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6/8 D Campbells are Comin', The 6/8 G Campbell's Are Comin'. WES.074, The Campbell's Caper 4/4 D Campbell's Dilemma 4/4 D Campbell's Dilemma 4/4 G Campbell. SenH.029 6/8 Campbell's Fancy C| D Campbell's Fancy Campbell's Farewell Set 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle C| Amix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 AMix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 DMix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 A major Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 AMix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 AMix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 AMix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 Amix Campbell’s Farewell to Red Castle 2/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 4/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 AMix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 A major Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 Dmaj Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 A Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle 2/4 A Campbell's Farewell To Redcastle #1 2/4 A Campbell's Farewell To Redcastle #2 C| HP Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle "CCPB Sep-1995" C| HP Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle "CCPB Sep-1995" 4/4 Dmix Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle (DMix) C| Amix Campbell's Farewell To Redgap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Redgap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Dmix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 4/4 Amix Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap 3/4 D Campbell's Farewell Waltz 3/4 D Campbell's Farewell Waltz 4/4 Gmaj Campbell's Favourite 6/8 G Campbell's Frolic Campbell's Frolic G Campbell's Frolic 6/8 G Campbell's Frolic 6/8 G Campbell's Frolic 6/8 G Campbell's Frolic G Campbell's Frolic C| D CAMPBELL'S HORNPIPE C| D Campbell's Hornpipe 6/8 G Campbell's is coming. JHa.34, The 2/4 A Campbell’s Jig C D CAMPBELLS of MEENAHULLA, The (reel) 4/4 Dmix Campbell's Reel C| Bb Campbell's Reel [1] C| Eb Campbell Street 4/4 Amix Campbelltown Kiltie Ball, The C A Campbelltown Kiltie Ball C Amix Campbelltown Kiltie Ball 4/4 A Campbelltown Kiltie Ball, The 6/8 A Campbelltown Loch 6/8 G Campbel's Frolick. JJo6.103 6/8 G Campbel's Frolick. Ru1.097 6/8 G Campbel's Frolick. Ru1.097 G Campbel's Frolick. Ru1.097 C| D Campbel [sic] has got his Wife again 6/8 G Campbelss are coming,The. CJF.108 6/8 G Campbelss are coming,The. CJF.108 4/4 Amaj Camp Chase C| A Camp Chase [1] C| Amix Camp Chase [2] C| A Camp Chase [2] 2/4 G Camp Chase [3] 4/4 D Camp Chase (Adam Hurt) 2/4 D Campdown Races 4/4 A Campell's Farewell To Red Gap 6/8 D Camp Fire Jig C Em CAMPFIRE REEL, The 2/4 C Camp Frolic, the 2/4 C Camp Frolic, The 2/4 C Camp Frolic. JJo.112, The 2/4 C Camp Frolic, The 2/4 C major Camp Frolic,The. JJo.112 2/4 C Camp Frolic,The. JJo.112 D Camp Hornpipe C D CAMP HORNPIPE C D Camp Hornpipe 3/2 G Camp House Hornpipe 3/2 C Camp House Hornpipe 4/4 A major Camping With Roosters 4/4 Amaj Camping With Roosters 4/4 A Camping With Roosters 6/4 C Camp Jigg. HA.042, The 6/4 C major Camp Jigg,The. HA.042 6/4 C Camp Jigg,The. HA.042 C Camp Meeting, The C A CAMP MEETING, the C A CAMP MEETING, The 2/4 A Camp Meeting [1] C| A Camp Meeting [2] 2/4 C Camp Meeting [3] 2/4 C Camp Meeting -- Hornpipe 2/4 A CAMP MEETING -- JIG. C| A CAMP-MEETING -- JIG No.2. C D Camp Meeting on the Fourth of July C D Camp Meeting on the Fourth of July C D Camp Meeting on the Fourth of July C D Camp Meeting on the Fourth of July C D Camp Meeting on the Fourth of July C D Camp Meeting on the Fourth of July C| C Camp Nelson Blues C D CAMP OCEANWARD Camp of Pleasure C D Camp of Pleasure, The C| G Camp Run A Campsie Glen C A Campsie Glen C A CAMPSIE GLEN C A Campsie Glen 6/8 D Campsite Jig 2/4 D major Camp. THO4.005, The 2/4 D Camp THO4.005, The 2/4 D Camp. THO4.005, The 2/4 G CAMP TOWN HORNPIPE 2/4 D Camptown Hornpipe [2] 2/4 D Camptown Hornpipe [2] 2/4 G Camptown Hornpipe (3) 2/4 G Camptown Hornpipe [4] 6/8 G Camptown Jig ("Rein") 4/4 C Camptown Races, The 2/2 D Camptown Races 2/4 Gmaj Camptown Races 2/4 Fmaj Camptown Races 2/4 Amaj Camptown Races 2/4 Gmaj Camptown Races 2/4 Amaj Camptown Races 2/4 Gmaj Camptown Races 2/4 Amaj Camptown Races C Camptown Races 2/4 G Camptown Races 4/4 G Camptown Races 4/4 D Camptown Races 4/4 D Camptown Races 4/4 G Camptown Races 12/8 A Camptown Races 2/4 G Camptown Races [1] 2/4 A Camptown Races [2] 12/8 A Camptown Races [2] 2/4 A CAMPTOWN RACES (polka), The 2/4 G Camptown Races WES.046 2/4 A Camp-Town Reel 4/4 Dmin Camptown Wraiths C| D Camronanens Reel or Rant JBut.151, The C| Dmix Camron has got his Wife again 9/8 Ddor Camstroddan’s Rant 9/8 D CAMSTRODEN'S RANT 9/8 D Camstroden's Rant 9/8 D Camstroden's Rant. JJo3.150 9/8 D Camstroden's Rant. JJo3.150 9/8 D Camstroden's Rant. JJo3.150 9/8 D Camstroden's Rant (Old Irish) 9/8 D Camstroden's Rant. TWC.012 9/8 D Camstronnan's Rant 6/8 D CAM YE BY ATHOL 6/8 D CAM' YE BY ATHOL 6/8 D Cam ye by Athol 6/8 D Cam' Ye by Athol? 3/4 Dmaj Cam Ye By Athole 3/4 Dmaj Cam Ye By Athole 6/8 D major Cam' ye by Atholl ? 6/8 HP Cam' ye by Atholl 6/8 HP Cam' ye by Atholl 6/8 D Cam' ye by Atholl? 6/8 D Cam' ye by Atholl ? 3/2 Ador Cam Ye O'er Frae France? 3/2 Edor Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Edor Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Edor Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Ador Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Cdor Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Gdor Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Emin Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Gdor Cam Ye O'er Frae France 3/2 Am Cam ye oer frae France ? 3/2 Am Cam ye oer frae France? 6/4 Am Cam ye o'er frae France 3/4 Em Cam Ye Oer Frae France 3/2 Ddor Cam Ye O'er frae France C G CANAAN C G Canaan