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   C G       New Drury. WM.088
 2/4 D       New Duke of York's March
 6/4 D       New Dutch Skipper
 6/4 D       New Dutch Skipper
 6/4 D       New Dutch Skipper
 6/4 D       New Dutch Skipper.  JJo1.139
 6/4 D       New Dutch Skipper. JJo1.139
 4/4 G       New Edinburgh
 4/4 G       New Edinburgh
 4/4 G       New Edinburgh
 3/4 G       New England Ballad, A
             New England Fiddler's Repertoire
  C| D       New England Hornpipe
 6/8 A       New England. PFD3.181
 4/4 G       New English Lady, The
  C| G       New Entry.
 6/4 Gmin    New Exchange., The
 6/8 G       New Exchange, The
 6/8 GDor    New Exchange, the
 2/2 F       New Exchange
 6/8 GDor    New Exchange, The
 6/8 GDor    New Exchange, The
 6/8 GDor    New Exchange, The
 6/8 GDor    New Exchange, The
 2/2 F       New Exchange
 6/8 GDor    New Exchange, The
 6/8 Gmin    New Exchange. (recast in 6/8), The
  C| Bb      New Fagary, The
  C| Bb      New Fagary, the
 2/4 C       New Fal lal la
 6/8 G       New Fandango, The
 6/8 G       New Fandango, The
 6/8 A       New Fandango, the
 6/8 A       New Fandango, The
 6/8 D       New Fandango, The
 6/8 A major New Fandango. THO4.164, The
 6/8 A       New Fandango THO4.164, The
 6/8 A       New Fandango THO4.164, The
 6/8 A       New Fandango. THO4.164, The
 2/4 G       New-Fashioned Farmer, The
 2/4 G       New-Fashioned Farmer, The
   C Ador    New Fashioned Habit, The
 6/8 G major New Feathers. THO4.199, The
 6/8 G       New Feathers THO4.199, The
 6/8 G       New Feathers. THO4.199, The
  c. C       New features in abcm2ps-5.x.x
 2/4 D       New Fee
 2/4 D       New Fee
 6/8 Emix    New Fiddle, The
 6/8 Emaj    New Fiddle, The
 6/8 E       New Fiddle, the
     E       New Fiddle, The
     E       New Fiddle, The
 4/4 G       New Fiddle Rag, The
 6/8 A       Newfie Jig
     A       Newfield Cottage
   C A       Newfield Cottage
   C A major Newfield Cottage, a Strathspey
   C A       Newfield Cottage, a Strathspey
 4/4 C       New Figary, The
 4/4 Dm      New Figary
 4/4 Dm      New Figary
 4/4 Dm      New Figary
 4/4 Dm      New Figary
 2/2 Bb      New Figary, The
 4/4 C       New Five Cents
 4/4 Dmaj    New Five Cents
 4/4 Dmaj    New Five Cents
  C| D       New Five Cents
  C| D       New Five Cents [1]
  C| D       New Five Cents [1]
  C| D       New Five Cents [1]
  C| D       New Five Cents [2]
  C| C       New Five Cents [3]
  C| A major New Floating Battery TS.091
  C| A       New Floating Battery TS.091
 2/4 F       New Forest, the
 2/4 F       New Forest, The
  C| Dmin    New Forest (Rhynie)
 4/4 Dmaj    Newfoundland, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Newfoundland, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Newfoundland
   C D       Newfoundland Sailor
   C D       Newfoundland Sailor
 2/4 D       Newfoundland set tunes
 2/4 D       Newfoundland set tunes
 6/8 Edor    Newfoundland Spring
 6/8 Edor    Newfoundland Spring
 6/8 Edor    Newfoundland Spring
 4/4 Dmaj    New Found Out, The
 4/4 Dmaj    New Found Out, The
 4/4 Dmaj    New Found Out, The
 4/4 Dmaj    New Found Out, The
 4/4 Dmaj    New Found Out, The
 4/4 Dmaj    New Found Out, The
 4/4 Dmaj    New Found Out, The
 6/8 Gmaj    Newfoundout, The
 4/4 D       New Found Out [1], The
  C| D       New Found Out [1], The
 2/4 D       New Found Out [1], The
 2/4 D       New Found Out [1], The
 6/8 Ador    New Found Out [2]
  C| D       New Found Out Reel, The
  C| D       New Found Out, The
 4/4 D       New Found Out, The
  C| D       New Found Out, The
 3/2 C       New French Dance
 3/4 C       New French Dance
 2/4 G minor New French Schottische
 2/4 Gm      New French Schottische
 2/4 C       New French Schottische
 2/4 G       New French Schottische
 3/4 G       NEW FRENCH STOP WALTZ, the
 4/4 G       New Friends
 4/4 C       New Friends
 6/8 Ador    New Frock, The
 6/8 G       New Frolic
 4/4 C       New Garden Fields - Fone
 3/4 Ddor    New Garden Fields Version 1 of 2
 3/4 Ddor    New Garden Fields Version 1 of 2
 6/8 A       Newgate Broth.  JJo1.180
 6/8 A       Newgate Broth. JJo1.180
 6/8 A       Newgate Broth. Ru1.061
 6/8 A       Newgate Broth. Ru1.061
 6/8 A       Newgate Broth. Ru1.061
   C C       Newgates
   C C       Newgates
 4/4 Gmaj    New Generation, The
  C| G major New German March
 4/4 G       New German March
  C| G       New German March
 4/4 G       New German March
 4/4 G       New German March
  C| G       New German March JaW.259, The
  C| D major New German March. JC.187
  C| D       New German March. JC.187
  C| D       New German March. JC.187
  C| D       New German March. JC.187
  C| G major New German March. JC.188
  C| G       New German March. JC.188
  C| G       New German March. JC.188
  C| G       New German March. JC.188
  C| G major New German March,The JaW.259
  C| G       New German March,The JaW.259
  C| G       New German March,The x259
 2/4 C       New German Spa, The
 2/4 G       New German Spa
 2/4 G       New German Spaw. THO5.002
 3/8 G       New German Waltz
 3/8 G       New German Waltz
 3/8 G       New German Waltz
 3/8 G       New German Waltz
 3/8 G       New German Waltz
 3/8 G       new German Waltz., The
 3/8 G       New German Waltz
 3/8 F       New German Waltze, The
 3/8 F       New German Waltze, The
 3/8 F major New German Waltz,The. WM.106
 3/8 FMaj    New German Waltz,The. WM.106
 3/8 FMaj    New German Waltz,The. WM106
 3/8 FMaj    New German Waltz,The. WM.106
 3/8 FMaj    New German Waltz. WM.106, The
   C G major New Gipsey Hornpipe. JBu.50
   C G       New Gipsey Hornpipe. JBu.50
 6/8 G       New Glenath, The
 6/8 D       NEW GOOD SHIRT, The
 6/8 D       NEW GOOD SHIRT, the
 2/4 C       New Grand O.P. Dance. Car(G).04, The
 2/4 C       New Grand O.P. Dance. Car(L).04, The
 2/4 C       New Grand O.P. Dance, The
 2/4 C major New Grand O.P. Dance,The. Car.04
 2/4 C       New Grand O.P. Dance,The. Car.04
 9/8 G major New Grinders, the
 9/8 G       New Grinders, the
 9/8 G       New Grinders. HSJJ.110, The
 9/8 G major New Grinders,The. HSJJ.110
 9/8 G       New Grinders,The. HSJJ.110
 9/8 G       New Grinders,The. HSJJ.110
 4/4 G       New Gun Reel
 4/4 G       New Gun Reel
 4/4 G       New Gun Reel
 4/4 G       New Gun Reel
  C| G       Newhall's Reel
 6/8 Emin    New Hands
 6/8 Emin    New Hands
 6/8 Emin    New Hands
 6/8 Emin    New Hands
 6/8 Em      New Hands
 6/8 Dm      New Hanover square
 6/8 Dmin    New Hanover Square
 6/8 Dm      New Hanover square
 6/8 Dm      New Hanover Square.  JJo1.131
 6/8 Dm      New Hanover Square. JJo1.131
 6/8 F       New Hanover Square. JW6.133
 6/8 F       New Hanover Square. WCD3/6.133
  C| D major New Harliquin Air,A. BC.16
  C| D       New Harliquin Air,A. BC.16

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