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 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Bmin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Dmin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Bmin    Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 C       Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 C       Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Am      Gaelic club, The
 6/8 Am      Gaelic club, The
 6/8 Am      Gaelic club, The
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club, the
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club, the
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club, the
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club, the
     Am      Gaelic Club, The
 6/8 C       Gaelic Club (#143), The
 6/8 Amin    Gaelic Club [1], The
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club   #2, the
 6/8 Am      Gaelic Club   #2, the
 6/8 C       Gaelic Club [2], The
 3/4 Gmaj    Gaelic Farmer, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Gaelic Farmer, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Gaelic Gavotte
 4/4 D       Gaelic Gavotte
 4/4 Emin    Gaelic League March, The
 6/8 Gmaj    Gaelic Park
 6/8 G       Gaelic Park
 6/8 G       Gaelic Park
  C| Amix    Gaelic Reels #1
 4/4 Dmaj    Gaelic Revival, The
  C| A       Gaelic Revival, The
  C| A       Gaelic revival, The
  C| A       Gaelic revival, The
  C| A       Gaelic Revival, the
  C| A       Gaelic Revival, the
  C| A       GAELIC REVIVAL (reel), The
  C| A       Gaelic Revival, The
 6/8 Dmaj    Gaelic Roots
 6/8 Dmaj    Gaelic Roots
   C F       Gaelic Society of Perth, The
 4/4 Ddor    Gaelic Tobacco Tune, The
 3/4 G       Gaelic Waltz
 3/8 F major Gaelic Waltz. CJF.228
 3/8 F       Gaelic Waltz. CJF.228
 3/8 F       Gaelic Waltz. CJF.228
 3/8 F       Gaelic Waltz. CJF.228
 3/4 D       Gaelic Waltzes
 2/4 Gmaj    Gaelscoil
 4/4 Dm      Gael, The I
 6/8 Dm      Gael, The II
   3 D       Gaens fress'n Gras gern
 6/8 Dmin    Gae to the kye wi' me Jamie
 9/8 C       Gae To the Kye Wi' Me, Johnny
 9/8 F       Gae to the ky wi me johnnie
 6/8 Dmin    Gaffer Gray
 6/8 D Minor Gaffer Gray.
 6/8 G       Gaffer Gray
 6/8 G       Gaffer Gray. Ya.02
 6/8 F       Gaffer Grey - Lethbridge
 6/8 Edor    Gaffney's Favourite Son
 4/4 Dmaj    Gaffo's Ball
 4/4 Amaj    Gaffo's Ball
 4/4 Gmaj    Gaffo's Ball
 4/4 Amaj    Gaffo's Ball
 4/4 Amaj    Gaffo's Ball
 4/4 C ^9/8f Gâfil Ne Bilir
 3/4 D       GAGE FANE
 3/4 G       Gage Fane
 3/4 G       Gage Fane
 3/4 D       Gagnsföra
 3/4 D       Gagnsföra
   C F       Ga Grèine
   C F       Ga Grèine
 6/8 G       Gahagan's Frisk
 9/4 D       Gahagan's Maggot. JJo4.032
 4/4 Gmaj    Gahan's
 4/4 Gmaj    Gahan's
 4/4 Gmaj    Gahan's
  C| G       Gahan's
  C| G       Gahan's
  C| G       GAHAN'S (hornpipe)
 2/4 E       Gaida Tune
 2/4 EMix    Gaida Tune
   C Amix    Gaidhal Abercharnaig
 2/4 G       Gaiety Hornpipe [1], The
  C| Gmin    Gaiety Hornpipe  [2]
 6/8 Fmaj    Gail Hendry's
 3/4 C       Gaillarde
 3/4 G       Gaillarde
 3/2 C       Gaillarde
 3/4 C       Gaillarde
 3/2 C       Gaillarde
 3/4 G       Gaillarde
 3/2 Dmaj    Gaillarde Engels
   C Ddor    Gaillarde koepoort
 3/2 C       Gaillarde - Mille ducas
   C Fmaj    Gaillarde Slof
   C D       GAIL'S CAT
 4/4 C       Gaily the Troubador
 6/8 G       Gaily We Went and Gaily We Came
 6/8 G       Gaily we went and gaily we came
  C| Bm      Gaining the Moment
 4/4 G       Gaiora, An
 4/4 C       Gairdener Child
 6/8 A       Gairm na 'n Coileach
 4/4 Amaj    Gáir Na nGealt
   C Hp      Gairnside
  C| D       Gairntully's Rant
  C| D       Gairntully’s Rant
 4/4 D       Gairsay
 4/4 D       Gairsay
 4/4 D major Gairsay
 4/4 Dmaj    Gairsay
 4/4 Dmaj    Gairsay
 4/4 D       Gairsay
 4/4 D       Gairsay
 4/4 D       Gairsay
     D       Gairsay
 4/4 D       Gairsay
     Am      Gair's Rant
 6/8 D       Gairth House
  C| A       Gait
  C| A       Gait(?)
 2/4 G       Gai yangyan
 2/4 G       Gaizi shilidun
 4/4 G       Gaizu guomindang tongshuaibu
 6/8 F#min   Gala, The
 3/4 Em      Galactic Waltz
 2/4 C       Galaien Escu Dantza
 4/4 F       Ga laohan
 2/4 F       Ga laohan
 6/8 G       Galar Ffrancod - The Grief of the French
 6/8 G       Galar Gwyr Ffrainc
 6/8 G       Galar y Ffrancod
 3/4 G       Galar y Frenhines
   C G       Galashiels
 6/8 E       Galatea, La
 6/8 E       Galatea. THO5.149, La
 6/8 D major Gala,The. WM.109
 6/8 D       Gala,The. WM.109
 6/8 D       Gala,The. WM109
 6/8 D       Gala,The. WM.109
   C G       GALA WATER
 6/8 D       Gala. WM.109, The
 6/8 D       Galbally
 6/8 D       Galbally Farmer
 6/8 D       Galbally Farmer
     G       Galbally Farmer, The
 6/8 G       Galbally Farmer, The
 6/8 Ddor    Galbally Farmer, The
 6/8 D       GALBALLY JIG, The
 6/8 D       Galbally Jig, The
 6/8 D       Galbally Jig, The
  C| D       Galbally Lasses, The
  C| D       Galbally Lasses, the
  C| D       Galbally Lasses, the
  C| D       Galbally Lasses
  C| D       Galbally Lasses  (reel)     1501, The
  C| D       Galbally Lasses, The
 2/4 G       Galbally Reel
 4/4 Amin    Gale, The
 4/4 Amin    Gale, The
 4/4 Amin    Gale, The
   C Am      Gale, the
12/8 Gmaj    Gale Bridge
12/8 Amix    Gale Bridge
12/8 Amaj    Gale Bridge
12/8 Gmaj    Gale Bridge
   C Eaeo    Gale Force
   C Eaeo    Gale Force
 4/4 Gmaj    Galen's Arrival
  C| G       Galen's Arrival
  C| G       Galen's Arrival
  C| G       Galen's Arrival
 2/4 G       Galen's Arrival
  C| G       Galen's arrival
63/8 Dm      Galerón
 4/4 Amin    Gale, The
 2/4 F       galette, La
 4/4 Amix    Gale Warning, The
 2/2 Dm      Gale Warning
 4/4 Amix    Gale Warning, the
 3/2 C       Galiardo, A
 6/8 Dmin    Galicia
 6/8 Dmaj    Galician
 6/8 Dmaj    Galician
 6/8 Dmaj    Galician Carol

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