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3/2l G       Dick's Maggot
 3/2 G       Dick's Maggot. (p)1702.PLFD1.483
 3/2 G       Dick's Maggot. (p)1702.PLFD.483
  C| D       Dickson County Blues [1]
 4/4 Dmin    Dick's Pig
 6/8 G       Dicks Score
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's Favorite
 6/8 Ador    Dick Sullivan's favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's Favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's Favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's Favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's Favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's favorite
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's Favorite   #2
 6/8 G       Dick Sullivan's Favorite   #2
 6/8 Gmaj    Dick Sullivan's Favourite
     G       Dick Sullivan's Favourite
 6/8 G       "Dick Sullivan's Favourite" (jig)  1027
 6/8 D       Dick the Haberdasher
 6/8 D       Dick the Haberdasher
 6/8 D       Dick the Haberdasher
 6/8 D       Dick the Haberdasher
 6/8 D       Dick the Haberdasher
 6/8 D       Dick the Haberdasher THO1.053
   C A       Dick the Welch Man
   C A       Dick the Welch Man
   C A       Dick the Welch Man. THO2.092
 2/4 Dmaj    Dick The Welshman
 2/4 Amaj    Dick The Welshman
 2/4 Amaj    Dick The Welshman
 4/4 G       Dick the Welshman
 4/4 G       Dick the Welshman
 2/4 Ador    Dick Tobin's
 2/4 Amin    Dick Tobin's
 2/4 Ador    Dick Tobin's
 2/4 Ador    Dick Tobin's
   C F       (Dick) Turpin
 4/4 C       Dick Van Dyke Theme
 4/4 Bmin    Dicky Deegan's Wasabi
 4/4 Amin    Dicky Deegan's Wasabi
 4/4 Emin    Dicky Deegan's Wasabi
  C| D       Dicky Gofsip's Hornpipe. Roose.1046
  C| D       Dicky Gossip
  C| D       Dicky Gossip [2]
  C| G       Dicky Gossip  [2]
 6/8 G       Dicky of Taunton Dean
 6/8 G       Dicky of Tauton Dene
 6/8 G       Dicky of Tauton Dene
 6/8 Dmaj    Dicky's
 4/4 D       Dicky Sherlock's
 4/4 D       Dicky Sherlock's Reel
   C D       DICKY'S MARCH
 6/8 Dmaj    Dicky's Other
 2/4 Eb      Dic mihi quem diligat
 2/4 Bb      Dic Shôn Dafydd
 2/4 Gmaj    Dic Sion Dafydd
   C C       Dictates of Love, The
   C C       Dictates, The
 2/1 C       Dictez moy bergere
 2/4 D       Dic y Cymro
 2/4 D       Dic y Cymro - Dick the Welshman
 3/4 D       Didans
 4/4 Gmaj    Didda, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Didda, The
   C Dm      Diddanwch Gruffydd ap Cynan
   C Dmin    Diddanwch Gruffydd ap Cynan
   C Dmin    Diddanwch Gruffydd ap Cynan
   C Dmin    Diddanwch Gruffydd ap Cynan
 4/4 G       Didda, The
  C| D       Diddelot Reel
 6/8 Gmaj    Diddley-i-Pod, The
 6/8 Gmaj    Diddley-i-Pod, The
 6/8 Amaj    Diddley-i-Pod, The
 3/4 G major Didelots Dance In Virginia. WI.021
 3/4 G       Didelots Dance In Virginia. WI.021
 6/4 C _7/8B Dîdem Yüzüne Nâz?r
10/4 C _2/4B Didi Çi Kerdi
 4/4 Gmin    Didier's
 4/4 Edor    Didi's Tune
 3/4 D       Didn't I Dance
 4/4 Gmaj    Didn't Make It
 2/2 F       Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?
     F       Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
     F       Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
 3/4 F       Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
12/8 Gmaj    Didn't She Dance And Dance
12/8 Gmaj    Didn't She Dance And Dance
 6/8 Edor    Didn't She Dance and Dance
 3/4 C       Didn't You Promise Your Own Sweet Bride I Would Be
 3/4 C       Didn't you promise your own sweet bride I would
 2/2 Eb      Dido Bendigo
 4/4 G       Dido, Fido
 4/4 Cdor    Did Ye, Aye?
 4/4 Amin    Did Ye, Aye?
 3/4 D       Did You Ever See A Lassie
 3/4 G       Did You Ever See a Lassie?
  C| G       Did You Ever See the Devil, Uncle Joe?
 2/4 A       Did You Hear Jerusalem Mourn?
 6/8 G       Did You See My Man Looking for Me
 6/8 G       Did You See My Man Looking for Me? [1]
 6/8 A       Did You See the Black Rogue
 4/4 Gmaj    Did You See The Child?
 4/4 Em      DID YOU SEE THE CHILD? (reel)
  C| D       Did You Wash Your Father's Shirt?
 4/4 Dmaj    Did You Wash Your Father's Shirt
 4/4 Dmaj    Did You Wash Your Father's Shirt
 4/4 Dmaj    Did You Wash Your Father's Shirt
 4/4 Dmaj    Did You Wash Your Father's Shirt
  C| D       Did You Wash Your Father's Shirt?
  C| D       Did You Wash Your Father's Shirt?
 2/4 Bb      Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) BbFEb chords
 2/4 Bb      Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) BbFEb chords Parts
 2/4 Bb      Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) BbFEb chords parts
 2/4 Bb      Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) BbFEb (pk00330)
 2/4 Bb      Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) BbFEb (pk00330)
 2/4 Cmaj    Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) CGF 2- chords
 2/4 Cmaj    Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) CGF 2- chords Parts
 2/4 C       Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) CGF (5letras transposed)
 2/4 C       Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) CGF (pk00330)
 2/4 Ebmaj   Die Alpen-Fee (Polka) EbBbAb (5letras) cf. CGF
 3/4 Gmaj    Die Alte Kath
 3/4 Gmaj    Die Alte Kath
 3/4 Dmaj    Die Alte Kath
 3/4 Dmaj    Die Alte Kath
 3/4 C       die Alte Kathe (C)
 3/4 D       die Alte Kathe (D)
 3/4 F       die Alte Kathe (F)
 3/4 G       die Alte Kathe (G)
 6/8 A       "Die Ammen - Uhr"
 2/4 D       "Die Baeuerin und der Ritter"
 4/4 A       "Die Belagerung von Koeln"
 3/4 G       "Die Beruhigte"
 6/8 F       "Die Betrogene"
 2/4 A       "Die Blutbraut"
 6/8 G       "Die Braut im Kloster"
 4/4 D       "Die Brombeeren"
 6/8 Em      Died for Love
 3/4 Eb      Died For Love
 2/4 G       Dieduan qiao
 2/4 D       "Die Einzige"
 4/4 G       "Die Elftausend"
 3/4 G       "Die Entfuehrung"
 3/4 A       "Die Erbfehler"
 3/4 C       Die ersten Blumen. Walzer  CF 5- (wz06791)
 3/4 D       Die ersten Blumen. Walzer  DG (wz06791) tinwhistle
 3/4 F major Die ersten Blumen. Walzer  FBb (wz06791)
 3/4 F       Die ersten Blumen. Walzer  FBb (wz06791)
 3/4 G       Die ersten Blumen. Walzer  GC 2+ (wz06791)
   C Gmix    Die Eselkrone
 3/4 F       "Die Feldwacht"
 4/4 D       "Die feste Burg"
 2/4 C       Die fidelen Münsinger CGF
 2/4 C       Die fidelen Münsinger CGF chords
 2/4 C       Die fidelen Münsinger CGF parts
 2/4 C       Die fidelen Münsinger CGF
 2/4 C       Die fidelen Münsinger CGF chords
 2/4 C       Die fidelen Münsinger CGF parts
 3/4 Bbmaj   Die fidelen Schlierseer BbEb (5letras) cf. GC
 3/4 Bb      Die fidelen Schlierseer Bb,Eb (Ländler-Walzer)
 3/4 Bb      Die fidelen Schlierseer BbEb (Ländler-Walzer)
 3/4 Bb      Die fidelen Schlierseer Bb,Eb (Ländler-Walzer)
 3/4 Bb      Die fidelen Schlierseer BbEb (Ländler-Walzer)
 3/4 Cmaj    Die fidelen Schlierseer C,F 2+
 3/4 Cmaj    Die fidelen Schlierseer CF 2+ (Anm)
 3/4 Cmaj    Die fidelen Schlierseer CF 2+ chords
 3/4 Cmaj    Die fidelen Schlierseer CF 2+ chords
 3/4 Ebmaj   Die fidelen Schlierseer EbAb (5letras) cf. CF
 3/4 Gmaj    Die fidelen Schlierseer GC 3- chords
 3/4 Bb      Die fidelen Schlierseer (Ländler-Walzer) BbEb
 3/4 Bb      Die fidelen Schlierseer (Ländler-Walzer) BbEb
 3/8 A       "Die Flucht"
  C| C       Die Forelle
 3/4 C       Die fröhlichen Brüder (Mazurka) CF
 3/4 C       Die fröhlichen Brüder (Mazurka) CF Anm
 3/4 C       Die fröhlichen Brüder (Mazurka) CF chords
 3/4 Gmaj    Die fröhlichen Brüder (Mazurka) GC 5-
 3/4 Gmaj    Die fröhlichen Brüder (Mazurka) GC 5- chords
 3/4 F       Die Fröhlichen (Walzer)  FBb (wz00883)
 2/4 D       "Die Frankfurter Messe"
 2/4 C major Die Freuden des Tanzens. Schottisch  CFBb 
 2/4 C major Die Freuden des Tanzens. Schottisch  CF ( st07014)
 2/4 C       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) CFBb chords
 2/4 C       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) CFBb chords
 2/4 C       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) CFBb chords
 2/4 C major Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) CFBb
 2/4 C       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) CFBb
 2/4 D       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) DG&C
 2/4 D       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) DG&C
 2/4 Gmaj    Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) GCF 5-
 2/4 Gmaj    Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) GCF 5- chords
 2/4 Gmaj    Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) GCF 5- chords
 2/4 G       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) GCF (5letras
 2/4 G       Die Freuden  des Tanzes (Schottisch) GCF (st00339)
 3/4 C       Die fröhlichen Brüder (Mazurka) CF

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