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 4/4 D major Durham Rangers. FTB.021
 4/4 D       Durham Rangers. FTB.021
  C| D       Durham Rangers' Hornpipe
 4/4 D       Durham Rangers, The
 3/4 G       Durham Rant
 3/4 G       Durham Rant
 6/8 A       Durham Reel, The
     Bb      Durham Regatta
   C Bb      Durham Regatta
 4/4 A       Durham's Bull
  C| A       Durham's Bull
 6/4 F       Durham Stable. (p)1651.PLFD.068
 6/4 F       Durham Stable. (p)1651.PLFD1.068
 6/4 Gdor    Durham Stable. (p)1651.PLFD1.068
     G       Durisdeer
 9/8 C _1/4B Düriyemin Gü?ümleri Kalayl?
 3/4 Bm      Durme, Durme
 6/8 D       Durness March
 3/4 D       Dur och moll
     C       Du rong za na D??rengcan-a                        
 3/4 Bb      Dürrebode-Juiz  Bb  ABCBB
 4/4 D       Durrock's Hornpipe
 4/4 D       Durrow Reel, The
 4/4 D       Durrow Reel, The
 4/4 D       Durrow Reel, The
 4/4 D       Durrow Reel, The
  C| D       Durrow, The
 6/8 Dmaj    Dursey Sound, The
 4/4 C _B _e Duru?un And?r?r
 2/4 G major Dusark's Fancy. WM.136
 2/4 G       Dusark's Fancy. WM.136
 2/4 G       Dusark's Fancy. WM136
 2/4 G       Dusark's Fancy. WM.136
 3/4 Dmix    Du's Bön Loan Awa an A'm Tocht Lang ta See Dee
 3/4 Gmaj    Du's Bun Lang Awa An A'm Tocht Lang Ta See Dee
 3/2 G       Dus Bün Lang Awa An Im Tocht Lang Tae See Dee
 2/4 Bb      Dushan xiaodiao
 6/8 GDor    Dushenka
 9/8 Ador    Dushey for Spoart(?). JBut.016, The
 2/4 C       Dusinberry March, The
 2/4 G       Du ska fa sockertoj
 4/4 Dmaj    Dusk Chase
 4/4 C       Dusky Dinah
 4/4 Amix    Dusky Meadow
 4/4 Amix    Dusky Meadow
 4/4 A       Dusky Meadow
 4/4 D       Dusky Meadow
 4/4 D       Dusky Meadow
   C Amix    Dusky Meadow
 4/4 Amix    Dusky Meadow
 4/4 Amix    Dusky Meadow
 4/4 G       Dusky Meadow
     G       Dusky Minstrel
     G       Dusky Minstrel
 6/8 D       Dusky Night, The
 6/8 D       Dusky Night, The
 6/8 D       Dusky Night
 6/8 D       Dusky Night
 6/8 F       DUSKY NIGHT, the
 6/8 F       DUSKY NIGHT, The
 6/8 D       Dusky Night
 6/8 D       Dusky Night
 6/8 D       Dusky Night, The
 6/8 F       Dusky Night. EHo.171
 6/8 D major Dusky Night. JC.226
 6/8 D       Dusky Night. JC.226
 6/8 D       Dusky Night. JC.226
 6/8 D       Dusky Night. JC.226
 6/8 F       Dusky Night. JGi.102, The
 6/8 F       Dusky Night. JJo.030, The
 6/8 F major Dusky Night,The. JGi.102
 6/8 F       Dusky Night,The. JGi.102
 6/8 F       Dusky Night,The. JGi.102
 6/8 F major Dusky Night,The JJo.030
 6/8 F       Dusky Night,The JJo.030
46/8 D major Dusky Night. THO4.103
46/8 D       Dusky Night THO4.103
 6/8 D       Dusky Night THO4.103
 6/8 D       Dusky Night. THO4.103
   C F       Å du som metter liten fugl
   C F       Å du som metter liten fugl
 3/2 Edor    Dust
 3/2 Edor    Dust
  C| Am      Dust Bunnies
 6/8 Am      Dust Devil
12/8 G       Dustey Millor [10], The. A Retreat
   C HP      Dust Gatherer, The
  C| Dmix    Dusting Sieve
 6/8 ADor    Dusting the Windows
12/8 Ador    Dust On The Bible
12/8 Cmaj    Dust On The Bible
12/8 Amaj    Dust On The Bible
12/8 Gmaj    Dust On The Bible
12/8 D       DUST ON THE BIBLE (slide)
  C| Dm      Dust on the Moose
  C| Dm      Dust on the Moose
 2/4 G       Dust the Miller
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob [1]
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob [1]
   C G       Dusty Bob [2]
   C G       Dusty Bob. Alex50.29
   C Dmaj    Dusty Bob. Alex50.29
 6/8 Gmaj    Dusty Bob's
 6/8 Gmaj    Dusty Bob's
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's
 6/8 G       DUSTY BOB'S
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's Jig
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's Jig
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's -- Jig
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's Jig
 6/8 A       Dusty Bob's Jig
 6/8 D       Dusty Bob's Jig
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's Jig
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's Jig
     G       Dusty Bob's Jig
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's Jig Counterpoint
 6/8 G       Dusty Bob's Jig Counterpoint
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 Gmaj    Dusty Miller
 9/8 A Major Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller, The
 3/4 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       DUSTY MILLER, THE
 3/4 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G major Dusty Miller, the
 3/2 G major Dusty Miller, the
 9/8 G major Dusty miller, the
12/8 G major Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller
 6/8 G       Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Amaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Cmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Amix    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Gmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Dusty Miller, The
 3/2 Gmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 Gmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 Fmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 Fmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 Fmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 Gmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 Gmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 Gmaj    Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       DUSTY MILLER, THE
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 G       Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 G       Dusty Miller, The
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller, the
 9/8 G       dusty miller, The
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller, the
 9/8 G       Dusty miller, the
 9/8 G       Dusty Miller, The
12/8 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller, the
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller, the
 6/8 G       Dusty Miller, the
 6/8 G       Dusty Miller, The
             Dusty Miller, The
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller
 6/4 G       DUSTY MILLER, the
 6/4 G       DUSTY MILLER, The
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller
 9/8 G       dusty miller, The
 9/8 G       dusty miller, The
 9/8 G       Dusty Miller, the
 9/8 G       Dusty Miller, the
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       DustyMiller
 3/4 F       Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 G\par   Dusty miller, the
 6/8 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       DUSTY MILLER, THE
 3/2 F       Dusty Miller, The
 9/8 AMin    Dusty Miller, The
 6/4 G       Dusty Miller
 9/8 D       Dusty Miller, The
 4/4 D       Dusty Miller
 4/4 A       Dusty Miller
     G       Dusty Miller, The
 3/4 G       Dusty Miller
 3/2 G       Dusty Miller

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