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 3/4 D       Bellmans polska
 3/4 D       Bellmans polska
 4/4 G       Bellman's Song, The
 4/4 G       Bellman's Song, The
 4/4 G       Bellman's Song, The
  C| A       Bellman, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Bell Of Ardclach, The
 4/4 Gmin    Bell Of Ardclach, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Bell Of Ardclach, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Bell Of Ardclach, The
  C| Em      Bell of Batoche, The
  C| G       Bell of Craigfoodie, The
 6/8 F       Bello Naneto
 4/4 A       Bellonian's Air. JClw.19, The
 4/4 A major Bellonian's Air,The. JClw.19
 4/4 A       Bellonian's Air,The. JClw.19
 2/2 G       Bellows and Bows
 4/4 Amaj    Bell Piano, The
 4/4 Amaj    Bell Piano, The
   C A       Bell Piano, The
     A       Bell Piano Reel, The
 2/4 C       BELL POLKA, THE
 2/4 C       Bell Polka (The)
 2/4 D       Bell Quick Step. CJF.049, The
 2/4 D major Bell Quick Step,The. CJF.049
 2/4 D       Bell Quick Step,The. CJF.049
 2/4 D       Bell Quick Step,The. CJF.049
 2/4 D       Bell Quick Step,The. CJF.049
 3/4 D       Bell Ringing
 3/4 C       Bell Ringing - Kerswell
 6/8 Dmaj    Bell Rock, The
 6/8 Dmaj    Bell Rock, The
 4/4 F       Bells
 3/4 Gmaj    Bell's
 4/4 D       Bells Are Ringing Glad And Sweet, The
 4/4 D       Bell Schottische, The
 6/8 D       Bell's Favorite
 6/8 D       Bell's Favorite
 6/8 D       Bell's Favorite
 6/8 D       Bell's Favorite Jig
 6/8 D       Bell's Favorite Jig
 6/8 D       Bell's Favourite
 6/8 Dmaj    Bell's Favourite
 6/8 Dmaj    Bell's Favourite
 6/8 D       Bell's Favourite
 3/4 G major Bell-side -- Minuet
 3/4 G       Bell-side -- Minuet
 3/4 G major Bell-sids-Minuet. JaW.091
 3/4 G       Bell-sids-Minuet. JaW.091
 3/4 G       Bell-sids-Minuet. JaW.091
 3/4 G       Bell-sids-Minuet. JaW.091
 2/4 Bb      Bells of Aberdovey, The
 2/4 G       Bells of Aberdovey, The
   C G       Bells of Aberdovey, The
 2/4 G       Bells of Aberdovey, The
 4/4 G       Bells of Bethlehem, The
   C HP      Bells of Dunblane, The
   C HP      Bells of Dunblane - Seconds, The
 6/8 Bmin    Bells Of Gorbio, The
 2/4 G       Bells of Hell, The
 2/4 D       Bells of Lewiston -- Reel
 2/4 D       Bells of Lewiston -- Reel
 6/8 Dmaj    Bells Of Lismore, The
 6/8 Gmaj    Bells Of Lismore, The
 2/2 D       Bells of Newport, The
  C| C       Bells of Norwich
  C| C       Bells of Norwich (C)
  C| D       Bells of Norwich (D)
 2/4 A       Bells of Osley, the
 2/4 A       Bells of Osley, The
 2/4 A       Bells of Osley, The
 2/4 A       Bells of Osley, The
 2/4 A       Bells of Osley THO3.156, The
 4/4 A       Bells of Paris
 2/4 Bb      Bells of Rhymney
     D       Bells of Rockland
   C D       Bells of Rockland
     D       Bells of Saint Marys, The
 4/4 D       Bells of St. Louis [1], The
 4/4 C       Bells of St. Marys, The
  C| D       Bells of Tipperary, The
 3/4 D Major Bell Table
 6/8 Dmaj    Belltable
 3/4 Dmaj    Belltable, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Belltable, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Belltable, The
 3/4 Amaj    Belltable, The
 3/4 D Major Bell Table
 6/8 D       Belltable Jig
 6/8 D       Belltable Jig
 3/4 D       Belltable, The
 3/4 D       Belltable, The
 3/4 D       Belltable, The
 3/4 D       Belltable Waltz
 3/4 D       Belltable Waltz
 3/4 D       BELLTABLE WALTZ, The
 6/8 G major Bell,The. JC.234
 6/8 G       Bell,The. JC.234
 6/8 G       Bell,The. JC.234
 4/4 D       Bell Tune (The)
 4/4 Dmaj    Bellview, The
 4/4 Edor    Bellydancer, The
 6/8 Emin    Belly Full Of Berries
 3/4 D       Belly Wassail
 3/4 D       Belly Wassail
 3/4 D       Belly Wassail
 3/4 C       Belmont
 3/4 D       Belmonter Valz
 3/4 Dphr^F  Belmonter Valz [D]
 4/4 C       Belo lice liubam jas
 2/4 Eb      Belopalanacka Sestorka
 2/4 Eb      Belopalnacka Sestorka
 2/4 F       Beloved Emblem
 6/8 G       BELOV'S JIG
   C G       Below The Aigas Dam
 4/4 Bmin    Below The Archway
 4/4 Bmin    Below The Archway
 3/4 G       Belsize Minuet
 3/4 G       Belsize Minuet?aka. JaW.091
 3/4 G       Belsize. PFD3.075
 3/4 G       Belsize. PFD3.075
 2/4 Am      Beltane (2x Bourrée)
 2/4 Am      Beltane (Bourrée)
     Am      Belted Plaid, The
  C| E       Belted Plaid and health to wear it, the
  C| E       Belted Plaid and health to wear it, The
  C| E       Belted Plaid and Health to Wear It, The
  C| E       Belted Plaid and Health to Wear It, The
  C| Amin    Belted Plaid (The)
 4/4 Dmin    Belter Skelter
 4/4 Cdor    Beluga Whale, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Beluga Whale, The
 2/4 G       Beluxt a beduxt (194), S. 423
 3/4 A       Belvedera
 3/4 A       Belvedera. WCD3/2.163
     G       Belvidere Hornpipe, The
 2/4 G       Belvidere -- Hornpipe
 2/4 G       Belvidere Hornpipe
 2/4 G       Belvidere Hornpipe
 3/4 Dm      Belz
 2/4 Gm      Belz #1
 2/4 Gm      Belz #1   [Gm]
 2/4 Gmix_A  Belz #2
 3/4 F#min   Belzémire
 2/4 Am      Belzer Nigun
 2/4 Gm      Belzer Nigun
 2/4 Am      Belzer Nigun   [Am]
 2/4 Gm      Belzer Nigun   [Gm]
  C| F       Be merry and Wise
  C| F       Be Merry and Wise (1)
  C| D       Be Merry and Wise [2]
 6/8 G       BE MINE THE DELIGHT. (Faust.)
     D       Ben-A' Chie
  C| Eb      Ben-a' Chie
10/8 C _1/4B Ben A?lar ?dim Her Gece
  C| F       Ben Alligen
 2/4 C _B _e Ben Bir
 3/4 C _2/4B Ben Bir Alt?n Fenerim
 4/4 G       Ben Bolt
 4/4 Em      BENBO (reel), The
 4/4 C       Benbow
  C| D       BENBOW-  Come all you sailors bold (Admiral
   C Bmin    Ben Bowling's Hornpipe
   C Amin    Benbow, the Brother Tar
 4/4 Bmin    Benbulben's Shadow
 4/4 Bmin    Benbulben's Shadow
 4/4 Bmin    Benbulben's Shadow
 4/4 Bmin    Benbulben's Shadow
 2/4 Bb      Ben Butler's
     A       Ben Butler's Reel
 2/4 Bb      Ben Butler's -- Reel
 5/8 C _B _e Ben Bû-yi Vefâ Bekler ?ken
 3/4 F       Ben Cherry's Mazurka
  C| Dmin    Bench of Rushes, The
 6/8 Bmin    Bench [sic] of Green Rushes [2], The
 4/4 Emin    Ben C Niven
 4/4 Ador    Bencroy
 4/4 G       BENCROY (reel), The
 2/4 C _2/4B Ben de Gittim Bir Geyi?in Av?na
 3/4 D       Bendels 70-årspolska
 9/4 C _2/4B Bendeni Gördükçe
 5/8 C _2/4B Benden Selâm Olsun
 8/4 C _2/4B Bende Oldum
 2/4 A       Benderloch Bay
 6/8 F       Bending My Elbow
 6/8 G       Bending the Ferret
     G       Bending the Ferret
 6/8 G       Bending the Ferret
 6/8 Dm      Bending Time
 2/4 Bbmaj   Bendliker Schottisch BbEb (5letras) cf. GC
 2/4 Cmaj    Bendliker Schottisch CF 5- chords
 2/4 C       Bendliker Schottisch CF (5letras transposed)
 2/4 C       Bendliker Schottisch CF (5letras transposed)

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