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C Dmin Have a Sup of Brandy. JJo4.012 6/8 F Have at Thee Grace. JJo6.142 6/8 F Have at Thee Grace. JJo6.142 2/4 A Have at the French 2/4 A Have at the French 2/4 A Have at the French 2/4 A Have at the French THO1.166 6/8 G ^F Have at thy Coat old Woman. 6/4 G ^F Have at thy Coat old Woman. C| G Have at thy Coat old woman C| GMix Have At Thy Coat Old Woman 6/4 G Have at thy Coat, old Woman 6/4 G Have at thy Coat old Woman C| G Have at thy Coat, Old Woman 4/4 C Have at thy Coat old woman C| GMix Have at thy Coat old woman 4/4 G Have at Thy Coat,Old Woman. (p)1651.PLFD.035 4/4 G Have at Thy Coat,Old Woman. (p)1651.PLFD1.035 6/4 G Have At Thy Coat Old Woman. WCD3/1.204 4/4 C Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? D Have Kilt Will Travel C D Havelocks March. JBAT8.097 3/4 Edor Haven 2/4 G Havermeuleke 2/4 G Havermeuleke 2/4 G Havermolen 3/4 D minor Haveröpolska e. Jonk Jonas 3/4 Dmin Haveröpolska e. Jonk Jonas 3/4 Dmin Haveröpolska e. Jonk Jonas 3/4 G Haverövals efter Axel Eriksson 6/8 G HAVERSTOCK HILL 6/8 G HAVERSTOCK HILL 6/8 G Haverthwaite House Cottage C| C major Have Ye Any More On't? x025 C| C Have Ye Any More On't? x025 4/4 C major Have you any more on't 4/4 C major Have You Any More On't. HA08 3/4 D HAVE YOU BEEN AT CARRICK? 3/4 D Have You Been At Carrick? 3/4 D HAVE YOU BEEN AT CARRICK? 3/4 D Have You Been at Carrick? 3/4 D Have You Been at Carrick? 3/4 D "Have You Been At Carrick?" (air) DAMAGED 0094 6/8 D Have you heard of the Tax. 4/4 F Have you met Miss Jones? 4/4 Bb Have Your Not Heard C| D Have you seen it? 9/8 Dmix Have You Seen Mary, Daughter Of Alasdair 6/4 G Have you seen my black deceiver 4/4 G Have you seen my Moggy (Chilcote) 3/4 Em HAVE YOU SEEN MY VALENTINE? 3/4 Em Have You Seen My Valentine? 3/4 Em Have You Seen My Valentine? 3/4 Em Have You Seen My Valentine? 3/4 Gm Have you seen my Valentine 3/4 Emin Have you seen my Valentine? 3/4 Emin Have You Seen My Valentine? 3/4 G "Have You Seen My Valentine?" (air) 0592 C G Have you seen, or have you heard C G Have you seen or have you heard 4/4 Edor Havgusens C| D Havre 3/4 G Havusen Juokin Valssi 10/8 C _1/4B Havuz Ba??n?n Gülleri 9/8 C _2/4B Havuzun Ba??nda ?skemlem Kald? C G Hawick, a Strathspey C G Hawick, a Strathspey 6/8 Dmin Hawick Balls C| D Hawick Lasses C| D Hawick Lasses, a Reel C| D Hawick Lasses, a Reel C| D Hawick Lasses, a Reel 4/4 Gmaj Hawick Playground 4/4 Gmaj Hawick Playground 4/4 E major Hawk, the 4/4 Dmaj Hawk, The 4/4 Emaj Hawk, The 4/4 Emaj Hawk, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk, The 6/8 Fmaj Hawk, The 6/8 Fmaj Hawk, The 4/4 D Hawk, The E Hawk, The 4/4 E Hawk, the C| E Hawk, The 4/4 E Hawk, the 4/4 D Hawk, the C Hawk 4/4 D Hawk, The 4/4 D Hawk, The 4/4 D Hawk, The 6/4 C Hawk and the Crow, The 4/4 C Hawk and the Crow, The 4/4 G HAWKE'S (hornpipe) C| Amin Hawkes Hornpipe 4/4 Ador Hawke's HP 2/4 A Hawke's Humour. JJo.191 2/4 A Hawke's Humour. JJo8.191 2/4 A Hawke's Humour. JJo8.191 2/4 A Hawke's Humour. JJo8.191 C D Hawkeye 2/4 Emin Hawk got a Chicken [2] C| G Hawk Got the Chicken C| Em Hawk got the Chicken C| E HAWK -- Hornpipe, THE 4/4 Dmaj Hawk (hornpipe), The C| Am Hawkie. JJo3.131 C| Am Hawkie. JJo3.131 C Hawkins' Rag 4/4 E Hawk. JMT.054, The 2/4 Amaj Hawk Of Ballyshannon, The 2/4 Emin Hawk Of Ballyshannon, The 2/4 Gmaj Hawk Of Ballyshannon, The 2/4 Gmaj Hawk Of Ballyshannon, The 2/4 F#min Hawk of Ballyshannon, The C Amin Hawk of Ballyshannon, The 4/4 Em Hawk of Ballyshannon, The 2/4 D major Hawk Polka, the 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Gmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 2/4 D Hawk Polka, the 2/4 D Hawk Polka. JNi.[006], The 4/4 Dmaj Hawk Polka, The 4/4 D Hawks and Eagles C| D Hawks and Eagles C| D Hawks and Eagles C G Hawks and Eagles 4/4 D Hawks and Eagles C| G Hawk's got a Chicken [1] 6/8 C major Hawkshead Rant 6/8 C Hawkshead Rant 6/8 DDor Hawkshead Rant 6/8 DDor Hawkshead Rants 6/8 D Hawkshead Rants. BF11.36 6/8 DDor Hawkshead Rants. BF11.36 6/8 DDor Hawkshead Rants. BF11.36 6/8 Ddor Hawkshead Rants. BF11.36 Em Hawk's Hornpipe C| Am HAWK'S HORNPIPE C| Ador Hawk's Hornpipe C| Ador Hawk's hornpipe C| Ador Hawk's hornpipe C| A Hawk's Hornpipe C| A Hawk's Hornpipe C| A Hawk's Hornpipe C| Ador Hawk's Hornpipe C| Ador Hawk's Hornpipe C| Ador Hawks Hornpipe C| Ador Hawks Hornpipe C| A "Hawk's Hornpipe" 1754 C| D Hawk Shot a Buzzard 2/4 A Hawk's Humour 2/4 A Hawk's Humour 2/4 A Hawk's Humour. Roose.0210, The 2/4 A Hawk's Humour. Roose.0210, The 2/4 A Hawk's Humour THO1.165 C C Hawk's Nest* + (h) C| Dmix HAWK'S NEST* (hornpipe), The C C major Hawk's Nest* (h'pipe) 2/4 D Hawks Polka By Jas. Hill. WHL.[206] 2/4 D Hawk's Polka. WHL.[181] 3/4 Dmaj Hawk That Swoops On High, The C| E Major Hawk, The 4/4 E Hawk, The C| D Hawk, The 4/4 E major Hawk,The. JMT.054 4/4 E Hawk,The. JMT.054 4/4 E Hawk,The. JMT054 4/4 E Hawk,The. JMT.054 C| Amin Hawl away the Hawser [1] 9/8 Gmaj Hawthorn, The 9/8 Gmaj Hawthorn, The 9/8 Gmaj Hawthorn, The 9/8 G Hawthorn, The 9/8 G hawthorn, The 9/8 G hawthorn, The 9/8 G hawthorn, The 9/8 G Hawthorn, the 9/8 G Hawthorn, the 9/8 G Hawthorn, the 6/8 D Hawthorn 9/8 G Hawthorn [2], The 4/4 G HAWTHORN BLOSSOM (reel), The 4/4 Gmaj Hawthorn Bush, The 4/4 Gmaj Hawthorn Bush, The 9/8 Dmaj Hawthorn Bush, The 9/8 Gmaj Hawthorn Bush, The 9/8 Gmaj Hawthorn Bush, The 4/4 C Hawthorn bush (Hard) C| G Hawthorn Bush, The 4/4 Dmaj Hawthornden C| D HAWTHORNDEN