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 2/4 Edor    Lackagh Cross [1] (polka) 
 2/4 Bm      Lackagh Cross [2]
 2/4 G       LACKAGH CROSS [3] (polka)
 4/4 G       Lackey's
 2/2 EMin    Lack of Certainty Reel
 3/4 Dm      Lackström II
 3/4 Dm      Lackströms Polska
 3/4 Dm      Lackströms polska
 3/4 Dm      Lackströms polska
 4/4 G       À la claire fontaine
 4/4 C       La Clair Fontaine, A
 4/4 Amin    La Clairière
 2/4 A major La Clara. RH.115
 2/4 A       La Clara. RH.115
 3/8 G major La Coccinelle
 3/8 D major La Coccinelle
 3/8 G       La Coccinelle
 3/8 Cmaj    La Coccinelle
 3/4 Dmaj    La Coccinelle
 3/8 Dmaj    La Coccinelle
 3/8 D       La Coccinelle
 3/8 D       La coccinelle - bourree
 3/8 Dmaj    La Coccinelle [Ladybug]
 2/4 Gmaj    La Cochinchine
 6/8 Gm      La Colombe
 3/8 D major La Comete
 3/8 D       La Comete
 3/8 D       La Comete
 3/4 G       La complainte de la Butte
 3/4 C       La Complainte De Springhill
 3/4 Edor    La Complainte Du Folkloriste
 3/4 Edor    La Complainte Du Folkloriste
 6/8 D       La Complainte du Folkloriste
 6/8 D       La Complainte du Folkloriste
 3/4 Fm      La Condesita
 2/4 Fm      La Condesita (Arrg.)
 2/4 Fm      La Condesita (Romance)
 2/4 Bm      La Condesita (Romance) (Arrg. Bm)
 2/4 Bb      la Contess
 2/4 Bb      La Contess
 4/4 Gmaj    La Contredanse
 4/4 Gmaj    La Contredanse
 6/8 Gdor    La Coquette
  C| D       La Coquette. EHo.094
 4/4 G major La Corne
 4/4 G       La Corne
  C| D       La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cosa Mulligan
 4/4 D       La Cosa Mulligan
  C| D       La Cosa Mulligan
  C| D       La Cosa Mulligan
 6/8 G       La Cotillion
 4/4 Dmaj    La Cotillion De La Patte De Mouton
 6/8 G major la Counterfaitte
 6/8 G major la Counterfaitte
 6/8 G       la Counterfaitte
 6/8 G       la Counterfaitte
 6/8 G       la Counterfaitte
 6/8 G       La Counterfaitte
 6/8 G       La Counterfaitte.
 6/8 G major La Counterfaitte. HSJJ.022
 6/8 G       La Counterfaitte. HSJJ.022
 6/8 G       La Counterfaitte. HSJJ.022
 6/8 G       La Counterfaitte. HSJJ.022
 6/8 G       La Courante
 2/2 G       La Course Italienne
 2/4 DMix    La Creu
 2/4 G       L'Acrobate
 4/4 Emin    La Croisette
 4/4 Emin    La Croisette
 4/4 Emin    La Croisette
 3/8 C       La Crosada
 3/8 C       La crousado
 3/4 Bb      La crouzado
 3/4 Bb      la Crouzado
 3/8 C       La crozada (version Floutard/Blaja)
 2/4 C       La Cruz de Mayu
 2/4 D       La Cruz de Mayu (Arrg. D)
 2/4 C       La Cruz de Mayu (MG 73) (Arrg.)
 2/4 C       La Cruz de Mayu (MQ 014)
 4/4 C       La Cruz de Mayu (XA 20)
  C| D       La cucaracha
 4/4 F       La Cucaracha
 3/8 F       La Cuesta La Rebollá
 3/8 F       La Cuesta La Rebollá (Arrg.)
 3/8 F       La Cuesta La Rebollá (Arrg.)
 3/8 D       La Cuesta La Rebollá (Arrg. D)
 4/4 Am      La Cumparsita
 4/4 Am      La Cumparsita
  C| A       Lacy Brown
  C| Bb      Lacy Charlotte Campbell
 2/4 D major La Dame du Lac
 2/4 D       La Dame du Lac
 2/4 D       La Dame du Lac - bourree
 2/4 G       La dame du Poivre
 2/4 G       la Dame du Poivre
 2/4 Bb      La Damo de la Respelido
 6/8 G       La Damoiselle
 6/8 G       la Damoiselle
 6/8 G       La Damoiselle. Roose.0612, La
 6/8 G major La Damoselle.
 6/8 G       la Damoselle.
 6/8 G       la Damoselle.
 6/8 D       la Damoselle
 6/8 G       La Damoselle.
 6/8 G       La Damoselle.
 6/8 D       la Damoselle   [D]
 6/8 G       la Damoselle   (G)
 6/8 A       Lad and the money is all my own, The
 2/4 Bb      La Danemark (Kontratanz) BbF (kt02306)
 2/4 Bb      La Danemark (Kontratanz) BbF (kt02306)
 2/4 C       La Danemark (Kontratanz) CG 2+ (kt02306)
 2/4 F       La Danemark (Kontratanz) FC 5- (kt02306)
 2/4 G       La Danemark (Kontratanz) G&D (tinwhistle in D)
 2/4 Bb      La Dansomaine
 2/4 C major La Dansomanic. JC.206
 2/4 C       La Dansomanic. JC.206
 2/4 C       La Dansomanic. JC.206
 2/4 C       La Dansomanic. JC.206
 4/4 Emin    Ladar Mor A'Chogain
  C| E Minor Ladar Mor a' Ghogain
  C| Emin    Ladar Mor a' Ghogain
 6/8 Em      Lad at the Bar, the
   C G Minor Laddie I esteem you
   C Gmin    Laddie I esteem you
 3/4 F       Laddie, Lie Near Me
 3/4 Dmin    Laddie lie near me
 3/4 E Minor Laddie ly near me.
 3/4 Em      Laddie ly near me
 3/4 Emin    Laddie ly near me
 3/4 E Minor Laddie ly near me.
     D       Laddies o' Dunse, The
     Bb      Laddie wi' the Bonnet, The
  C| Bb      Laddie wi' the Bonnet Blue, The
     D       Laddie wi' the Plaidie
 4/4 D       Laddie wi' the Plaidie
 4/4 D       Laddie wi' the Plaidie
   C D       Laddie with the Pladdie, The
 4/4 D       Laddie with the Plaidie
 4/4 D       Laddie with the Plaidie (Far am bi na fairchean)
 4/4 D       Laddie with the Plaidie (Far am bi na fairchean)
 4/4 D       Laddie with the Plaidie (Far am bi na fairchean)
 2/4 D       Ladd O' Gowrie, The
 6/8 D       Ladds Dance (The)
 6/8 D       Ladds Dance,The, aka TS.078
 6/4 Dmix    Ladds of Dunce, the
 6/4 G       Ladds of Dunce, The
 6/4 G       Ladds of Dunce, the
 6/4 Dmix    Ladds of Dunce, the
 6/4 G       Ladds of Dunce, The
 6/4 Dmix    Ladds of Dunce. WCD3/1.005, The
 6/4 D       Ladds [sic] of Dunce, The
 6/4 D       Ladds [sic] of Dunce, The
 6/4 D       Ladds [sic] of Dunce, The
 6/4 D       Ladds[sic] of Dunce. THO2.176, The
 2/4 A major ... Laddy
 2/4 A       ... Laddy
  C| D major ....Laddy, a gud tune. JaW.058
  C| D       ....Laddy, a gud tune. JaW.058
  C| Hp      ....Laddy, a gud tune. JaW.058
  C| D       ....Laddy, a gud tune. JaW.058
   C D       Laddy Haddoes Strathspey
 2/4 G major La Débardeuse
 2/4 D       La Debardeuse
 2/4 D       La Debardeuse
Llib C       La de coyer (CT 484)
Llib C       La de coyer (CT 484)
 6/8 C       Lade if you Lo'e me
 6/8 F       L'adele
 4/4 Amin    La Démêlée
 6/8 G major La Demoiselle. RH.234
 6/8 G       La Demoiselle. RH.234
 3/4 Gmaj    Laden Sack
  C| E       La Deploration de la morte de Johannes Ockeghem
  C| E phr   La Deploration de la morte de Johannes Ockeghem
  C| E phr   La Deploration de la morte de Johannes Ockeghem
  C| E phr   La Deploration de la morte de Johannes Ockeghem
  C| E phr   La Deploration de la morte de Johannes Ockeghem
12/8 G       La dérobée tourniquet
 3/1 F       La despourveue
 3/4 G       Ladey Coventreys Retreat. JBut.031 G (Harmony #39)
 3/4 G       Ladey Coventreys Retreat (with seconds). JBut.031
 3/8 D       Ladey Lusea Mannes Walk. JBut.995
 2/4 C       Ladeys Man, The
 2/4 C       Ladeys Man, The
 2/4 C       Ladeys Man, The
 6/8 G       Ladeys Plaything (with seconds). JBut.312, The
 2/2 D       Lad From Balinrobe, The
 2/2 D       Lad From Balinrobe, The
 2/2 D       Lad From Balinrobe, The
 2/2 D       Lad from Balinrobe, The

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