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 4/4 Amaj    Cambridge, The
 4/4 Gmin    Cambridge, The
 4/4 Amaj    Cambridge Caravan Catastrophy
   C Bb      Cambridge Heath
   C Bb      Cambridge Heath
 4/4 A       Cambridge Hornpipe, the
 4/4 A       Cambridge Hornpipe, the
     D       Cambridge Hornpipe, The
 4/4 A       Cambridge Hornpipe, the
 4/4 A       Cambridge Hornpipe, the
 4/4 A       Cambridge Hornpipe
  C| A       Cambridge Hornpipe, The
   C D       Cambridge Hornpipe
  C| A       Cambridge Hornpipe  [A], the
 4/4 A       Cambridge Hornpipe  [A]
  C| D       Cambridge Hornpipe  (D), the
 4/4 D       Cambridge Hornpipe  (D)
   C D       Cambridge Hornpipe. Ya.19
 4/4 Gmaj    Cambridge Road
 4/4 Gmaj    Cambridge Road
 4/4 Gmaj    Cambridge Road
             Cambridge Roundabout
 4/4 A       Cambridge (The)
 3/4 D       Cambridge Waltz, The
 3/4 D       Cambridge Waltz, The
 3/4 D       Cambridge Waltz, The
 2/4 G       Cambro Britions
 2/4 G       Cambro Britons, The
 2/4 G       Cambro Britons
 2/4 G       Cambro Britons
 2/4 G       Cambro Britons 1, The
 2/4 G       Cambro Britons 2, The
 2/4 D       Cambro Britons 3, The
 6/8 Amix    Cambuslang
 6/8 Amix    Cambuslang
 7/8 G       Camceto
 4/4 G       Camchuairt an Chonnachtaigh
 4/4 Gmaj    Camchuairt An Connachtaigh
 6/8 D       CAMDEN'S JIG
 2/4 Bb      Camel, The
 2/4 Bb      Camel, The
 4/4 Bb      Camel Dance
 4/4 Dmaj    Camel Hump
 4/4 Emin    Camel Hump
  C| Em      Camel Hump
 4/4 B       Camel Hump
 3/4 C       CAMELIA WALTZ
 9/8 C major Camel po Canalen
 9/8 C       Camel po Canalen
 6/8 D       Camels Are Coming, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Camel's Hump, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Camel's Hump, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Camel's Hump, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Camel's Hump, The
 4/4 C       Camel's Hump
 4/4 C       Camel's Hump
 4/4 C       Camel's Hump (with piano acc.)
 4/4 C       Camel's Hump (with piano acc.)
 4/4 Gmaj    Camel's Toe, The
 3/4 Gmin    Camembert, The
 3/4 Dmin    Camembert, The
 6/8 Amin    Camergo, La
 2/4 G major Cameronean Rant. JMP.090, The
 2/4 G major Cameronean Rant,The. JMP.090
   C D       Cameron Got His Wife Again (Old Scotch)
   C D       Cameron has got his Wife again.
  C| G       Cameron has got his Wife again
   C D       Cameron has got his wife again
   C D       Cameron has got his Wife again
   C D       Cameron has got his Wife again
   C D       Cameron has got his Wife again.
   C D       Cameron has got his wife again.    a Strathspey
   C D       Cameron has got his Wife again.   A Strathspey
   C D       Cameron has got his Wife again, Strathspey
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlander 1st part harmony on repeat of
 4/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, the
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Amaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameron Highlanders, The
  C| A       Cameron Highlanders, The
  C| A       Cameron Highlanders, the
  C| A       Cameron Highlanders, the
     A       Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 A       Cameron Highlanders
 2/4 A       Cameron Highlanders
 4/4 Amix    Cameron Highlanders, the
  C| A       Cameron Highlanders, the
  C| A       Cameron Highlanders, the
 2/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, the
 2/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, the
 2/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, The
 2/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Hp      Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, The
 2/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Hp      Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 Hp      Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 A       Cameron Highlanders, The
  C| D       Cameron Highlanders, The
 4/4 C       Cameron House
   C Amin    Cameron House
 4/4 C       Cameron House (#239)
   C Am      Cameron House, a Strathspey
   C A Minor Cameron House, a Strathsy.
  C| G       Cameronian, The
   C D Major Cameronian
 4/4 Gmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian, The
  C| D       Cameronian, the
     G       Cameronian, The
  C| D       Cameronian
  C| D       Cameronian, The
  C| D       Cameronian
 4/4 D       Cameronian, The
  C| G       CAMERONIAN, the
  C| G       CAMERONIAN, The
 4/2 G mixo  Cameronian, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian
  C| DMaj    Cameronian Highlander
  C| DMaj    Cameronian Highlander
   C D       Cameronian March [1]
 4/4 Fmaj    Cameronian Rant, The
     G       Cameronian Rant, The
  C| F       Cameronian Rant
   C G       CAMERONIAN RANT, the
 2/4 G       Cameron[i]an Rant
  C| F       Cameronian Rant
   C F       Cameronian Rant
  C| F       Cameronian Rant
   C F       Cameronian Rant
   C D       Cameronian Rant, The
   C FLyd    Cameronian Rant
   C F       Cameronian Rant.   a Reel., the
   C F       Cameronian Rant.   a Reel., The
   C HP      CAMERONIAN RANT (cont.)  " ", THE
 6/8 HP      Cameronian Rant  "CYMRU", The
  C| F       Cameronian Rant, The
  C| F       Cameronian Rant, The
  C| F       Cameronian Rant, The
  C| Fmix    Cameronian Rant, The
  C| F       Cameronian Rant, The
   C F major Cameronian Rant, The TS.216
   C F       Cameronian Rant, The TS.216
  C| F       Cameronian Rant THO1.183
   C F       Cameronian Rant. TS.216, The
   C F       Cameronian Rant.  TWC.089
   C G major Cameronian (reel)
  C| D       Cameronian Reel
  C| D       Cameronian Reel
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel
  C| D       Cameronian reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, the
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, the
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, the
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, the
 2/4 D       CAMERONIAN -- REEL
  C| D       Cameronian Reel
 4/4 D       Cameronian Reel
  C| D       Cameronian Reel [1], The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel [1], The
  C| G       Cameronian Reel [2], The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       CAMERONIAN (reel), The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
   C F       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The
     D       Cameronian Reel, The
  C| D       Cameronian Reel, The [1]
   C D       Cameronian Reel. TWC.107
 4/4 Dmaj    Cameronian Set

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