June updates

A quick round up of updates to abcnotation.com since last time:

  • Several programs have been added to the software page (not all of them new – some have been around a while but I only just found out about them),  including MidiZyx2abc, ABCEditor, BIABTools and RandomABC (this last generates random tunes for helping to practice sight reading).
  • A new edition of the tune search with a further 5,000 tunes, including several additional collections – for those interested in historical source material there are nearly 300 newly transcribed tunes from William Clarke (an East Anglian musician from the early-mid 19th century) courtesy of Mary Humphreys and others.
  • And finally for those interested in the nitty-gritty of abc, there’s a new draft abc standard, version 2.1 with a lot of discussion about it on the abcusers mail list – do contribute to the debate if you want to help steer the future direction of abc.

Apart from that I’ve been working on a bespoke midi player for the website … with added speed controls – the most popular choice in the “what next” poll. It’s not quite ready for release into the wild yet, but it’s nearly there – watch this space.


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