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 6/8 C _2/4B Bir Elif Çekdi Yine
10/8 C _1/4B Bir Emele Bin Âh Çeksem
 8/4 C _1/4B Birer Birer Geçiyor
 9/8 C _2/4B Bir Esmere Gönül Verdim
 9/8 C _1/4B Bir F?nd???n ?çini...
 3/4 Bb      Birgebärg-Juiz  Bb
 3/4 Bb      Birgebärg-Juiz  Bb
 3/4 C       Birgebärg-Juiz  C 2+
 9/8 C _1/4B Bir Gemim Var
 5/8 C       Bir Gemi Yapt?rd?m
 3/4 D       Birgittas vals
32/4 C _2/4B Bir Gonca Femin Yâresi
 6/4 C _1/4B Bir Gönlüme Bir Hâl-i Peri?an?ma...
 9/8 C _2/4B Bir Gönülde ?ki Sevdâ
 9/8 C ^9/8f Bir Gönülde ?ki Sevdâ Olamaz
 8/4 C _1/4B Bir Gönül Vard? Bende...
 9/4 C _1/4B Bir Gören Bir Dem Unutmaz
14/8 C _1/4B Bir Görü?te Dü?tü Gönlüm
 6/4 C _B _e Bir Gün O Güzel ?âdedecek...
10/8 C _1/4B Bir Gün Olsun Ara
 4/4 C _2/4B Bir Gün Sevdi?imi Anlayacaks?n
 9/4 C _B    Bir Haber Ver Ey Sabâ
10/8 C _1/4B Bir Hadise Var...
 4/4 C _1/4B Bir Hâlet ile Süzdü Yine
 6/8 C _2/4B Bir H??m?nan Geldi Geçti
 8/4 C _B _e Bir ?htimal Daha Var
 9/4 C _2/4B Bir Katre ?çen
 4/4 Gmaj    Birkenburn
 4/4 G       Birkenburn
 6/4 C _B _e Bir Kendi Gibi Zalimi Sevmi?
 4/4 D       Birken Tree, The
 2/4 Edor    Birken Tree, The
   C EDor    Birken Tree, the
   C EDor    Birken Tree, the
 2/4 Am      Birken Tree,The
  C| G       Birkes of Ebergeldie
     D       Birkhall
   C A       Birk Hall
 4/4 D       Birkhall
  C| D       Birkhall
  C| D       Birkhall
   C A Mix   Birk Hall
   C Amix    Birk Hall
   C A       Birk Hall
 4/4 D       Birkhall
 4/4 D       Birkhall
 4/4 D       Birkhall
   C C       Birks O' Aberfeldie, The
   C C       Birks O' Aberfeldie, The
   C C       Birks of abbergaldie, The
   C G       Birks of Aberfelde
     D       Birks of Aberfeldie
   C B minor Birks of Aberfeldie, The
   C Bm      Birks of Aberfeldie, The
 4/4 D       Birks Of Aberfeldy, The
     F       Birks of Aberfeldy, The
  C| F       BIRKS OF ABERFELDY.     a Reel.
  C| G major Birks of Abergeldie
  C| G       Birks of Abergeldie.
   C G       Birks of Abergeldie, The
   C G       Birks of Abergeldie
 4/4 D       Birks of Abergeldie, The
  C| G       Birks of Abergeldie
  C| G       Birks of Abergeldie
  C| G       Birks of Abergeldie.
  C| G       Birks of Abergeldie
   C G       Birks of Abergeldie, The
   C G       Birks of Abergeldie. TWC.114
  C| F       Birks of Abergeldy
   C G       Birks of Abergeldy
 2/4 F       Birks of Abergeldy
 4/4 E Minor Birks of Abergeldy, The
  C| F       Birk's of Abergeldy, The
  C| F       Birks of Abergeldy.   a Reel.
  C| Gdor    Birks of Abergeldy. Reel. Roose. 0639, The
  C| Dm      Birks of Abergeldy. WTG.[041]
     D       Birks of Delhandy, The
   C D       Birks of Delhandy, The
 4/4 D       Birks of Endermay, The
   C D       Birks of Endermay
   C A       Birks of Endermay, The
   C D       Birks of Endermay, The
   C A       Birks of Envermay, the
   C A       Birks of Envermay, The
   C Bb      Birks of Envermay
 4/4 C       Birks of Indermay. JBut.90 *missing*, The
   C Bb      Birks of Inveraray. Roose.0547, The
  C| A       Birks of Invergary, The
   C C       Birks of Invermary
 4/4 G major Birks of Invermay, the
     G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Birks Of Invermay, The
     G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, the
             Birks of Invermay, The
   C D       BIRKS OF INVERMAY, the
   C D       BIRKS OF INVERMAY, the
   C Bb      BIRKS OF INVERMAY, the
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, the
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, the
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, the
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, the
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, the
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
   C Bb      Birks of Invermay
   C G       Birks of Invermay., The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
   C D       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       BIRKS OF INVERMAY         # 1        X2, THE
 4/4 G       BIRKS OF INVERMAY/ Loudon's Bonnie Woods # 4     
 4/4 G       BIRKS OF INVERMAY/Miss Douglas  #2    2X, THE
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       BIRKS OF INVERMAY, The
   C Bb      Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 G       Birks of Invermay, The
 4/4 C       BIRKS OF INVERMAY/The Ury Water  #3         2X,
  C| D       Birks or.... Roose.0946
  C| D       Birks or.... Roose.0946
 4/4 Ab      Birks Works
 4/4 Bbm     Birk's works
 8/4 C _2/4B Bir K?z ile
 8/4 C _B    Bir K?z?l Goncaya Benzer...
 4/4 D       Birlin' Braces
 4/4 Bmin    Birlin In Brittany
 4/4 Bmin    Birlin In Brittany
 6/8 Gmaj    Birlinn Ghoraidh Chrobhain
 3/4 D       Birlinn Ghoraion Chròbnan
 3/4 D       Birlinn Ghoraion Chròbnan
14/8 C _1/4B Bir Makam-? Dilni?în`e
 9/8 C _2/4B Bir Melek-sîma Peri Gördüm
  C| A       Birmingham
 4/4 Gmaj    Birmingham, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Birmingham, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Birmingham, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Birmingham, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Birmingham, The
  C| G       Birmingham
  C| G       Birmingham
  C| A       Birmingham [1]
 2/4 D       Birmingham [2]
  C| G       Birmingham (A46)
 4/4 C       Birmingham Boys
     D       Birmingham Hornpipe, The
  C| D       Birmingham -- Hornpipe
  C| D       Birmingham Hornpipe
 4/4 D       Birmingham Hornpipe
12/8 D       Birmingham Lads
 6/8 G       Birmingham Lasses. Roose.0050
 6/8 G       Birmingham Lasses. Roose.0050
   C G       Birmingham March, The
   C G       Birmingham March, The
 9/8 C       Bir Misli
 9/4 C _1/4B Bir Muhayyer Bûselik
 8/8 C _B    Bir Muhayyerkürdî Taksîm Et
     D       Birnam Hall (Dunkeld)
 9/8 Gmaj    Birnam Triangle, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Birnam Triangle, The
     D       Birnam Wood
  C| D       Birnam Wood
   C D       Birnam Wood
 4/4 D       Birnam Wood
 6/8 D       Birnan Hall (Dunkeld)
 2/4 C _2/4B Bir Nazar Eyledim
 6/8 G       Birnbaum (262), S. 559f, Der
 3/4 C _B _e Bir Ne?`e Umdu Gönül
   C D       Birnes Hornpipe
   C D       Birnes Hornpipe
 9/8 C _7/8B Bir Nevcivâne Dil Müptelâd?r
 5/8 C _1/4B Bir Nevcivans?n
   C D       Birnham Wood
   C D       Birnham Wood
 9/8 C _2/4B Bir Nigâh Et Kahrile Bakma
 9/4 C _7/8B Bir Nigâh Et Ne Olur
 9/4 C ^1/4f Bir Nigâh ile
 6/8 C _B    Bir Nigâh-? ?ltifât?n
 9/8 C ^f ^c Bir Nigâh?n Kalbimi...
32/4 C _2/4B Bir Nim-nigah
   C D       Birnom Wood
 2/4 C _2/4B Bir Of Çeksem
 4/4 C _2/4B Bir Perik?z?
 9/4 C       Bir Peri-rûyin
14/8 C _1/4B Bir Pesendîde Edâ
 9/8 C       Bir Pür Cefâ Ho? Dilberdir
 9/8 C _2/4B Bir Rum Dilbere
 8/4 C _2/4B Bir Sadâ-y? Dilnüvâz
     A       Birsay Haddock, The
 4/4 D       Birsay Reel, The
 9/4 C _1/4B Bir Sebeple Gücenmi?sin...
 9/8 C _7/8B Bir Seni Bir Gülü...

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