tune page



Found in MoF.abc from the John Chambers' music books abc collection
Allegro - staff notation
X: 20091
T: Allegro
C: Gaetano Brandi
B: "Man of Feeling", Gaetano Brandi, ed. v.2 p.?
N: Notation at bottom: "No. 9 Vol 2."
F: http://archive.org/details/manoffeelingorge00rugg
Z: 2012 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: C
c2 e4 g2 | f2 d4 c2 | B2G2A2B2 | (cBcd) c4 |\
c2 e4 g2 | f2 d4 c2 | B2G2A2B2 | c4 z4 :|
(c2 e4 g2) | a2f2 .d4 | B2 d4 (f2 | g2)e2 .c4 |\
(c2 c'4) b2 | (A2 a4) g2 | f2d2c2B2 | c4 "_Fine"z4 :|
e4 (d2c2) | e4 (d2c2) | (c2e2d2c2) | =B2d2 G4 |\
(e4 d2c2) | (e4 d2c2) | (=B2d2c2B2) | c4 "_Da Capo"z4 :|

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