cranfordpub.com>
H:Composed for Daniel Michael Collins
Z:This abc transcription is for personal use only,
Z:provided this notice remains attached.
Z:Used by permission of the composer and publisher.
Z:Paul Stewart Cranford <psc@cranfordpub.com>

If you own the copyright to this tune and you'd like it to appear here, please let me know so I can add your name to the copyright consent list.

Alternative sources for this tune: