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C| Edor Auld Grey Cat, the C| Edor Auld Grey Cat, the C| Auld Grey Cat, The C| EDor Auld Grey Cat, The C| Edor Auld Grey Cat [Em], the C| EDor Auld Grey Cat, The C| EDor Auld Grey Cat, The C| EDor Auld Grey Cat, The C| EDor Auld Grey Cat, The (R-82) 6/8 G Auld Grey Mare, The 6/8 A|d>ed Auld Gudeman, The 6/8 G Auld Gudeman, The 6/8 D Auld Guidwife, The 4/4 Gmaj Auld Hoose, The 3/4 G Auld Hoose, The C G AULD HOUSE, the C G AULD HOUSE, The C Ab Auld House, The C G Auld House, The 6/8 A AULD INN, the 6/8 A AULD INN, The A Auld Inn, The 6/8 A Auld Inn, The 6/8 Dmaj Auld Ireland 3/4 G Auld Jew, The 6/8 A Auld Jock the Tinker 6/8 A Auld Jock the Tinker G Auld Kirk, The C G AULD KIRK, the C G AULD KIRK, The C E Auld Kirk, The C D Auld Kirkyard, The C G AULD LAND SYNE 2/4 C major Auld Lang Sine. JBs.023 2/4 C Auld Lang Sine. JBs.023 4/4 C Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G Auld Lang Syne 4/4 F Auld Lang Syne 4/4 F Auld Lang Syne 4/4 F Auld Lang Syne 4/4 C Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G Auld Lang Syne 4/4 D Auld Lang Syne 4/4 D Auld Lang Syne 2/4 G Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G major Auld Lang Syne C| C major Auld Lang Syne 2/4 G major Auld Lang Syne 4/4 D Auld Lang Syne 4/4 Gmaj Auld Lang Syne 4/4 Gmaj Auld Lang Syne 4/4 Cmaj Auld Lang Syne 4/4 Gmaj Auld Lang Syne 4/4 Gmin Auld Lang Syne 4/4 Gmaj Auld Lang Syne C F Auld Lang Syne 2/4 D Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G Auld Lang Syne C HP AULD LANG SYNE C HP AULD LANG SYNE C HP AULD LANG SYNE 4/4 Am Auld lang syne 4/4 G Auld Lang Syne C G Auld Lang Syne C F Auld lang syne 4/4 D Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G Auld Lang Syne C| C Auld Lang Syne C F Auld Lang Syne C F Auld Lang Syne 2/4 D Auld Lang Syne C F Auld lang Syne C A Auld Lang Syne C G AULD LANGSYNE 2/4 G Auld Lang Syne C G AULD LANG SYNE C G AULD LANG SYNE 2/4 F Auld Lang Syne 2/4 F AULD LANGSYNE C D Auld Lang Syne 2/4 G Auld Lang Syne 2/4 A Auld Lang Syne 2/4 C major Auld Lang Syne 2/4 C Auld Lang Syne 4/4 G major Auld Lang Syne 4/4 Cmaj Auld Lang Syne C F Auld Lang Syne [1] C| F Auld lang syne [1] C F Auld lang Syne [1] 2/4 A Auld Langsyne [2] C A Auld Lang Syne [2] 4/4 D Auld Lang Syne (240) C G Auld Langsyne [2] (Old Scotch) 2/4 C major Auld Lang Syne. BF12.25 2/4 C major Auld Lang Syne. BF12.25 2/4 C major Auld Lang Syne. BF12.25 2/4 C major Auld Lang Syne. BF12.25 2/4 A Auld Lang Syne. EHo.374 2/4 D major Auld Lang Syne. HS.15 2/4 D Auld Lang Syne. HS.15 C C major Auld Lang Syne. JGi.132 C C Auld Lang Syne. JGi.132 C C Auld Lang Syne. JGi.132 2/4 C Auld Lang Syne. JHa.03 4/4 D Auld Lang Syne (Modern Version) 2/4 D Auld Lang Syne (old tune) C D Auld Lang Syne (old tune) 4/4 D Auld Lang Syne (Original Version) 2/4 C Auld Lang Syne Primo. & Secondo WHL.[extra_2] 2/4 C Auld Lang Syne Primo. WHL.[051] 2/4 C Auld Lang Syne Secondo. WHL.[174] C F Auld Lang Syne (Song) C F Auld Lang Syne (Song) C F Auld Lang Syne (Song) C C Auld Lang Syne (Song) [C] Auld Lang Syne Strathspey C G Auld Lang Syne. TWC.054 2/4 G Auld Lang Syne WES.078 C C major Auld Lan Syne. JaW.043 C C Auld Lan Syne. JaW.043 C C Auld Lan Syne. JaW.043 2/4 G Auld Lansyne. WG.46 C| Dm AULDLNG1- Auld lang Syne C| Dm AULDLNG1- Auld lang Syne 2/4 F AULDLNG3- Should auld acquaintance be forgot C| F AULDLNG4- O can ye labor lea, young man C| F AULDLNG4- O can ye labor lea, young man C G AULDLNG5- The Miller's Daughter C G AULDLNG6- Comin thro' the rye. 1st set C Bb AULDLNG7- Comin thro' the rye. 2nd set. C Bb AULDLNG7- Comin thro' the rye. 2nd set. 2/4 G AULDLNG8- Overture to Rossina, 1783 C D AULDLNG9- Sir Alex. Don's Strathspey, from the C F Auld Long Syne [1] C Auld Luckie 4/4 C Auld Luckie 4/4 C Auld Luckie C C Auld Luckie C C AULD LUCKIE C C Auld Luckie 4/4 C Auld Luckie 6/8 Ador Auld Maid Of Fife, The 6/8 Amin Auld Maid of Fife 6/8 Ador Auld Maid of Fife, The 6/8 Gm AULD MAID WAD BE MARRIED, the 6/8 Gm AULD MAID WAD BE MARRIED, The 6/8 Gmin Auld Maid Wad be Married 6/8 Gmin Auld Maid Wad be Married 6/8 Gmin Auld Maid wad be Married, The F Auld Man (Elgin), The 6/8 G Auld Man He Cam' O'er The Lea, The C| G major Auld Man ill ne'er die, the C| G Auld Man ill ne'er die, the C| G Auld Man ill ne'er die, the C| G Auld Man ill ne'er die, The C| G Auld Man ill ne'er die., The C| F Auld Man ill Ne'er Die. EHO.342, The C| G Auld Man ill ne'er die, The 2/4 G Auld Man's from Home, The 2/4 G Auld Man's from Home, The 2/4 G Auld Man's from Home, The 2/4 G Auld Man's From Home THO1.046, The C A Auld Man's Mare's Dead, the 4/4 Ador Auld Man's Mare's Dead, The Em Auld Man's Mare's Dead, The C ADor Auld Man's Mare's Dead, the C Em Auld Man's Mare's Dead, the C A Auld Man's Mare's dead., The C Ador Auld Man's Mare's Dead, The C ADor Auld Man's Mare's Dead, The 4/4 Em Auld Man's Mare's Dead, The 4/4 Em Auld Man's Mare's Dead, The C F Auld Man, The (Elgin) C D AULDNLG2- Auld Lang Syne (old tune) C D AULDNLG2- Auld Lang Syne (old tune) 4/4 Amix Auld Pipe, The 4/4 Amix Auld Pipe, The 4/4 Amin Auld Pipe, The 4/4 Ador Auld Pipe, The 4/4 Ador Auld Pipe, The 4/4 Dmaj Auld Rattray 2/4 D Auld Rattray 6/8 D Auld Reckie, or Hoble about C| Amix Auld Reekie Auld Reekie Hornpipe C| Gm Auld Reekie Hornpipe C| Gm Auld Reekie Hornpipe C| Gm Auld Reekie Hornpipe C| Gm Auld Reekie Hornpipe 6/8 D major Auld Reekie, or Hoble about 6/8 D Auld Reekie. or Hoble about. 6/8 D Auld Reekie, or Hoble about 6/8 D Auld Reekie, or Hoble about. 6/8 D Auld Reekie, or Hoble about. C| AMix Auld Rigadoo, The, The C G Auld Road to Towie, The C G major Auld Robin Gray C D major Auld Robin Gray