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C| D Lucky Scaup 4/4 D Lucky Scaup 6/8 Bmin Lucky's Dream C Lucky Seven 6/8 Gmaj Lucky Thirteen 9/8 Emin Lucky Thirteen 9/8 Emin Lucky Thirteen 4/4 Gmaj Lucky Trapper, The 4/4 Dmaj Lucky Trapper, The 4/4 G Lucky Trapper, The 4/4 G Lucky Trapper, The 4/4 Gmaj Lucky Trapper, The 4/4 Bmin Lucozade, The 4/4 Emin Lucozade, The 4/4 Emin Lucozade, The C| A Lucretia of the Age C| A Lucretia of the Age 3/4 G LUCREZIA BORGIA WALTZ 3/8 F Lucrezia Waltz 3/4 Am Lucy 4/4 Dmaj Lucy And Winnie C D Major Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell 4/4 Amix Lucy Campbell 4/4 Amix Lucy Campbell 4/4 Amaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell Lucy Campbell 2/2 C Lucy Campbell 2/2 C Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell 4/4 D Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell C| Gmaj Lucy Campbell 4/4 D Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell C| D Lucy Campbell 4/4 D Lucy Campbell [1] C| D Lucy Campbell [1] C D Lucy Campbell [1] with Variations 4/4 D Lucy Campbell [2] C| D Lucy Campbell [3] C A Lucy Campbell [4] 2/2 C Lucy Campbell [5] C D Lucy Campbell [6] C| D major Lucy Campbell. RH.099 C| D Lucy Campbell. RH.099 C| D Lucy Campbell. RH.099 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell's 4/4 D major Lucy Campbell's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Campbell's 4/4 D Lucy Campbell's [1] C| D major Lucy Campbell's Delight. RH.081 C| D Lucy Campbell's Delight. RH.081 2/4 D Lucy Campbell's Hornpipe 2/4 D Lucy Campbell's Hornpipe (#326) D Lucy Campbell's Reel C| D Lucy Campbell's -- Reel C D Lucy Campbell with Variations 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Cassidy 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Cassidy C HP Lucy Cassidy 2/4 D major Lucy Dear 2/4 D major Lucy Dear 2/4 D Lucy Dear 2/4 D Lucy Dear 2/4 D Lucy Dear. G&D_1826.09 2/4 D major Lucy Dear. JaW.245 2/4 D Lucy Dear. JaW.245 12/8 Dmix Lucy Farr #1 12/8 Dmix Lucy Farr #2 4/4 GMaj Lucy Farr's C| GMaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Cmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Amaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Amaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Amaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 6/8 Dmix Lucy Farr's 6/8 Dmix Lucy Farr's 6/8 Dmix Lucy Farr's 6/8 Amaj Lucy Farr's 2/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 2/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's 4/4 D Lucy Farr's 4/4 G Lucy Farr's 4/4 G Lucy Farr's 4/4 G Lucy Farr's C| G Lucy Farr's C| A Lucy Farr's 4/4 G Lucy Farr's Barndance 4/4 D Lucy Farr's Barn Dance 4/4 G Lucy Farr's Barn Dance 4/4 G Lucy Farr's Barn Dance C| G Lucy Farr's - Barn Dance 4/4 A Lucy Farr's Barndance [A] 4/4 G Lucy Farr's Barndance [G] 4/4 G Lucy Farr's Barn Dance (hornpipe) 4/4 Gmaj Lucy Farr's Barndance No.1 2/4 G Lucy Farr's I 4/4 G Lucy Farr's Own Reel 2/4 G Lucy Farr's Polka 2/4 Cmaj Lucy Farr's Polka 2/4 G Lucy Farr's Polka No.1 2/4 G Lucy Locket 6/8 Gmaj Lucy Locket's 2/4 Dmaj Lucy Long 2/4 A Lucy Long [1] 2/4 D Lucy Long [1] 2/4 D major Lucy Long. HS.43 2/4 D Lucy Long. HS.43 2/4 G Lucy Long Polka 2/4 G Lucy Long Polka C| Edor Lucy MacNeil 6/8 Ador Lucy McKenna 6/8 Ador Lucy McKenna 6/8 Ador Lucy McKenna 6/8 Ador Lucy McKenna's 2/4 G LUCY NEAL 2/4 D Lucy Neal 2/4 G Lucy Neal 2/4 C Lucy Neal. Le4.134 2/4 C Lucy Neal. Le4.134 2/4 G Lucy Neal. Roose. 0753 2/4 G Lucy Neal. Roose. 0753 2/4 C Lucy Neal WES.016 C| D Lucy Neil 2/4 D Lucy Rhode's Delight 2/4 D Lucy Rhode's Delight 3/4 Gmaj Lucy's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy's 4/4 Fmaj Lucy's 4/4 Dmaj Lucy's C| G Lucy's Delight C| G Lucy's Delight 2/4 G Lucy's Delight. Roose.0153 2/4 G Lucy's Delight. Roose.0153 C| G Lucy's Delight. Ru1.056 C| G Lucy's Delight. Ru1.056 C| G Lucy's Delight THO1.185 2/4 G major Lucy's Delight. VWMLa.012 2/4 G Lucy's Delight. VWMLa.012 4/4 Fmaj Lucy's Dream 4/4 Gmaj Lucy's Dream 4/4 Amaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Gmaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Gmaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Amaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Amaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Amaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Dmaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Gmaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Amaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Gmaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Amaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Gmaj Lucy's Fling 4/4 Amaj Lucy's Fling