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 3/4 Dm      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-20)
 3/4 G       Polska ur Sven Donats Notbok (Ma5-206) - Svar Idag
 3/4 Am      Polska ur Sven Donats Notbok (Ma5-216)
 3/4 A       Polska ur Sven Donats Notbok (Ma5-228)
 3/4 Eb      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-25)
 3/4 Bb      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-3)
 3/4 A       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-30)
 3/4 Bb      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5 34)
 3/4 Bb      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-35)
 3/4 Bb      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-36)
 3/4 D       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-42)
 3/4 Bb      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-44)
 3/4 F       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-45)
 3/4 F       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-46)
 3/4 F       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-48)
 3/4 D       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-6)
 3/4 Gm      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-70)
 3/4 A       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-71)
 3/4 C       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-76)
 3/4 C       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-8)
 3/4 D       Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-84)
 3/4 Gm      Polska ur Sven Donats notbok (Ma5-9)
 3/4 G       Polska ur Svenska Folkdansar
 3/4 Ddor    Polska ur Trästadssamlingen
 3/4 Ddor    Polska ur Trästadssamlingen
 3/4 Am      Polska ur Trästadssamlingen
 3/4 A       Polska ur Vetlandasamlingen (M39-13)
 3/4 Bmin    Polska With No Name
 2/4 C       Polsk Dands
 4/4 D       Polsk dans efter Johan Olsen Tajet
 3/4 Gm      Polskevariant av Jag Lyfter Ögat Mot
 3/4 G       Polsk från Engerdal
 3/4 C       Polski
 3/4 G       Polski
 3/4 C       Polski. A wzialem ci sukna kawal duzy
             Polskie tance regionalne i narodove
 3/4 A       Polski (zwany Starosta)
 3/4 D major Polsk (nr 48)
 3/4 D       Polsk (nr 48)
     C .     Polskor: From-Olles.
 3/4 Cdor    Polsness - Serra ur Andreas Hööks notbok
     C       Pols: Røros 1
     C       Pols: Røros 2
     C       Pols: Røros 3
             Pols: Røros 4
     C       Pols: Røros 5
             Pols: Røros 6
     C       Pols: Røros 7
 2/4 G       Polsterltanz
 2/4 G       Polsterltanz
 3/4 D       Pols till Fred
 3/4 D       Pols til Lynn og Ted
   C Amix    Poltalloch House
 2/4 D minor Poltavs'kiy
 2/4 Dm      Poltavs'kiy
 2/4 D min   Poltavs'kiy
 2/4 DMin    Poltavs'kiy
 3/4 C       "Polterabend"
 9/8 C       POLTHOGUE
 9/8 D       Polthogue
 6/8 Bb      Poltimore House
 9/8 G       Poltogue Jigg, The
 9/8 C       Poltogue Jigg, The
 3/4 G       Polverita Fiera
 3/4 D       Polverita Fiera, La
   C D       Polwarth on the Green
 4/4 Dmaj    Polwart On The Green
 4/4 Dmaj    Polwart On The Green
  C| D       Polwart on the Green
  C| D       Polwart on the Green
   C D       Polwart on the Green
   C D       Polwart on the Green
   C D       Polwart on the Green
   C D       Polwart on the Green
 4/4 G       Polwart on the Green
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D major Polygon, The
 2/4 Gmaj    Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, the
 6/8 D       Polygon, the
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, the
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon. ASH.07, The
 6/8 D       Polygon. RH279, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D       Polygon, The
 6/8 D major Polygon,The. ASH.07
 6/8 D       Polygon, The. ASH.07
 6/8 D       Polygon,The. ASH.07
 6/8 D major Polygon,The. RH279
 6/8 D       Polygon,The. RH279
 6/8 D       Polygon THO3.024, The
 3/2 D       Polystons Hornpipe
 3/2 D       Polyston’s Hornpipe
 4/4 C       Pomalutku graj glosu dobywaj
 3/4 A       Pomalutku owczaryszku pomalutku graj
     F       Pomander Jig
 6/8 F       Pomander Jig, The
7/16 Em      Pomaško Širto
7/16 F#m     Pomaško Širto
7/16 Em      Pomaško Širto
7/16 F#m     Pomaško Širto
7/16 Em      Pomaško Širto
7/16 F#m     Pomaško Širto
 4/4 G       Pomerleau's March (Marche à Quéteux
 4/4 G       Pomerleau's March (Marche a Queteux Pomerleau)
 4/4 G       Pomerleau's March (Marche a Quêteux Pomerleau)
 4/4 Edor    Pomeroy Fiddler [The]
 6/8 F       Pommander Jig, The
     G       Pomme de reinette et pomme d'api
 2/4 G       pommier doux, Le
  C| F       Pomni, Panie, Dawida i jego trudno?ci,
 2/4 G       Pomona -- Hornpipe
 2/4 G       Pomona Hornpipe
 4/4 G       Pomp and Circumstance - 2nd Theme
 3/4 Em      POMPELIA
 2/4 Eb      Pompey. Ca1758.038
 2/4 Eb      Pompey. Ca1758.038
 2/4 Eb      Pompey. Ca1758.038
 2/4 Bb      Pompey King Hornpipe. JNi.[025]
 3/4 G major Pompey ran away.
 3/4 G       Pompey ran away.
 3/4 G       Pompey ran away
 3/4 G       Pompey ran away
 3/4 G       Pompey ran away.
 3/4 G       Pompey ran away.
 3/4 G major Pompey Run Away. RH.272
 3/4 G       Pompey Run Away. RH.272
 6/8 F       Pompone, The
 2/4 Dm      Pomuletul
  C| G       Pond Creek Polka
 6/8 Dmaj    Pondering
 6/8 Gmaj    Pondering
 6/8 Dmaj    Pondering
 6/8 Dmaj    Pondering
 4/4 G       Ponderosa (Air), The
 3/4 D       Ponderosa Pine, the
  C| C       Ponders End
  C| C       Ponders-End. PDF2.211
 6/8 Em      Pondskater, The
12/8 E       Poney Race [1], The
 2/4 Bb      Poney [sic] Races [2]
 4/4 C       Ponies in the Forest
 2/4 Dm      Pont, Le
 3/4 Emin    Ponte Isabella
 4/4 Ador    Pontiff's, The
 6/8 Bb      Pontius Pilate's Rant
 4/4 Bb      Pontius Pilate's Rant. JJo3.145
 4/4 Bb      Pontius Pilate's Rant. JJo3.145
 4/4 Bb      Pontius Pilate's Rant. JJo3.145
 9/8 Emin    Pontivy
   C G       Pont Menai
 3/4 A       Pont-Neuf, Le
 4/4 Ddor    Pontypridd
 4/4 Dm      Pontypridd
 4/4 Gmaj    Pony Trot Polka, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Pony Trot Polka, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Pony Trot Polka, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Pony Trot Polka, The
 6/8 F       Pooca, The
 2/2 F       Poodle-Faker, The
 4/4 Amaj    Poodle Girl
 4/4 Dmix    Pooka's Delight
 4/4 C       Pooka's Delight, The
 4/4 Dmix    Pooka's Delight (with piano acc.)
 4/4 Dmix    Pooka's Delight (with piano acc.)
   C Dmin    Poole's Hole
   C Emin    Pool Reel, The
 2/2 Dm      Pool's Hole
 4/4 Em      Pool's Hole
 2/2 Dm      Pool's Hole
 2/2 Dm      Pool's Hole
 6/8 F       Pool's Hole
 4/4 F       Pool's Hole
 6/8 F       Pool's Hole
 4/4 F       Pool's Hole. (p)1690.PLFD1.314
 4/4 Dmin    Pool's Hole. (p)1690.PLFD1.314
 4/4 Dm      Pool's Hole. (p)1690.PLFD1.314
 4/4 F       Pool's Hole. (p)1690.PLFD.314
 2/4 G major Poolside Polka
 2/4 G major Poolside Polka
 2/4 G       Poolside Polka
 2/4 G       Poolside Polka
 2/4 G       Poolside Polka
 2/4 G       Poolside Polka
 2/4 G       Poolside Polka
 4/4 Bmin    Poon Hill
 4/4 Bmin    Poon Hill
 4/4 Bmin    Poon Hill
  C| BMin    Poon Hill

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