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 6/4 Gm      B395-  Robin Hood and the Stranger
 6/4 Gm      B396-  Robin Hood and the Stranger
   C Dm      B397-  Robinson's Almain
  C| C       B398-  Rogero
 3/4 F       B399-  Room for Company
 3/2 G       B400-  Room, Room for a Rover
 6/4 G       B401- Row Well, Ye Mariners
 3/4 C       B402-  Royal and Fair
 4/4 Dm      B403-  The Royal Ball
 4/4 Gm      B404-  Russell's Farewell
  C| G       B405-  Sabina
  C| C       B406-  Sabina
  C| Gm      B407-  Sad as Death
 3/4 D       B408-  The Sages of Old
  C| C       B409-  St. George for England
 3/4 Gm      B410-  Sawney and Jockey
  C| C       B411-  Sawney Will Never Be My Love Again
   C Gm      B412-  The Scotch Haymakers
 9/8 F       B413-  The Scotch Wedding
   C Dm      B414-  See the Building
 3/4 Dm      B415-  Sefautian's Farewell
 6/4 G       B416-  Sellenger's Round, or The Beginning of the
   C C       B417-  Shackley Hay, or To All You Ladies Now at
 3/4 C       B418-  Shackley Hay, or To All You Ladies Now at
  C| C       B419-  Shackley Hay, or To All You Ladies Now at
   C C       B420-  Shackley Hay, or To All You Ladies Now at
 8/4 C       B421-  The Shaking of the Sheets
 6/4 G       B422-  The Shaking of the Sheets
  C| F       B423-  Shall I Wrestle in Despair
 6/4 G       B424-  She Got Money By't
 4/4 C       B425-  She Lay All Naked in Her Bed
  C| G       B426-  The Shepherd's Daughter
   C Am      B427-  Sick, Sick
 3/4 Bb      B428-  Since Celia's My Foe
 3/4 Bb      B428-  Since Celia's My Foe
 6/8 C       B429-  Sing, Sing Whilst We Trip It
 3/4 C       B430-  Sing Tantara Rara
 6/4 G       B431B-  (Sing Tantara Rara, Fools all, Fools all)
 6/4 G       B432-  Sir Eglamore
  C| F       B433-  Sitting by Yonder River Side
  C| Gm      B434-  Smiling Phyllis
 6/4 D       B435-  Smiling Phyllis
 6/4 Bb      B436-  A Soldier and a Sailor
  C| Dm      B437-  Some say the Papists Had a Plot
  C| Gm      B438-  Sound a Charge (Put in All)
   C G       B439-  Sound a Charge
 6/4 D       B440-  The Spanish Gipsies
 6/8 D       B441-  The Spanish Gipsies
   C C       B442-  The Spanish Lady
 3/4 C       B443-  The Spanish Lady
  C| Bb      B444-  The Spanish Pavan
  C| G       B445-  The Spinning Wheel
  C| G       B446-  The Spinning Wheel
 3/4 Gm      B447-  State and Ambition
 6/4 F       B448-  Step Stately
 3/4 Dm      B449-  Still I'm Wishing, Still Desiring
 6/4 Gm      B450-  Stingo, or Oil of Barley, or Cold and Raw
 6/4 Gm      B450-  Stingo, or Oil of Barley, or Cold and Raw
 3/4 C       B451-  Cold and Raw (Stingo, Oyle of Barly)
  C| F       B452-  Strawberry Leaves Make Maidens Fair
  C| Dm      B453-  Sweet, If You Love Me
  C| F       B454-  Sweet, If You Love Me
  C| Am      B455-  Sweet, Use Your Time
  C| C       B456-  Tangier March
 4/4 Am      B457-  Tell Me, Jenny
  C| Dm      B458-  Tell Me, You Wandering Spirits (in the air)
 3/4 Gm      B459-  Tender Hearts of London City
 6/4 Dm      B460-  Then Then to the Duke, Let's Fill
  C| Gm      B461-  There is one Black and Sullen Hour
 6/4 G       B462-  Thomas, You Cannot
 6/4 C       B463-  Three Travelers
 3/4 F       B464-  Through the Wood, Laddy
 4/4 G       B465-  Thursday in the Morn
  C| Dm      B466-  Tobacco is an Indian Weed
  C| Am      B467-  Tom a Bedlam
 6/4 D       B468-  Tom Tinker
 3/4 G       B469-  Tom Tinker
 6/8 Em      B470-  A Tory, a Whig, and a Moderate Man
 6/4 G       B471-  Trenchmore
 3/4 G       B472-  'Twas Early One Morning
 6/8 Gm      B473-  'Twas When the Seas Were Roaring
 6/4 G       B474-  'Twas When the Sheep Were Shearing
  C| Am      B475-  The Two Entire Lovers
 6/4 G       B476-  Under and Over
   C D       B477-  Under the Greenwood Tree
 6/4 D       B478-  Under the Greenwood Tree
  C| G       B479-  Up Tails All
 3/4 E       B480-  Up with Aley, Aley
 9/4 E       B481-  Up with Aley, Aley
 6/4 D       B482-  Upon a Summer's Day
 6/4 C       B483-  Upon St. David's Day
 3/2 Bb      B484-  The Usurer's Daughter
 3/4 D       B485-  Valiant Jockey's Marched Away
 6/4 D       B486-  The Vicar and Moses
 6/8 F#      B487-  The Vicar of Bray (Tune= O Bessy Bell and
  C| G       B488-  The Vicar of Bray (Tune = Country Garden)
 6/4 G       B489-  Vive le Roi
  C| Cm      B490-  Walking in a Country Town
 3/2 G       B491-  Walsingham
 6/4 Bb      B492-  The Wanton Wife
 9/4 C       B493-  The Waterman's Dance
 6/4 Eb      B494-  Watkin's Ale
  C| Dm      B495-  We All to Conquering Beauty Bow
 6/4 G       B496-  Welladay [defective 13th meas]
 3/4 G       B497-  Wert Thou More Fairer Than Thou Art
 3/4 Gm      B498-  Wert Thou More Fairer Than Thou Art
 3/4 C       B499-  Wert Thou More Fairer Than Thou Art
  C| G       B500-  Wert thou more fairer than thou art (4th/4)
  C| Gm      B501-  What if a Day
  C| Gm      B501-  What if a Day
 3/4 Dm      B502-  What Shall I Do to Show How Much I Love Her
 3/4 Dm      B502-  What Shall I Do to Show How Much I Love Her
  C| Gm      B503-  When Aurelia First I Courted
 3/4 C       B504-  When Cannon are Roaring
 6/4 A       B505-  When First Amintas Sued for a Kiss
 6/4 D       B506-  When First the Scottish Wars Began
 3/4 G       B507-  When I Have Often Heard Young Maids
  C| G       B508-  When Love with Unconfined Wings
 6/4 Gm      B509-  When Maids Live to Thirty
  C| Gm      B510-  When My Kid and Lambs I Treated
  C| C       B511A-  When the King Enjoys His Own Again
   C C       B512-  When the Stormy Winds do Blow
 6/4 C       B513-  Where's My Shepherd?
  C| Gm      B514-  While I Gaze on Chloris Trembling
  C| A       B515-  While I Gaze on Chloris Trembling
 6/4 D       B516-  Who List to Lead a Soldeir's Life
 6/4 G       B517-  Who Liveth So Merry in All This Land
 6/4 G       B518-  Who's the Fool Now, or Martin Said to His
 3/4 G       B519-  Whoop! Do Me No Harm, Good Man
 3/4 G       B520-  Why Are My Eyes Still Flowing?
 3/4 Eb      B521-  Wigmore's Galliard
 3/4 Ddorian B522-  William and Margaret
 3/4 F       B523-  William and Margaret
 3/4 Gm      B524-  Willow, Willow
 3/4 Dm      B525-  Willow, Willow
 3/4 C       B526-  Wilson's Wild
 3/4 C       B526-  Wilson's Wild
 6/4 D       B527-  With a Fading (Rince Fada?)
 6/4 D       B528-  With a Fading (Rince Fada?)
 3/4 F       B529-  Woe is Me (What Mun I Do)
 3/4 D       B530-  Woodicock
 4/4 G       B531-  Would you be a Man of Fashion
 3/4 D       B532-  Would You Know How We Meet
 3/4 B       B533-  Wully and Georgy
 6/4 F       B534-  Ye Commons and Peers
 3/4 D       B535-  The Yellow -Haired Laddie
  C| Am      B536-  You I Love By All That's True
 9/4 Dm      B537-  You London Lads Be Merry, or Moggie's
  C| Dm      B538-  Young Jemmy (Was a Lad)
  C| Bb      B539-  Young Phaon (strove the bliss to taste)
   C A       B540-  Your Humble Servant, Madam
 6/8 G       BA_06
 9/8 C _1/4B Ba?a Girdim Ay Ç?kt?
 4/4 C _B _e Ba?a Girdim Kam??a
 3/4 G       Baatsman Daack Hambo
 2/4 Cm      Ba'aviv
 2/4 Cm      Ba'aviv
 6/8 D       Ba-b�  mo lean-abh
 7/8 Bb      Baba Georgia
 7/8 Bb min  Baba Georgia
 7/8 Bbm     Baba Georgia
 6/8 D Minor Ba-ba my Baby
 6/8 Dmin    Ba-ba my Baby
   C G       Babara Magone's Visit
   C G       Babara Magone's Visit
   C G       Babara Magone's Visit
 6/8 G major Bab at the Bouster.
 6/8 G       Bab at the Bouster.
 6/8 G       Bab at the Bouster
 6/8 G       Bab at the Bouster
 6/8 G       Bab at the Bouster.
 6/8 G       Bab at the Bouster.
     G       Bab at the Bowster
 6/8 G major Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
 6/8 G       Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
 2/4 G       Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
 2/4 G       Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
 2/4 G       Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
 4/4 G       Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
 2/4 G       Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
 3/4 D       Babba-Lisas Polska
     D       Babbit's Hornpipe
 2/4 D       Babbit's -- Hornpipe
 2/4 D       Babbit’s Hornpipe
 2/4 D       Babbit's Hornpipe
 6/8 Gmaj    Babbity Bowster
 6/8 G       Babbity Bowster
 6/8 Dmaj    Babble At Lowbridge
             Babbling Brooke, a
   C Gmin    Babby's Fancy
 4/4 Eb      Babe
 4/4 C       Babe in Bethlem's Manger Laid, The
 4/4 Eb      Babe Is Born, A
 4/4 E       Babe Is Born, A
 4/4 C       Babe Is Born, A
 3/4 C       Babe Is Born In Bethlehem, A
 4/4 G       Babe Is Born In Bethlehem, A
 3/4 F       Babe Is Born In Bethlehem, A

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