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2/4 G Fate's Reel 2/4 G Fate's Reel C D Fatfield Hopping. LW.157 6/8 Dmaj Fathaby, The 6/8 Dmaj Fathaby, The 6/8 Amaj Fathach Éireanach, An 6/8 Dmaj Fathach Éireanach, An 6/8 Amix Fathach Éireanach, An 6/8 Dmaj Fathach Éireanach, An 6/8 Dmaj Fathach Éireanach, An 4/4 G Father Ahearn's 4/4 G FATHER AHEARN'S* (reel) C| G Father Angus MacDonnell C G Father Beaton of Lakevale 2/4 G Father, Behold Me 4/4 Cmaj Father Bernie's 4/4 Cmaj Father Bernie's 4/4 Cmaj Father Bernie's 2/4 D FATHER BRENNAN'S POLKA* 3/4 Gmaj Father Brian MacDermott Roe 3/4 G FATHER BRIAN MACDERMOTT ROE 3/4 GMaj Father Brian MacDermott Roe 3/4 Gmaj Father Brian MacDermott Roe 3/4 G Father Brian MacDermott Roe 9/8 Gmaj Father Burke's 9/8 Gmaj Father Burke's 9/8 Gmaj Father Burke's C Am FATHER CHARLIE'S 2/4 F Father Christmas C| D Major Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's 4/4 Dmaj Father Dollard's C| D Major Father Dollard's 6/8 D FATHER DOLLARD'S FAVORITE 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's favorite 6/8 D Father Dollard's Favorite #2 6/8 D "Father Dollard's Favorite" (jig) 0748 6/8 Gmaj Father Dollard's Favourite 6/8 Dmaj Father Dollard's Favourite 6/8 Dmaj Father Dollard's Favourite D Father Dollard's Favourite C| D Father Dollard's Hornpipe D Father Dollard's Hornpipe C| D FATHER DOLLARD'S HORNPIPE C| D Father Dollard's Hornpipe C| D Father Dollard's Hornpipe C| D Father Dollard's hornpipe C| D Father Dollard's hornpipe 4/4 D Father Dollard's Hornpipe 4/4 D Father Dollard's Hornpipe 4/4 D Father Dollard's Hornpipe C| D Father Dollard's Hornpipe C| D Father Dollard's Hornpipe C| D Father Dollard's Hornpipe 4/4 D Father Dollard's hornpipe C| D "Father Dollard's Hornpipe" 1669 C| D Father Dollard's Hornpipe #2 4/4 Ador Father Eugene's Welcome To Cape North 4/4 Ador Father Eugene's Welcome To Cape North 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favorite (A45) 6/8 Gmaj Father Fielding's Favourite 6/8 Gmaj Father Fielding's Favourite 6/8 Gmaj Father Fielding's Favourite 6/8 Gmaj Father Fielding's Favourite 6/8 G FATHER FIELDING'S FAVOURITE 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favourite 6/8 G Father Fielding's Favourite G Father Fielding's Favourite 6/8 G "Father Fielding's Favourite" (jig) 1004 C| A Father Francis Cameron A Father Francis Cameron 4/4 G Father Francis Cameron 4/4 A Father Francis Cameron C| A Father Francis Cameron C| A Father Francis Cameron C| A Father Francis Cameron 4/4 Amaj Father Francis Cameron's 4/4 Dmaj Father Frank From Gorey 4/4 Dmaj Father Frank From Gorey C D Father Frank of Gorey 3/4 F Father Gave Me a Pipe C| G (Father Grady's Trip to Brocagh) C| G Father Grady's Trip to Brocagh 4/4 D Father Grady's Visit to Bockagh 4/4 D FATHER GRADY'S VISIT TO BOCKAGH (reel) 6/8 C Father Grumble 6/8 C Father Grumble 6/8 C Father Grumble 3/4 G Father Halpin's Top Coat [1] 3/4 G FATHER HALPIN'S TOP COAT (waltz) 6/8 A Father Hanley's 6/8 A Father Hanley's 6/8 A Father Hanley's 6/8 A Father Hanley's Jig 3/4 D Father Harpin's Topcoat 3/4 D Father Harpin's Topcoat C| A Father Hector's Reel 2/4 G Father Henebry’s Hornpipe 2/4 D Father Henebry’s Reel 6/8 Dmix FATHER JACK WALSH 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D Father Jack Walsh 6/8 D "Father Jack Walsh" (jig) 0885 4/4 Gmaj Father Joe 4/4 Bmin Father John Angus Rankin 4/4 Bmin Father John Angus Rankin 4/4 Bmin Father John Angus Rankin 4/4 A Father John Angus Rankin 4/4 Amaj Father John Angus Rankin's 4/4 Amaj Father John Angus Rankin's 4/4 Gmaj Father John Angus Rankin's 4/4 Amaj Father John Angus Rankin's March 4/4 Dmaj Father John Angus Rankin's March 6/8 Dmaj Father John MacLeod's 4/4 Amix Father John MacMillan Of Barra 4/4 Amix Father John MacMillan Of Barra 2/4 D Father John MacMillan of Barra 2/4 A Father John MacMillan of Barra 2/4 Amix Father John MacMillan Of Barra 2/4 AMix Father John MacMillan of Barra 4/4 Amix Father John MacMillan of Barra 6/8 Gmaj Father John's Jubilee C| G Father Kelley's Reel C| G Father Kelley's Reel C| G Father Kelley's Reel C| G Father Kelley's Reel (the Rossmore Jetty) C| G Father Kelly's C| G Father Kelly's C| G major Father Kelly's C| G Father Kelly's 2/4 G Father Kelly's 4/4 Dmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 G Father Kelly's C| G Father Kelly's 6/8 Gmaj Father Kelly's 6/8 Gmaj Father Kelly's 6/8 Dmaj Father Kelly's 6/8 Dmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Dmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Dmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Dmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Dmaj Father Kelly's 4/4 Gmaj Father Kelly's 6/8 Gmaj Father Kelly's C| G Father Kelly's 4/4 G Father Kelly's 4/4 D Father Kelly's C| G Father Kelly's 4/4 G Father Kelly's 4/4 D Father Kelly's C G Major Father Kelly's C| G Father Kelly's