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 6/8 G       Puppeteer, the
 6/8 G       Puppeteer, The
 9/4 C _2/4B Pür Arak
10/4 C _2/4B Pür-ate?im
 6/8 E       Purbadus Lady, The
  C| A       Purcell's Reel
 2/4 A       Purcell's Reel
   C C major Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary,aka. HA.127
   C C       Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary,aka. HA.127
   C C       Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary,aka. HA.127
   C C       Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary,aka. HA.127
 4/4 G       Purcell the Piper
 4/4 G       Purcell the Piper
 4/4 G       Purcell the Piper
 4/4 G       Purcell the Piper
 4/4 G       Purcell the Piper (with piano acc.)
 4/4 Gmaj    Pure Drop, The
  C| D       Pure Drop, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Pure Drop, The
  C| D       Pure Drop, the
  C| D       Pure Drop, the
  C| D       Pure Drop, The
  C| D       pure drop, The
   C G       Pure Drop [1], The
  C| D       Pure Drop   #2, the
  C| D       Pure Drop [2], The
 4/4 G       Pure Drop HP
 4/4 Amin    Pure Finest
 6/8 Amin    Pure Invention
  C| Ador    Purfleet, the
  C| G       Purfleet, The
 6/8 Dmaj    Purfy
 6/8 Dmaj    Purfy
 6/8 Dmaj    Purfy
 6/8 Dmaj    Purfy
 4/4 Gmaj    Purgatory Chasm
 3/4 A       Purie's Farewell
             Purim Contra Tunes 1 [Bb instr]
             Purim Contra Tunes 1 [C instr]
             Purim Contra Tunes 2 [Bb instr]
             Purim Contra Tunes 2 [C instr]
 6/4 C _2/4B Pür-lerze Olur
 3/2 Dmaj    Purlongs, The
 3/2 D       Purlongs
 3/2 D       Purlongs
 3/2 D       Purlongs. (p)1696.PLFD1.365, The
 3/2 D       Purlongs. (p)1696.PLFD1.365, The
 3/2 D       Purlongs,The. (p)1696.PLFD.365
 4/4 C       Purmer-Reutel Horlepiep
 6/8 D       Purphy's
 6/8 D       Purphy's
 6/8 Amin    Purphy's Jig
   C G       PURPLE APPENDIX, the
 4/4 Amin    Purple Glass, The
 6/8 Ador    Purple Headed Monster, The
 6/8 Ador    Purple Headed Monster, The
             Purple Heather Jig, The
 4/4 Am      Purple Pipe of Doom (An Dro), The
 6/8 G       Purple Shirt, The
 4/4 Dmin    Purple Sunrise, The
 4/4 Dmin    Purple Sunrise, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Purple Sunrise, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Purple Wisent, The
 4/4 C       Purpose
 3/4 Em      Purpurivalssi
 3/4 G       Purr-a-by - Lethbridge
 2/4 Dmin    Purseholder
 2/4 Emin    Purseholder
 2/4 Bmin    Purseholder
 2/4 Bmin    Purseholder
 2/4 Amaj    Purseholder - Outhouse
 6/8 Emin    Purse Rusted Shut, The
 2/4 D       Pursue the French. JJo2.126
 2/4 D       Pursue the French. JJo2.126
 2/2 G       Pursuit, The
  C| Dmix    Pursuit., The
 4/4 Em      Pursuit, The
 2/2 G       Pursuit, The
 2/2 G       Pursuit, The
 6/8 G       Pursuit [1], The
  C| G       Pursuit [2], The
  C| G       Pursuit. PFD2.151, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Pur The Orangutan
 6/4 G       Pur ti miro
 4/4 Ador    Purty Girl
  C| C       Purty Girls of our Town, The
 2/4 G       Purty Girl, The
  C| G       Purty Molly Brannigan
 2/4 G major Push about the Jorum.
 2/4 G major Push about the Jorum
 4/4 Dmaj    Push About The Jorum
     G       Push about the Jorum
  C| D       Push About The Jorum
 2/4 G       Push about the Jorum
 2/4 G       Push about the Jorum.
  C| G       Push about the Jorum
  C| G       Push About the Jorum
   C G       Push About the Jorum
  C| D       Push about the jorum
  C| D       Push about the jorum
  C| D       Push About The Jorum
  C| D       Push About The Jorum
  C| D       Push About the Jorum
  C| D       Push About the Jorum
  C| D       Push About The Jorum
 2/3 G       Push about the Jorum
  C| G       Push About The Jorum
  C| G       Push about the Jorum
   C G       Push about the Jorum
 2/4 G       Push about the Jorum
 2/4 G       Push about the Jorum
 2/4 G       Push about the Jorum.
 2/4 G       Push about the Jorum.
 2/4 G       Push about the Jorum [1]
   C G       Push about the Jorum [1]
   C G       Push about the Jorum [1]
 4/4 G       Push about the Jorum [1]
  C| G       Push about the Jorum [1]
 2/4 G       Push About the Jorum [1]. Roose.0297
  C| D       Push About The Jorum   #2
  C| D       Push About the Jorum   #2
  C| D       Push about the Jorum [2]
 2/4 G major Push About The Jorum. JaW.224
 2/4 G       Push About The Jorum. JaW.224
  C| D       "Push About The Jorum"  (reel)  1420
 2/4 G major Push About the Jorum. RH.245
 2/4 G       Push About the Jorum. RH.245
 2/4 G       Push About the Jorum. Roose.0297
  C| G       Push About the Jorum -- Strathspey
  C| G       Push About the Jorum -- Strathspey
  C| G       Push About the Jorum -- Strathspey
 4/4 G       Push About the Jorum Strathspey
 2/4 G major Push About the Jorum. THO4.197
 2/4 G       Push About the Jorum THO4.197
 2/4 G       Push About the Jorum. THO4.197
  C| G       Push About the Jorum with vars. EHo.506
 6/8 Emin    Push About The Jugg
 6/8 G       Push About the Jugg
 6/8 Emin    Push about the Jugg
   C G       Push about the Town
 4/4 D       Push and Draw
 4/4 D       Push and Draw
 2/4 G major Push around the gorom. JMP.045
 2/4 G Major Push around the gorom. JMP.045
 2/4 G       Push Boat
 2/4 D       Pushee's
 2/4 D       Pushee’s
 2/4 Bb      Pushee's -- Hornpipe
 2/4 Bb      Pushee's Hornpipe
 2/4 A       Pushie's Favorite
 3/4 Gmin    Push the Jug around
 3/4 G       Push the jug round
 6/8 G       Push the Poney
 4/4 A       Pusonglin liqu
 6/8 C       PUSS IN A CORNER
  C| D       Puss in a Corner
  C| D       Puss in a Corner.  JJo1.160
  C| D       Puss in a Corner.  JJo1.160
  C| D       Puss in a Corner. JJo1.160
  C| D       Puss in a Corner. WCD3/6.046
  C| D       Puss in a Corner. WCD3/6.046
   C D       Puss in the Balloon
 6/8 D       Puss in the Corner
 6/8 D       Puss in the Corner
     D       Puss in the Corner
 6/8 D       Puss in the Corner -- Jig
 6/8 G       Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
 6/8 Gmaj    Pussy Gone Astray
 2/4 D       Pustens Polka
     Dm      Pustono ludo i mlado
   C Dm      Pust' vsegda budet solntse
   C Em      Pust' vsegda budet solntse
 4/4 D       Put Another Log On The Fire
 6/8 Ador    Put A Rum Through It
 3/4 F       Put down your stick - Treise
 4/4 Em      Put In All
  C| Dm      Put in all
  C| Dmin    Put in All
  C| Gm      Put in All (1719-20)
  C| Dm      Put in All. PFD2.121
  C| Dm      Put in All. WCD3/2.142
 6/8 Dmaj    Put In Enough
 6/8 D       Put in Enough
 6/8 D       Put in Enough
 6/8 D       Put in Enough (#126)
 4/4 C       Put it where you want it
 4/4 G       Put John On The Islan'
  C| A       Put Me In a Box
  C| A       Put Me In a Box
  C| A       Put Me in a Box
 4/4 G       Put Me In My Little Bed
 4/4 Amaj    Put Me In The Big Chest
 4/4 Amaj    Put Me In The Big Chest
 4/4 Amaj    Put Me In The Big Chest
 4/4 Amaj    Put Me In The Big Chest
 4/4 Amaj    Put Me In The Big Chest

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