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12/8 D       Paper Plate Slide, The
 2/4 Am      Papichon
 4/4 Amin    Papichon
 2/4 Am      Papichon - schottisch/schottische/scottish
 2/4 Am      Papichon (Stephan Steiner)
 6/8 D       Papier, Le Gaboteur, Le
 4/4 G major Papillon
 4/4 G major Papillon
 4/4 G       Papillon
     Bb      Papillon
 4/4 G       Papillon
 4/4 G       Papillon
 4/4 G       Papillon
 2/4 C       Papillons, Les
 4/4 Dm      Papirossen
 4/4 Em      Papirossen
 4/4 Cm      Papirossen
 4/4 Em      Papirossen
 4/4 Dm      Papirossen   [Dm]
 4/4 Dm      Papirossen   [Dm]
 4/4 Em      Papirossen   [Em]
 4/4 Em      Papirossen   [Em
   C Amin    Papirossen in Amin
 4/4 Dmin    papirossen in Dmin
 2/4 A       Pap of Glencoe, the
 2/4 Amix    Pap of Glencoe, the
 2/4 Amix    Pap of Glencoe, the
  C| HP      Pap of Glencoe  "CYMRU", The
 2/4 C       Pap of Glencoe, The
 2/4 Hp      Pap of Glencoe, The
 2/4 Am      Papouri
 2/4 Am      Pappani pellon perällä
 3/4 Dm      Pappani talo, kivinen talo
 3/4 C       Pappas vals
 2/4 G       Pap Paw
 4/4 Gmaj    Pappilan Pellolla
 4/4 Gmaj    Pappilan Pellolla
 4/4 G       Pappilan pellolla
 4/4 G       Pappilan pellolla
 3/8 C       Papp kommt hannert dem Uewen eraus, S. 32
 2/4 Bb      Pappy Daily's Breakdown
 2/4 Bb      Pappy Daily's Breakdown
   C Amix    Paps of Glencoe
   C A=G     Paps of Glencoe (m)
   C A major Paps of Glencoe (march)
     D       Paps o' Orkney, The
 6/4 G       Papstaustreiben
 6/8 G       Pa puoyi
 2/4 G       Pa puoyio
12/8 FDor    Papuselele
12/8 DDor    Papuselele
12/8 FDor    Papuselle
 3/4 G       Pa que les buenes moces (CT 222)
 3/4 G       Pa que les buenes moces (CT 222)
 2/4 Dmix    Paquito El Chocolatero
 3/8 A       Parachute, the
 3/8 A       Parachute, The
 3/8 A       Parachute. B&W.1803.08, The
 3/8 A       Parachute, The
 2/4 A major Parade, the
 2/4 A       Parade, the
 2/4 A       Parade. HSJJ.132, The
 4/4 Dmix    Parade of Stars
 4/4 Dmix    Parade of Stars
 2/4 A major Parade,The. HSJJ.132
 2/4 A       Parade,The. HSJJ.132
 2/4 A       Parade,The. HSJJ.132
 3/4 Am      Paradisdansen
  C| D major Paradise Hornpipe,aka. JBu.28
  C| D       Paradise Hornpipe,aka. JBu.28
     F       Paradise Jig
  C| ADor    Paradise Place
 3/4 D       Paradise Valley
   C C       Paradmarsch
   C D       Paradmarschen
 4/4 G       Paradpolkett
 4/4 Dm      * Para fazer uma canção de Natal
 4/4 C       Paragon Hornpipe, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Para Handy
   C G       Para Handy
 4/4 G       Parakeet, The
 3/8 D       Para le lop
 3/8 D       Para le lop
 4/4 Ab      Paraliakos
 4/4 Ab      Paraliakos
 3/4 E       På Rallåsen
 2/4 Gmaj    Parallel, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Paranoia
 2/4 C       Parasott Hornpipe
 4/4 Ador    Par Cark, The
 6/8 G       Parcell of Rogues in the Nation
 6/8 G       Parcell of Rogues in the Nation, A
 4/4 Gmaj    Parcel Of Land, A
 4/4 Gmaj    Parcel Of Land, A
  C| G       Parcel of Land, The
 4/4 Bmin    Parcel Of Rogues
 4/4 Bm      Parcel of Rogues
 4/4 Bm      Parcel of Rogues
 4/4 Gm      Parcel of Rogues
 4/4 Bm      Parcel of Rogues [1]
   C Dm      Parcel of Rogues in a Nation, A
   C Dm      Parcel of Rogues in a Nation, A
   C Dmin    Parcel of Rogues in a nation, A
 4/4 D Minor parcel of Rogues in a nation, A
   C D Minor parcel of Rogues in the Nation, A
   C Ddor    Parcel of Rogues in the Nation, A
 3/4 G       På Reflinge
 4/4 Gmin    Paresis
  C| ADor    Paresis
  C| GDor    Paresis
 2/4 B flat  Paresis
  C| GDor    Paresis
  C| GDor    Paresis
 2/4 Bb      Paresis
  C| Gm      Paresis
 2/4 Amin    Paresis
 2/1 F       Parfons regretz
   C G       Parham Place
   C G       Parham Place
   C G       Parham Place. JJo3.007
   C G       Parham Place. JJo3.007
   C G       Parham Place. WCD3/2.019
     C       Parikkalalainen
 2/4 Am      Parikkalalainen  [Am]
 2/4 Dm      Parikkalalainen  [Dm]
 3/4 Dmaj    Paris, The
 2/4 D       Pariserpolka
 2/4 C       Pariserpolka
 2/4 D       Pariserpolka
 2/4 C       Pariserpolka
 2/4 C       Pariserpolka
 2/4 D       Pariserpolka Nr 1
 2/4 A       Pariserpolka Nr 2
 2/4 A       Pariserpolka Nr 3
 3/4 C major Pariser Walzer.  CF  (wz07867)
 2/4 G       Paris Galloppe. Dal.075
 6/8 D       Parish Girl [1], The
 2/4 Bb      Parish Hornpipe
 4/4 D       Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind
   C Eb      Parish of Dalmailing
   C Eb      Parish of Dalmailing
   C Em      Parish of Kilcar* (r)
   C E minor Parish of Kilcar* (reel)
   C D       Parish of Lurgan, The
 2/4 Gmaj    Parisian
 2/4 Gmaj    Parisian Polka
 4/4 F       Parisian thoroughfare
 6/8 C       Parisian Topical
 2/4 D       Parisien Allemande, Le
 2/4 D       Parisien Allemande. TWC.247, Le
 2/4 Am      Paris. JJo5.078
 2/4 Am      Paris. JJo5.078
 6/8 D       Paris Journal
 3/4 Amin    Paris Nights
 3/4 Emin    Paris Nights
  C| D       Paris of the Prairies
  C| D       Paris of the Prairies
  C| G       Parisots Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Parisot's Hornpipe
   C G       Parisot's Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Parisot's Hornpipe (#330)
   C G       Parisots Hornpipe. TWC.216
 3/4 G       Paris Waltz
 6/8 D       Park
   C G       Park Around, The
 2/4 A       Parker's Best
  C| G       Parker's Fancy
   C D       Parker’s Hornpipe
 2/4 A       Parker's Jig
  C| F       Parker's Whim. JJo.046
  C| F       Parker's Whim. JJo8.046
  C| D       Parker Twins, The
  C| D       Parker Twins, The
  C| D       Parker Twins, The
  C| F       Parkes of Kilburnie. Ru2.169, The
  C| F       Parkes of Kilburnie. Ru2.169, The
  C| F       Parkes of Kilburnie. Ru2.169, The
 2/4 D       Parkgate
 2/4 D       Parkgate
 6/8 G       Park Gate. JJo4.144
 6/8 G       Park Gate. JJo4.144
 4/4 D       Park Home Polka
 6/8 D       Park on Sunday, The
 6/8 D       Park on Sunday (The)
 6/8 D       Park on Sunday (The) (with piano acc.)
 6/8 D       Park on Sunday (The) (with piano acc.)
 6/8 D       Parks of Dunlop
 6/8 D       Parks of Dunlop, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Parks Of Eglinton, The
   C Eb      Parks of Eglinton, a Reel, the
   C Eb      Parks of Eglinton, a Reel, The
   C Eb      Parks of Eglinton, The
 4/4 Fmaj    Parks Of Fochabers, The
  C| F       Parks of Fochabers.   a Reel., the

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