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 4/4 G       Astley's Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Astleys Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Astleys Hornpipe
  C| F       Astley's Hornpipe
   C G       Astley's Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Astleys Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Astleys Hornpipe
  C| F       Astley's Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Astley's Hornpipe (#332)
   C G       Astley's Hornpipe. BHp.12
   C G       Astley's Hornpipe. BHp.12
  C| G major Astley's Hornpipe. JaW.216
  C| G       Astley's Hornpipe. JaW.216
  C| F       Astley's Hornpipe. THO5.081
   C G major Astley's Hornpipe TS.258
   C G       Astley's Hornpipe TS.258
   C G       Astley's Hornpipe. TWC.214
 4/4 D       Astleys Ride
 4/4 D       Astley's Ride
 2/4 D       Astley's Ride
 4/4 D       Astley's Ride
 2/4 Dmaj    Astley's Ride
 2/4 Dmaj    Astley's Ride
 2/4 Dmaj    Astley's Ride
  C| D       Astley's Ride
 4/4 D       Astley's Ride
 4/4 G       Astley's Ride
 2/4 D       Astley's Ride
 4/4 G       Astley's Ride
 2/4 D       Astley's Ride
 4/4 G       Astley's Ride
 2/4 D       Astley's Ride
  C| D       Astley's Ride
  C| D       Astley's Ride
 2/4 C       Astley's Ride
 2/4 D       Astley’s Ride
 2/4 D       Astley's Ride
 2/4 D major Astley's Ride. FTB.156
 2/4 D       Astley's Ride. FTB.156
  C| Bb      Astley's Ride. HS.54
  C| Bb      Astley's Ride. HS.54
 2/4 C       Astley's Ride. TWC.120
   C D       Astly’s Hornpipe
 4/4 F major Astlys Hornpipe. GS.013
 4/4 F major Astlys Hornpipe. GS.013
 4/4 F major Astlys Hornpipe. GS.013
   C F       As Tom and Harry Went To Plough
 4/4 Dm      Asto Min Orkizese
 6/8 G       Aston Hall
 4/4 G       Astonished Archaeologist, The
 3/4 Dmin    Astoreen Machree
 3/4 Dmin    Astoreen Macree
 3/4 G       Astoria Lass
 2/4 G       Åstorpastycket
 2/4 Gmaj    Astor Ticket
 2/4 G       'A Stranger From Limerick" (hornpipe) 1694
 3/4 G       "A Stranger in Cork"               (air)          
 6/4 DDor    Astra tenenti
 3/4 Am      Astridin Vals
 3/4 Am      Astridin vals
 3/4 A minor Astridin valssi
 3/4 Am      Astridin valssi
 3/4 Am      Astridin valssi
 3/4 DMin    Astridin valssi
 4/4 Gm      Astrids skänklåt
 4/4 C       Astrologer, The
   C C       Astrologer, The
 4/4 C       Astrologer, The
   C C       Astrologer, The
   C C       Astrologer, The - for MIDI
 2/2 G       Astronomer, The
 2/2 G       Astronomer, The
 9/4 Dm      Astrope Wells
 9/4 Dmin    Astrope Wells
 9/4 F       Astrope Wells. (p)1688.PLFD1.291
 9/4 Dm      Astrope Wells. (p)1688.PLFD1.291
 9/4 F       Astrope Wells. (p)1688.PLFD.291
 9/8 C       Astrope Wells (The new way) . JJo3.090
 9/8 G       Astrope Wells the New Ways. WCD3/6.078
 9/4 Dm      Astrope Wells. WCD3/1.179
 6/8 Dmix    Astro's Rough Day
 2/4 Eb      As truagh gan peata an mhaoir agam
 3/4 Dmaj    Astryd's
 6/8 C       As-Tu Connu le Per Lanc'lot
 4/4 A minor Asturian Air
 4/4 A       Asturian Air
 4/4 Aminor  asturian air
 4/4 A minor Asturian Air II
  C| Amix    Asturian Way, The
 4/4 Amix    Asturian Way, The
 4/4 Bmix    Asturian Way, The
  C| Amix    Asturian Way, The
 3/4 C       Asturies, Patria Querida
 3/4 Hp      Asturies, Patria Querida
 2/2 C       Asturies, Patria Querida
 3/4 F       Asturies, Patria Querida (JHM 007) (Arrg.)
 3/4 C       Asturies, Patria Querida (MG 08)
 2/2 C       Asturies, Patria Querida (MQ 057)
 3/4 HP      Asturies, Patria Querida (Versión 2)
 2/4 C       Asturies, Patria Querida (XA 12)
 5/8 C _1/4B Âsûde Fikrim Âvârelendi
   C G       As We Go About Our Work
   C G       As We Go About Our Work
   C G       As We Go About Our Work
   C G       As We Go About Our Work
   C G       "As We Go About Our Work"  (air)  0065
 3/4 Eb      As we sailed from the downs
 4/4 G       As With Gladness, Men of Old
 4/4 A       As With Gladness Men Of Old
 4/4 A       As With Gladness Men Of Old
 3/4 Eb      As With Gladness, Men Of Old
 4/4 A       As With Gladness Men Of Old
 4/4 A       As With Gladness Men of Old
  C| D       As you like it
  C| D       As You Like It
 6/8 G       As you like it. Ru1.082
 6/8 G       As you like it. Ru1.082
 2/4 G       As you like me
 2/4 G       As you like me. JJo.109
 2/4 G       As you like me. JJo.109
 2/4 G       As you like me. JJo.109
 6/8 F       As You Were
 6/8 Fmaj    As You Were
     G       Åtabakspolska 1
 3/4 D minor Atabakspolska av Goran Olsson, Follinge
 3/4 Dm      Atabakspolska av Goran Olsson, Follinge
12/8 C _2/4B Ata Bar?
 4/4 Dm      Ata Be Libi
  C| D       Ata bidag ar MacThomais
 3/4 Gmaj    Ataireachd Ard, An
 6/8 HP      Ataireachd Ard, An
 3/4 G       Ataireachd Ard #2, An
 3/4 G       Ataireacho Ard, An
 6/8 D       Atalanta
 6/8 D       Atalanta.(2 voices). TWC.292
 6/8 A       Atalantic. THO5.138, The
 3/4 D       A tam w Toruniu na bloniu
 3/8 C       Atardecer (XA 19)
 2/4 Gmix    Atavist, The
 2/4 Amix    Atavist, The
 6/8 Dmin    At Cloone Church Gate the Fight Began
 3/4 G major At Close of Day. WHG.042
 3/4 G       At Close of Day. WHG.042
 3/4 G       At Close of Day. WHG.043
 6/8 D       At Dead Of Night, When All Is Still
 6/8 Amaj    At Dooley's With Ollie
 6/8 Amaj    At Dooley's With Ollie
 6/8 C _B _e Ate? Alevde De?il...
 2/4 G       At Early Dawn from Humble Cot
 9/8 C _2/4B Ate? Att?m Samana
10/8 C _B    Âte?-i A?k?nla Cânâ
 9/4 C _7/8B Âte?-i A?k?nla Ey ?ûh-i ?enim
10/8 C _7/8B Âte?-i Sûzân-? Firkat
 4/4 Gm      Atens Marsch efter Kangas Spelmän
   C C       At far min kunne gjera
   C Edor    Atheal Broes, The
 4/4 Emin    Athena's
 4/4 Dmaj    Athens Taxi Ride, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Athens Taxi Ride, The
 4/4 Amaj    Athens Taxi Ride, The
 6/8 Emin    Atherfield
 6/8 Em      Atherfield
 6/8 Amix    Athernie Lodge
     Em      A' the Way to Galloway
   C E Minor A' the Way to Galloway
  C| Eb      Athlone Bridge
  C| G       ATHLONE BRIDGE (hornpipe), The
 6/8 D       Athlone Jig, the
 6/8 D       Athlone Jig, the
  C| Ador    Athlone Races
  C| Ddor    Athol and his Highland Men
  C| A       Athol Braes
  C| G       Athol Braes
  C| G       Athol Bray
  C| G       Athol Brays
  C| G       Athol Bray(s)
  C| G       Athol Brays
  C| G       Athol Brays
  C| G       Athol Brays.  JJo1.021
  C| G       Athol Brays. JJo1.021
  C| G       Athol Brays. WCD3/1.003
 4/4 Dmaj    Athol Brose
 4/4 Dmix    Athol Brose
 4/4 Amix    Athol Brose
 4/4 Dmaj    Athol Brose
 4/4 Dmix    Athol Brose
   C D       ATHOL BROSE - Strathspey
   C Emin    Athol Cummers [1]
   C Em      Athol Cummers -- Strathspey, the
   C Em      Athol Cummers -- Strathspey, The
 2/4 A       Athole And Breadalbane Gathering #1, The
 2/4 A       Athole And Breadalbane Gathering #2, The
     D       Athole Brose
     Dm      Athole Brose
     G       Athole Brose

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