tune page


Gabhaidh Sinn an Rathad Mor

Found in athol-eh.abc from the John Chambers' music books abc collection
Gabhaidh Sinn an Rathad Mor - staff notation
T:Gabhaidh Sinn an Rathad Mor
T:The Stewart's March
R:Country Dances
B:The Athole Collection
e>fe>d c>d e2|B>cd>c B>c d2|e>fe>d c>d e>a|AA c>A B2A2:|
B|c>BA>B cA c2|d>cB>c dB d2|c>BA>B cA c>e|AA c>A B2 AB|
cA (3A>BA cA c2|dB (3B>cB dB d2|cA (3A>BA cA c>a|A>Bc>A B2A||

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