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 9/8 D       FOX HUNTER'S JIG, The
 9/8 D       FOX HUNTERS' JIG, The
 9/8 G       FOXHUNTERS' JIG, The
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's Jig, The
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's Jig, The
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's Jig, The
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's Jig, The
 9/8 D       Fox Hunters Jig, The
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's Jig, The
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's Jig, The
 9/8 G       Foxhunter's Jig, The
 9/8 D       Fox Hunter's Jig, The
   C D       Fox Hunter's Rant
   C G major Fox Hunter's Reel, the
 4/4 Gmaj    Foxhunter's Reel, The
 4/4 G       Foxhunter's Reel, the
  C| G       Fox Hunter's Reel
     G       Foxhunter's reel
   C G       Fox Hunter's Reel, the
   C G       Foxhunter's Reel, The
   C A       Foxhunter's Reel, The
 4/4 G       Foxhunter's Reel, The
  C| A       Foxhunter's Reel
  C| G       Fox Hunter's Reel, The
  C| Cmaj    Fox Hunter's Reel, The
 4/4 G       Foxhunter's Reel
  C| A       foxhunter's reel, The
  C| A       Foxhunter's Reel [1], The
  C| D       Foxhunter's Reel [2]
  C| A       Fox Hunter's Reel [in A], The
  C| A       Fox Hunter's Reel [in A], The
  C| G       Fox Hunter's Reel [in G], The
  C| G       Fox Hunter's Reel [in G], The
  C| G       Foxhunter's Reel, The
  C| A       Foxhunter's Reel, The
 4/4 G       FOXHUNTER'S (reel), The
  C| G       Foxhunter's Reel, The
   C G       Fox Hunter's Reel, The
 4/4 A       Foxhunter's Reel, The
  C| G       Fox Hunter's Reel, The
  C| G       Foxhunter's Reel, The
  C| A       Foxhunter's Reel, The
     A       Foxhunter's reel (transposed)
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's (Slip)Jig
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's, The
 9/8 D       Foxhunter's, The
 9/8 Dmaj    Foxhunter's, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Foxhunter's, The
 9/8 D       FOXHUNT(ER), The
 4/4 Gmaj    Foxhunter, The
 6/8 Ab      Fox Hunt (Fone)
 4/4 F       Foxhunting song - Lugg
  C| G       Fox Hunt, The
     D       Foxie Mary
     D       Foxie Mary [3]
  C| D       Foxie Mary -- Reel
 4/4 C       Fox (II), The
 2/4 D       Fox (III), The
 2/4 D       Fox in the Chicken Coop, The
 2/4 D       Fox in the Chicken Coop, The
 4/4 F       Fox in the Dumps
   C F       Fox in the Dumps, The
   C F       Fox in the Dumps, The
   C F       Fox in the Dumps, The
   C F       Fox in the Dumps THO3.143, The
 6/8 Dmaj    Fox In The Flour
 6/8 Amaj    Fox In The Henhouse, The
 6/8 Gmaj    Fox In The Meadow
 6/8 Amix    Fox In The Oven
 6/8 Gdor    Fox In The Thatch, The
 6/8 Fmaj    Fox In The Thatch, The
 6/8 Gmaj    Fox In The Thatch, The
 6/8 Gdor    Fox In The Thatch, The
 6/8 Gdor    Fox In The Thatch, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox In The Wood, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Prowl, The
 4/4 D       Fox on the Prowl
  C| D       Fox on the Prowl, The
  C| D       Fox On The Prowl, The
 6/8 Ador    Fox on the Rock
 6/8 G       FOX ON THE ROCK, The
   C G Major Fox on the Town
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 G       Fox On The Town
 4/4 G       Fox On The Town
   C G Major Fox on the Town
  C| G       Fox on the Town
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox On The Town, The
 4/4 G       Fox On The Town, The
  C| G       Fox on the Town, The
 4/4 G       Fox on the Town, The
 6/8 G       Fox Quadrille. CJF.041
 4/4 Dmaj    Foxrock, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox's Sleep, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox's Sleep, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Fox's Sleep, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Fox's Sleep, The
   C D       Fox's Sleep, The
   C D       FOX'S SLEEP, THE
   C D       Fox's Sleep, the
   C D       Fox's Sleep, the
   C G       FOX'S SLEEP, The
   C D       FOX'S SLEEP, The
   C F       Fox’s Sleep, The
 2/2 Eb      Fox's Sleep, The
   C D       Fox's Sleep, The
 3/4 Bmin    Fox That Got Away, The
  C| A       Fox, The
  C| D       Foxtrot Rag
  C| D       Foxtrot Rag
  C| Gmaj    Foxtrot Rag
  C| F       Fox-trott n°1
 4/4 F       Fox Went Out
 6/8 D       Fox went out of a moonlight night [1], The
 6/8 Bb      Fox went out of a moonlight night [2]
 6/8 D       Fox. Ya.07, The
 2/4 C       Foxy Devil, The
 6/8 Dmaj    Foxy Mary
 6/8 Dmix    Foxy Mary
 6/8 G       Foxy Mary
 6/8 C       Foxy Mary
 6/8 Dmix    Foxy Mary [1]
 6/8 G       Foxy Mary [2]
 6/8 D       FOYNES JIG
 6/8 Dmix    Foynes Jig
 6/8 D       Foynes Jig, The
 6/8 Dmix    Foynes Jig, the
 6/8 Dmix    Foynes Jig, the
 6/8 D       Foynes Jig, The
   C D       Fractal Hornpipe, the
 9/8 Bmin    Fractured Flute, The
 6/8 G       FRA DIAVOLO SETT (tune 1)
 2/4 G       FRA DIAVOLO SETT (tune 2)
 6/8 G       FRA DIAVOLO SETT (tune 3)
 2/4 G       FRA DIAVOLO SETT (tune 4)
 6/8 G       FRA DIAVOLO SETT (tune 5)
 2/4 G       FRA DIAVOLO SETT (tune 6)
 6/8 G       FRA DIAVOLO SETT (tune 7)
 4/4 C       Fradley Reel
 4/4 C       Fradley Reel
             Frae A' the Airts
 6/8 G       Frae Clyde's bonnie hills
 3/4 Bb      Früehmorge-Juiz. 1997  Bb  ABAC
 3/4 C       Früehmorge-Juiz. 1997  C 2+
 2/4 G       Fraenkischer Dreher
 2/4 G       Fraenkischer Dreher
 4/4 G       Frae the Friends and Land I Love
 4/2 F       Fraeulein von Britannia
   C Em      Fragile Alliance, The
 6/8 D major Fragment of untitled tune. ST.03
 6/8 D       Fragment of untitled tune. ST.03
 6/8 D       Fragment of untitled tune. ST.03
 6/8 D       Fragment of untitled tune. ST.03
 6/8 C       Fragrant Blossoms
 6/8 C       Fragrant Blossoms.
 6/8 C       Fragrant Blossoms.
 6/8 C       Fragrant Blossoms.
 6/8 C       Fragrant Blossoms
 6/8 C       "Fragrant Blossoms"    (air?)    0565
 6/8 Bb      Fragrants Rose
 6/8 D       Fraher's Jig
 6/8 D       Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Amix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 Dmix    Fraher's
 6/8 G       FRAHER'S

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