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 2/4 C       My Little Girl
   C D       My Little Peggy Love
   C D       My Little Peggy Love JBrk.100
 4/4 Eb      My little suede shoes
 6/8 A       My Lodging. EHo.500
 3/4 G       My Lodging is on the Cold, Cold Ground
 6/8 D major My Lodging is on the Cold Ground.
 6/8 D       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground.
 6/8 G       My Lodging Is On the Cold Ground
 6/8 G       My Lodging Is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 G       My Lodging Is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 D       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 D       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 G       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 Ab      My Lodging is on the cold ground
 6/8 F       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 C       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 Ab      My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 Amix    My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 D       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground.
 6/8 D       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground.
     G       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
 6/8 G       My Lodging Is on the Cold Ground   #1
 6/8 G       My Lodging Is on the Cold Ground   #2
 6/8 G       "My Lodging Is On The Cold Ground"      (air) 
 6/8 D major My Lodging is on the Cold Ground. RH.249
 6/8 D       My Lodging is on the Cold Ground. RH.249
 4/4 Emin    My Lodging Is Uncertain
 4/4 Dmin    My Lodging Is Uncertain
 4/4 Gmaj    My Lodging Is Uncertain
   C Em      My Lodging is Uncertain
   C Emin    My Lodging is Uncertain
 3/4 G       My Lodging's on the Cold Ground
 6/8 D       My Lodging's on the Cold Ground
     A       My Lodging's on the Cold Ground
 3/4 G major My Lodging's On The Cold Ground. FTB.067
 3/4 G       My Lodging's On The Cold Ground. FTB.067
 2/4 D       MY LONG TAIL BLUE
 2/4 D       My Long Tail Blue
 2/4 D       My Long Tail Blue
 2/4 G       My Long Tailed Blue. Roose.0747
 2/4 G       My Long Tailed Blue. Roose.0747
  C| F       My Lord Byron's Delight
 4/4 F       My Lord Byron's Delight. (p)1698.PLFD1.387
 4/4 F       My Lord Byron's Delight. (p)1698.PLFD.387
 6/8 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 G       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 G       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 G       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/8 G       My Lord Byron's Maggot
 6/4 G       My Lord Byron's Maggot. (p).1701.PLFD1.457
 6/4 D       My Lord Byron's Maggot. (p).1701.PLFD1.457
 6/4 G       My Lord Byron's Maggot. (p).1701.PLFD.457
 4/4 G       My Lord Cutts' Delight
 4/4 G       My Lord Cutts Delight
   C C major My Lord Cutts(?) Delight. HA.180
   C C       My Lord Cutts(?) Delight. HA.180
 6/8 D       My Lord Is Grave And I Am Gay. DWM. 61.4
 3/4 Dmaj    My Lord, My Master
     G       My Lord of Sherborne's Jig
 6/8 G       My Lord of Sherborne's Jig
 9/8 D       My Lord’s a Fumeler JBut.870
  C| D       My Lord's Delight
  C| D       My Lord's Delight
  C| D       My Lord's Delight
  C| D       My Lord's Delight. JJo6.81
  C| D       My Lords Delight THO1.007
  C| G       My Lord Seforth's [sic] Scotch-measure
  C| G       My Lord Sefoth's Scotch-measure
 6/8 C       My Lord Tomnoddy WES.075
 3/4 D       My Love Alas is Dead and Gone
 9/8 Em      My Love and I
 4/4 G       My Love and I in the Garden
  C| G       My Love and I in the Garden
 4/4 D       My Love Between Two Roses
   C D       My Love between Two Roses
 4/4 D       My Love Between Two Roses
   C Bb      My love built me a bonnie bower
  C| G       My Love Come Passing by me.  WHL.[164]
 2/4 C       My love has departed
 2/4 G       My Love Has Gone
 2/4 G       My Love Has Gone
 2/4 G       MY LOVE HAS GONE
 2/4 G       My Love Has Gone
 2/4 G       My Love has Gone
 2/4 G       "My Love Has Gone"         (air)         0067
 3/4 Eb      My love he is tall although he is young
   C G       My Love in Secret
   C G       My Love in Secret
  C| D       My Love in the Bronx
 6/8 Ador    My Love in the Morning
12/8 Edor    My Love In The Morning
 6/8 Ador    My Love in the Morning
 3/4 Gmaj    My Love Is A Band Boy
 3/4 Am      My Love is a Band Boy
 3/4 Am      My Love is a Band Boy
 3/4 Am      My Love is a Band Boy
 3/4 C       My Love is a Bandboy
 3/4 C       "My Love Is A Band Boy"          (air)          
 6/8 Amix    My Love Is A Fair Lad
 6/8 G       My Love is a Lady
 6/8 G       My Love is a Lady
 6/8 G       My Love is a Lady
 6/8 G       My Love is a Lady
 6/8 G       My Love is a Lady
 6/8 G       "My Love is a Lady"          (air)         0223
 6/8 G       My Love is all madness and folly
   C G       My love is all the world to me
 3/4 Gmaj    My Love Is An Arbutus
 6/8 D major My Love is Breathing. RH.162
 6/8 D       My Love is Breathing. RH.162
 2/4 G       My Love is But a Lassie
 2/2 G       My Love is But a Lassie
 2/4 D       My Love is but a Lassie [2]
 2/4 D       My Love is but a Lassie'O
 2/4 D       My Love is but a Lassie'O
 4/4 D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
 4/4 D       My Love is but a Lassie Yet
 2/4 D Major My Love Is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D major My Love is but a lassie yet
 4/4 D major My Love Is But A Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love Is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
 2/4 Dmaj    My Love is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
 4/4 D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
 4/4 D       My Love Is But A Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is but a lassie yet
 4/4 D       My Love Is But A Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is but a lassie yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet
 2/4 D       My Love Is But a Lassie Yet
 4/4 D       My Love is but a Lassie Yet
 4/4 D       My love is but a lassie yet
 2/4 G       My Love is but a lassie yet.
 2/4 D       My love is but a lassie yet
 2/4 D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet [1]
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet [1]
   C Ador    My Love is but a Lassie Yet [3]
  C| A       My Love is But a Lassie Yet   (A)
 2/4 D major My Love Is But A Lassie Yet,aka. JMT.017
 2/4 D       My Love Is But A Lassie Yet,aka. JMT.017
 2/4 D major My Love is But A Lassie Yet,aka. RHu.144a
 2/4 D       My Love is But A Lassie Yet,aka. RHu.144a
 2/4 D       My Love is But A Lassie Yet,aka. RHu.144a
 2/4 D       My Love is But A Lassie Yet,aka. RHu.144a
  C| D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet   [D]
 2/4 D       My Love is but a Lassie Yet. Dal.076
 4/4 D major My Love Is But A Lassie Yet. FTB.057
 4/4 D       My Love Is But A Lassie Yet. FTB.057
 2/4 D major My Love is But a Lassie Yet. HS.02
 2/4 D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet. HS.02
 2/4 D       My Love is But a Lassie Yet. HS.02
   C D       My Love is but a Lassie Yet.  TWC.086
 2/4 D major My Love Is But A Lassie Yet. WM.135
 2/4 D       My Love Is But A Lassie Yet. WM.135
 2/4 D       My Love Is But A Lassie Yet. WM135
 2/4 D       My Love Is But A Lassie Yet. WM.135
 2/4 D       My Love is but a Lassy [sic] Yet [1]
   C Gdor    My love is coming home
 4/4 Gmaj    My Love Is Fair And Handsome
 4/4 Amaj    My Love Is Fair And Handsome
 4/4 Amaj    My Love Is Fair And Handsome
 4/4 Amaj    My Love Is Fair And Handsome
 4/4 A       My Love is Fair and Handsome
 2/4 G       My Love is Fair and Handsome
   C G       My love is fair and handsome
   C G       My Love Is Fair And Handsome
   C G       My love is fair and handsome
   C G       My love is fair and handsome
  C| G       My Love is Fair and Handsome
  C| G       My Love is Fair and Handsome
  C| G       My Love is Fair and Handsome
   C G       My love is Fair and Handsome
   C G       My love is Fair and Handsome
 2/4 G       My Love is Fair and Handsome
   C A       My Love is Fair and Handsome [2]
  C| A       My Love is Fair and Handsome(2)
  C| G       "My Love Is Fair And Handsome"  (reel)    1220
  C| Ador    My Love is Far Away
  C| Ador    My Love Is Far Away -- Reel
   C Bm      My Love is fixed upon her
   C Bm      My Love is fixed upon her

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