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4/4 Gmaj Gallopede, The 4/4 Gmaj Gallopede, The 4/4 Gmaj Gallopede, The 4/4 Gmaj Gallopede, The 4/4 Gmaj Gallopede, The 4/4 Gmaj Gallopede, The C| G Gallopede 4/4 G Gallopede C| G major Gallopede (DG) C| G Gallopede (DG) C| G major Gallopede (GC) C| G Gallopede (GC) 2/4 D GALLOPE POLKA, The C Bb Gallop. HS.49, A 2/4 G major Gallop in Benioshy(?). JNu.42 2/4 G Gallop in Benioshy(?). JNu.42 2/4 G Gallop in Benioshy(?). JNu.42 C| A Galloping Clark. Ru2.037, The C| A Galloping Clark. Ru2.037, The C| A Galloping Clark. Ru2.037, The 6/8 G Galloping Dreary Dun. Roose.0480 6/8 Gmaj Galloping Hogan 6/8 Gmaj Galloping Hogan 6/8 Gmaj Galloping Hogan 6/8 Gmix Galloping Horse [1], The 6/8 D Galloping Horses 6/8 D Galloping Horses 6/8 D Galloping Horses 6/8 D Galloping Horses 6/8 Gmaj Galloping Hound, The 6/4 D Galloping Nag, The 6/4 D Galloping Nag, the 6/8 D Galloping Nagg 6/8 D GALLOPING NAG, The 6/4 D Galloping Nag, The 6/4 D Galloping Nag,The. (p)1657.PLFD.116 6/4 D Galloping Nag. WCD3/1.030 6/8 Gmaj Galloping O'Hogan 6/8 Gmaj Galloping O'Hogan 6/8 G GALLOPING O'HOGAN 6/8 G Galloping O'Hogan 6/8 G Galloping O'Hogan G Galloping O'Hogan 6/8 D Galloping Old Woman, The 6/8 D GALLOPING SNAPSHOT, the 6/8 Dmaj Galloping Stallion, The 2/4 D Gallop in Gustavus. Dal.040 2/4 D major Gallop in Gustavus. HS.08 2/4 D Gallop in Gustavus. HS.08 2/4 D Gallop in Gustavus. HS.08 6/8 Dmaj Galloping Young Thing, The 6/8 D Galloping Young Thing, The 6/8 D galloping young thing, The 6/8 D galloping young thing, The 6/8 D galloping young thing, The 6/8 D Galloping Young Thing, the 6/8 D Galloping Young Thing, the D Galloping Young Thing, The 6/8 D Galloping Young Thing #2, the 6/8 G GALLOPING YOUNG THING, The 6/8 D Galloping Young Thing, The 2/4 D Gallop kontra 2/4 D Gallop No. 1 2/4 D Gallop No. 1 2/4 D Gallop No. 2 2/4 D Gallop No. 2 6/8 D major Gallop on Gaily. GS.111 6/8 D major Gallop on Gaily. GS.111 2/4 D Gallopp fraa Lom (Busserul) 2/4 D Gallopp fraa Lom (Busserul?) C| C Gallop to Georgia 6/8 A Gallop to Kinross, A 6/8 A Gallop to Kinross, The 4/4 C Gallowa' Hills, The 4/4 Amix Gallowa' Hills, The 4/4 DMix Gallowa Hills, The 4/4 Dmix Gallowa' Hills, The 4/4 D Gallowa' Hills, The 6/8 A Galloway Braes 2/4 Emin Galloway Girth 6/8 Ador Gallowayglass, The 4/4 F Galloway horne Pipe, The 4/4 D major Galloway Hornpipe (Galway Hornpipe) 4/4 D Galloway Hornpipe (Galway Hornpipe) 4/4 D Galloway hornpipe (Galway hornpipe) G Galloway House C G Galloway House Galloway House C G Galloway House 4/4 G Galloway House 4/4 Ador Galloway Midges 3/4 Ador Galloway's Lament 6/8 A Galloway Tam 6/8 D GALLOWAY TOM 6/8 D Galloway Tom 6/8 C Galloway Tom [1] 6/8 D Galloway Tom [1] 6/8 D Galloway Tom [2] or the Boughleen Bue 6/8 D Galloway Tom / Boughleen Bue 6/4 C major Galloway Tom. HA.197 6/4 C Galloway Tom. HA.197 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Ador Gallowglass, The 6/8 Edor Gallowglass, The 6/8 Gmaj Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Gmin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Ador Gallowglass, The 6/8 Ador Gallowglass, The 6/8 Ador Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 Ador Gallowglass, The 6/8 Am Gallowglass, The 6/8 Am gallowglass, The 6/8 ADor Gallowglass, The 6/8 D Gallowglass, The 6/8 Am gallowglass, The 6/8 Am gallowglass, The 6/8 Am Gallowglass, The 6/8 Am Gallowglass 6/8 Am Gallowglass, the 6/8 Am Gallowglass, the 6/8 Am Gallowglass, the 6/8 Edor Gallowglass, The 6/8 Edor Gallowglass, The 6/8 ADor Gallowglass, The 6/8 D Gallowglass, The 6/8 F Gallowglass, The 6/8 G Gallowglass, The 6/8 Cmaj Gallowglass, The Am Gallowglass 6/8 C gallowglass, The 6/8 HP Gallowglass "Arranged by Terry Tully", The 6/8 HP Gallowglass "Arranged by Terry Tully", The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass (in A minor), The 6/8 Gm Gallowglass (in G minor), The 6/8 G GALLOWGLASS JIG, The 6/8 Am GALLOWGLASS JIG, The 6/8 Gmaj Gallowglass Rant, The 6/8 Edor Gallowglass, The 6/8 D Gallowglass, The 6/8 F Gallowglass, The 6/8 ADor Gallowglass, The 6/8 Amin Gallowglass, The 6/8 ADor Gallowglass, The 6/8 Ador Gallowglass, The 6/8 AMinor Gallowglass, The 6/8 Edor Gallowglass, The 6/8 Ador Gallowglass, The 4/4 Amaj Gallowhill, The 3/4 Gmaj Gallowhill 4/4 Bmin Gallows Hill 4/4 Bmin Gallow's Hill 4/4 C Gallows Tree, The 3/4 F Gallua Tom 2/4 E minor Gallway Girls 2/4 E minor Gallway Girls 2/4 E min Gallway Girls 2/4 E min Gallway Girls 2/4 EM Gallway Girls 2/4 E Minor Gallway Girls. 2/4 G major Gallway Girls. HSJJ.051 2/4 G Gallway Girls. HSJJ.051 2/4 Em Gallway Girls. HSJJ.051 2/4 G Gallway Girls. HSJJ.051 C| Eminor Gallway Girls. Roose.0403 2/4 Emin Gallway (sic) Girls 3/4 Bb Gallways Lament 3/4 Bb Gallways Lament 6/8 Dmaj Gally Canter, The 2/4 Em Galon Drom. DWM. 32.4, Y C Amin Gàlon Drom, Y C C Galon Drom, Y 3/4 G Galong waltz 4/4 Gmin Galon lawen, Y 2/4 G Galop 2/4 F Galop 2/4 G Galop D Galop, The 2/4 Dmaj Galop 4/4 D Galop, the 2/4 Am -8va Galop 2/4 Bb GALOP 2/4 Bb Galop 2/4 G Galop [1] C C Galop [2] 2/4 D GALOPADE 2/4 Bb Galopade 2/4 D Galopade [1] 2/4 C Galopade [2] 2/4 D Galopade [3] 2/4 G Galopade [4] 2/4 G Galopade [4] 2/2 G Galopade [5] 2/4 G GALOPADE For two Flutes