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4/4 A I'll Go No More to Yon Town C F I'll go no more to yon Town 4/4 A I'll Go No More to Yon Town (#256) C F I'll go no more to yon town. 2voices. Dix.46 C| A major I'll Go No More To Yon Town. HS.27 C| A I'll Go No More To Yon Town. HS.27 6/8 Eb I'll go to sleep 6/8 D I'll hae a Piper to my Gudeman 6/8 D I'll hae a Piper to my Gudeman 6/8 D I'll hae a Piper to my Gudeman G I'll Hap Ye in my Plaidie C E Minor I'll Hap Ye in My Plaidie C G I'LL HAP YE IN MY PLAIDIE C Emin I'll Hap Ye in My Plaidie C C I'll Have A Laddie With A White Cockade 9/8 Gmaj I'll Have Another 9/8 G I'LL HAVE ANOTHER 6/8 G I'LL HAVE ANOTHER WIFE! 6/8 G I'll Have Another Wife 9/8 Em I'll have a Wife of my own 9/8 D major I'll Have a Wife of My Own. VWMLa.013 9/8 D I'll Have a Wife of My Own. VWMLa.013 9/8 D I'll Have a Wife of My Own. VWMLa.013 6/8 Gmix I’ll have her away in spite of her Minnie 6/8 G I'll Have Her In Spite Of Her Minnie 6/8 G I'll Have Her In Spite Of Her Minnie 6/8 G I'll Have Her in Spite of Her Minnie 6/8 G I'll Have Her In Spite Of Her Minnie 6/8 G I'll Have Her In Spite Of Her Minnie 4/4 C I'll Hear The Trumpet Sound 3/4 D Illiam Dhone (Brown William) 4/4 Ador Illiam Y Thalhear 4/4 F Illinois 6/8 G Illinois Cotillion C| D Illinois Whiskey 4/4 Dmaj I'll Kiss The Bonnie Lass, Oh! C| Eb I'LL KISS THE BONNIE LASS -- Reel C| Eb I'll kiss the bonny lassie oh. C Eb I'll kiss the bonny lassie oh! C| G I'll kiss the Wife she bade me C| G I'll kiss the Wife she bade me C G I'll kiss the wife she bade me with variations 6/8 G I'll Lay No More with My Mother 9/8 D I'll Lay Ye Doon, Love 9/8 Gmaj I'll Learn It By Tomorrow 2/4 A I'll Learn You how to Rock Andy 3/4 D I’ll Love no more C Dmin I'll make for my bridegroom a grassy green pillow 3/4 G I'LL MAKE MY LOVE A BREAST OF GLASS 3/4 Fm I'll Make my Love a breast of Glass 3/4 Fm I'll Make my Love a breast of Glass 3/4 G I'll Make my Love a Breast of Glass 3/4 G I'll Make my Love a Breast of Glass 3/4 G I'll Make my Love a Breast of Glass 3/4 Fmin I’ll make my Love a breast of Glass 3/4 G I'll Make My Love a Breast of Glass 3/4 G "I'll Make My Love A Breast Of Glass" (air) 6/8 C I'll make thee be fain to follow me 6/8 C I'll make you be fain to follow Me 6/8 C I'll make you be fain to follow me 6/8 D I'LL MAKE YOU BE FAIN TO FOLLOW ME 6/8 C I'll make you be fain to follow Me 6/8 C I'll make you fain to follow. a Jig. 6/8 C major I'll make you fain to follow me 6/8 C I'll make you fain to follow me 6/8 C I'll make you fain to follow me 6/8 C major I'll Make You Fain To Follow Me. HSJJ.094 6/8 C I'll Make You Fain To Follow Me. HSJJ.094 6/8 C I'll Make You Fain To Follow Me. HSJJ.094 6/8 C I'll Make You Fain To Follow Me. HSJJ.094 6/8 C major I'll make you fain to follow me TS.236 6/8 C I'll make you fain to follow me TS.236 6/8 C I'll Mak' Ye Be Fain to Follow Me 6/8 C I'll Mak' Ye be Fain to Follow Me I'll Mak Ye Fain to Follow Me 6/8 C I'll Mak' Ye Fain to Follow Me C I'll Mak Ye Fain to Follow Me 6/8 C I'll Mak' Ye Fain to Follow Me - 8x32J 6/8 C I'll Mak You be Fain to Follow Me 6/8 D I'LL MAK YOU BE FAIN TO FOLLOW ME. 6/8 D I’ll Mak You Fain to Follow Me C G I'll Marry and I Won't be a Nun C D I'LL MEND YOUR POTS AND KETTLES C D I'll Mend Your Pots And Kettles C D I'LL MEND YOUR POTS AND KETTLES C D I'LL MEND YOUR POTS AND KETTLES C D I'LL MEND YOUR POTS AND KETTLES 2/4 G I'll Mend Your Pots and Kettles [1] C D I'll Mend Your Pots and Kettles [2] C D "I'll Mend Your Pots And Kettles" (air) 4/4 Gmaj I'll Mend Your Pots And Kettles - O 4/4 Gmaj I'll Mend Your Pots And Kettles - O C G I'LL MEND YOUR POTS AND KETTLES O (air) 3/4 C I'll Mount the Air on Swallow's Wings [The Loyal 3/4 C I'll Mount the Air on Swallow's Wings [The Loyal C| AMix I'll ne'er leave thee 6/8 Gmaj I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave 6/8 G I'LL NEITHER SPIN NOR WEAVE 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave 6/8 G I'll neither spin nor weave 6/8 G I'll neither spin nor weave 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave G I'll neither spin nor weave 6/8 G I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave #2 6/8 G "I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave" (jig) 1083 12/8 Dmaj I'll Never Forget 6/8 Em I'll Never Gan Heyem to My Mammie ne Mair. 6/8 Gmin I'll never gan to the dark celler ne mair C| D I’ll never have thee 3/4 D I'll never leave the . 3/4 D I'll never leave thee. 3/4 D I'LL NEVER LEAVE THEE 3/4 D I'LL NEVER LEAVE THEE 3/4 D I’ll never leave thee 3/4 D I'll never leave thee 3/4 D I'll never leave thee 3/4 D I’ll never leave thee 3/4 D I'll never leave thee 3/4 D I'll never leave thee. 2/4 D major I'll Never Leave Thee Laddie. RH.020 2/4 D I'll Never Leave Thee Laddie. RH.020 C| D major I'll Never Leave Thee. WCa.39 C| Hp I'll Never Leave Thee. WCa.39 C| D I'll Never Leave Thee. WCa.39 3/4 D I'll Never Love Mair Tho' I Live to Threescore 6/8 G I'll never love thee more [1] 6/4 Gmin I'll never love thee more [2] C| D I’ll never see him More C| D major I'll Never the Laddie. VWMLa.034 C| D I'll Never the Laddie. VWMLa.034 2/4 G I'll Owe You One JBrk.111 2/4 G I’ll Paddle My Own Canoe 4/4 G I'll remember April 3/4 Dmaj I'll Remember You, Love, In My Prayers 3/4 G I'll Remember You Love In My Prayers 2/4 Amin I'll Return to Kintail 3/4 G I'll See You in the Morning 4/4 C Illsley 9/8 Ador I'LL TAKE A GAY GLASS 9/8 Amix I'll Take a Gay Glass With a Friend 9/8 A I'll Take a Gay Glass with a Friend 4/4 F I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen 4/4 G I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen 4/4 D I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen 2/4 G I'll Tell Me Ma 2/2 G I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 G I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Dmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Dmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Gmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Gmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Dmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Ador I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Dmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Gmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 G I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 G I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 D I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 G I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Cmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 D I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Dmaj I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 D I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 G I'll Tell Me Ma 2/4 Amaj I'll Tell Me Ma(A) 2/4 Gmaj I'll Tell Me Ma(G) 2/4 D I'll Tell My Ma C G I'll Tell My Ma C G I'll Tell My Ma C G I'll Tell My Ma 2/4 G I'll Tell My Ma (A9) C D I'll Tell My Ma [D] C D I'll Tell My Ma [D] C D I'll Tell My Ma [D] C G I'll Tell My Ma [G,wW] 3/4 F I'll tell thee, Dick, where I have been 4/4 C I'll Tell You of a Fellow 4/4 C I'll Tell You of a Fellow 6/8 Em I'll Touzle Your Courtship. CJS.[75] 6/8 E minor I'll Touzle Your Kerchy. RH.194 6/8 Em I'll Touzle Your Kerchy. RH.194 6/8 E minor I'll Touzle your Kurchy. 6/8 Emin I'll Touzle Your Kurchy 6/8 Emin I'll Touzle Your Kurchy 6/8 I'll Touzle your Kurchy. 6/8 Em I'll Touzle your Kurchy 6/8 Emin I’ll Touzle your Kurchy 6/8 Emin I’ll Touzle your Kurchy 6/8 EMin I'll Touzle your Kurchy. 6/8 E Minor I'll Touzle your Kurchy. 2/4 Edor I'll travel to Mt. Nebo 4/4 Dmaj I'll Turn Off Your Water 2/4 C I'll Twine 'Mid The Ringlets C| C Illumination C| G major Illumination 9th Feb 1781, The