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6/8 G Dear Little Island #2, the 6/8 G Dear Little Island [2], The 6/8 G DEAR LITTLE ISLAND, The 3/4 D Dear Little Shamrock, The 3/4 D Dear Little Shamrock, the 3/4 D Dear Little Shamrock, the 3/4 D DEAR LITTLE SHAMROCK, The 3/4 D Dear Little Shamrock, The 6/8 Gm DEAR MARGARET WALSH C| C Dear Mary D Dear Meal is Cheap Again, The C| D Dear Meal is cheap again. D Dear Meal is Cheap Again, The C| D Dear Meal is cheap again 2/2 G Dear Molly 3/4 Eb Dear mother he is going, and I know not how to bid 3/4 Eb Dear mother he is going, and I know not how to bid 6/4 C Dear Mother what shall I do. JJo3.031 4/4 Gmaj Dearne Valley 4/4 Amaj Dearne Valley 4/4 C Dear Old Christmas Story, The 6/8 Dmaj Dear Old Donegal 6/8 D Dear Old Donegal 6/8 Gmaj Dear Old Ireland (Deep in Canadian Woods) 3/4 Dmaj Dear Old Newport Town 6/8 Dmaj Dear Old Whistle 3/4 Gm Dear Papa and Dear Mama C Eb Dear Rose C| A Dear Titty. SenH.021 C| A Dear Titty. SenH.021 4/4 E Dear Tobacco 4/4 Gmaj Dear Tobacco 4/4 Gmaj Dear Tobacco 4/4 Gmaj Dear Tobacco 4/4 Dmaj Dear Tobacco 2/2 Edor Dear Tobacco 4/4 Edor Dear Tobacco C| Ador Dear Tobacco 4/4 Edor Dear Tobacco C DDor Dear Tobacco C D Dear Tobacco. MBe.09 C G Dear Tobaco JBut.892, The C E Dear to me is my Hero. C Edor Dear to me is my Hero C Edor Dear to me is my Hero C E Dear to me is my Hero. 3/4 D Dear to Me is the Big Jug, and It Full 3/4 D Dear to Me is the Big Jug, and It Full 3/4 D DEAR TOM THIS BROWN JUG 3/4 G DEAR VALE WHOSE GREEN RETREATS 3/4 D Dear white-backed brown cow [1], The 4/4 D Death and the Lady C G Death and the Lady C G Death and the Lady 3/4 D Death and the Lady 4/4 C Death and the Lady C G Death and the Lady 3/2 F Death and the Lady 3/4 Emin Death And The Sinner 3/4 C DEATH AND THE SINNER 3/4 Gdor Death and the Sinner 3/4 Gdor Death and the Sinner 3/4 F Death and the Sinner [1] 3/4 Ador DEATH AND THE SINNER (1st Setting) 3/4 Gdor Death and the Sinner - 1st Setting 3/4 G "Death And The Sinner" (1st Setting) (air) 3/4 F Death and the Sinner [2] 3/4 F DEATH AND THE SINNER (2nd Setting) 3/4 Gdor Death and the Sinner - 2nd Setting 3/4 Gdor Death and the Sinner - 2nd Setting 3/4 G "Death And The Sinner" (2nd Setting) (air) 0470 4/4 C Death Come Easy 6/8 Dmaj Death & Dr. Hornbrook C Amix Death of a Chief 3/4 G Death of Admiral Benbow 3/4 G Death of Admiral Benbow. as Sung by Incledon. 3/4 G Death of Admiral Benhow 4/4 A Death of a Romish Lady, The 4/4 C major Death of Auld Robin Gray JJo.031 4/4 C Death of Auld Robin Gray JJo.031 3/8 F Death of General Wolfe, The C A Death of General Wolfe, The 4/4 C Death of Harry Simms, The C F DEATH OF KOSCIUSKO 3/4 G Death of Mother Jones, The 2/4 F Death of my friend is what afflicts me, The 3/4 C Minor Death of my friend, The 3/4 Cmin Death of my friend, The 6/8 Emin Death of My Pony (The) 4/4 C Death of Parcy Reed, The C G Death of Parcy Reed, The 6/8 G Death of Parker 6/8 G Death of Parker. 6/8 G Death of Parker 6/8 G Death of Parker. 6/8 Eb Death of Parker - Fone 6/8 D Death of Parker. JBut.649, The 3/4 G Death of Queen Jane 3/4 D Death of Queen Jane, The 3/4 D Death of Queen Jane, The 3/4 Eb Death of Queen Jane - Fone 3/4 Bb Death of Queen Jane - unattributed 6/8 A Death of Robin Hood 3/4 G Death of Staker Wallace [1] 3/4 G Death of Staker Wallace [1] 4/4 D Death of Staker Wallace [2], The 3/4 G DEATH OF STAKER WALLACE, The C| HP Death of the Chief "CYMRU", The C| HP Death of the Chief "CYMRU", The C G Death of the Linnet 6/8 D Death of the Stag. JJo4.042, The 6/8 D Death of the Stag,The. JJo4.042 C| Amix Death of the Wren 2/4 Ador Death of Wolfe, The 2/4 Ador Death of Wolfe, the 4/4 G Death's Gwinter Lay His Cold Icy Hands 4/4 F Death & the lady - Hannaford A Death Valley Reunion 3/4 G Death Valley Waltz 4/4 G DEAUVERGNE 4/4 G DEAUVERGNE 6/8 D Deaux [sic] Amies, La 6/4 C de Bühler. C-Dur 6/4 C de Bühler (voc). C-Dur C| Bb Debauchè. JJo.129, Le C| Gm Debauchè. JJo8.129, Le C| Bb Debauch�. JJo8.129, Le C| Bb Debauch . JJo8.129, Le 2/4 G De Baurejong (290), S. 604 3/4 Cm Debaxo del molín 4/4 A Debbie Ann's Reel 4/4 A Debbie Ann's Reel 6/8 C DEBBIE KELLER'S JIG 4/4 Dmaj Debbie's C D DEBBIE'S HORNPIPE 6/8 Bb Debbie's Jig 6/8 Bb Debbie's Jig 6/8 G DEBBIE'S JIG 6/8 D DEBBIE'S JIG 6/8 Bb Debbie's Jig 6/8 Bb Debbie's Jig C D DEBBIE'S REEL 3/4 D Debbie's Waltz 3/4 G DE BERIOT'S 5th AIR 3/4 A DE BERIOT'S WALTZ 4/4 Dm Debka #1 4/4 C Debka Bedouit 2/4 EMin Debka Chaim 2/4 EMin Debka Chayim 2/4 EMin Debka Chayim 2/4 Gmix Debka Dalia 2/4 Am Debka Daluna 2/4 Am Debka Daluna 2/4 D Debka Dayagim 2/4 D Debka Dayagim 2/4 C Debka Dayagim 2/4 D Debka Dayagim 2/4 C Debka Dayagim 2/4 D Debka Dayagim 2/4 D Debka Dayagim 4/4 Fmin Debka Dor 4/4 Fmin Debka Dor 4/4 Fmin Debka Dor 2/4 Am Debka Druz 2/4 Am Debka Druz 2/4 Am Debka Druz 2/4 Am Debka Druz 4/4 Dm Debka Gilboa 2/4 DMix Debka Habir 4/4 F Debka Hachamor 4/4 F Debka Hachamor 4/4 F Debka Hachamor 2/4 Emix Debka Hakatsir 2/4 Gm Debka Halel 2/4 Gm Debka Halel 2/4 Gm Debka Halel 4/4 Dm Debka Hilel 2/4 Dm Debka Irit 2/4 Dm Debka Irit 2/4 Dm Debka Irit 2/4 Dm Debka Kafrit 2/4 Em Debka Kafrit 2/4 Bm Debka Kafrit 2/4 Bm Debka Kafrit 2/4 Dm Debka Kafrit 2/4 Em Debka Kafrit 2/4 F Debka Katsir 2/4 F Debka Katsir 2/4 F Debka Katsir 2/4 F Debka Katzir 2/4 EPhr Debka Kna'an 2/4 EPhr Debka Kna'an 2/4 Dm Debka Kurdit 2/4 Dm Debka Kurdit 2/4 Dm Debka La'adama 2/4 Dm Debka La'adama 2/4 Dm Debka La'adama 2/4 Am Debka Magen 2/4 Am Debka Magen 4/4 Am Debka Oud