tune page


Cliffs of Moher (bad ABC example)

Found in Cliffs_Perverse.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
Cliffs of Moher (bad ABC example) - staff notation
X: 1
T: Cliffs of Moher (bad ABC example)
N: Demo of how to really mess up ABC if you don't care about readability.
N: This is similar in style to the output of many commercial web-site editors.
R: Jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Z: John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu> http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/
K: ADor
[e]|: ""[a][e][a] [|] [b][a][g]| ""[e][a][f] [|] [g][e][d]| ""[c2][A] [|] [B][A][G]| ""[E][F][G] [|] [A][B][d]| ""[e][a][a] [|] [b][a][g]| ""[e][a][f] [|] [g][e][d] |
| ""[c2][A] [|] [B][A][G]| ""[E][F][G] [|] [A2][e] :||: ""[g][e2][e] [|] [d][B][A]| ""[e2][e] [|] [d][B][A]| ""[G][A][B] [|] [d][B][A]| ""[G][A][B] [|] [d][B][d] |
|1 ""[e2][e] [d][B][A]| ""[e2][e] [|] [d][B][A]| ""[G][A][B] [|] [d][B][G]| ""[E][F][G] [|] [A3]:|2 ""[e2][e] [d][e][e]| ""[c][e][e] [|] [B][e][e]| ""[E][F][G] [|] [B][A][G]| ""[e][d][B] [|] [A2] |]

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