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 6/8 Em      Red Ribbon, The
 6/8 Em      Red Ribbon, the
 6/8 Em      Red Ribbon, the
 6/8 Em      Red Ribbon.  JJo1.134, The
 6/8 Em      Red Ribbon.  JJo1.134, The
 6/8 Emin    Red Ribbon, The
 6/8 Em      Red Ribbon,The. JJo1.134
 6/8 G       Red Ribbon. WCD3/6.137, The
 6/8 G       Red Ribbon. WCD3/6.137, The
  C| C       Red River Blues
 4/4 C       Red River Blues
 2/4 G       Red River Brigade
 2/4 G       Red River Cart
 2/4 G       Red River Cart
 3/2 Dmaj    Red River Jig
 3/2 Dmaj    Red River Jig
 3/2 Fmaj    Red River Jig
 3/2 Dmaj    Red River Jig
     D       Red River Jig
 2/8 A       Red River Jig
 3/4 D       Red River Jig
 9/8 Amix    Red River Jig
 4/4 G       Red River Valley
 2/2 G       Red River Valley
 2/4 G       Red River Valley
  C| G       Red River Valley
   C G       Red River Valley
 4/4 F       Red River Valley., The
 2/2 D       Red River Valley
 4/4 G       Red River Valley
   C G       Red River Valley
   C G       Red River Valley
 4/4 C       Red River Valley
 2/4 F       Red River Valley
 4/4 D       Red River Valley
 4/4 G       Red River Valley, The
   C G       Red River Valley
 4/4 F       Red River Valley., The
     D       Red River Wagon, The
 3/4 D       Red River Waltz
 3/4 G       Red River Waltz
 3/4 G       Red River Waltz [1]
 3/4 C       Red River Waltz [2]
   C Bb      Red Rob
 6/8 F       Red Robin
 2/4 D       Red Robin Two-Step
   C A       Red Rodrick's Dun Coat
   C Ador    Red Rodrick's Dun Coat
 4/4 Dmaj    Red Roofed Cottage
 6/8 G       Red Rory's Jig
 6/8 Gmaj    Red Rose, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Red Rose, The
 6/8 G       Red Rose, The
 6/8 G       red rose, The
 6/8 G       red rose, The
 6/8 G       red rose, The
 6/8 G       Red Rose, the
 6/8 G       Red Rose, the
 6/8 G       Red Rose, the
     G       Red Rose, The
 6/8 G       Red Rose [1], The
 6/8 Gmin    Red Rose [2], The
             Red Rose and White
 3/4 Em      Red Rose Cafe
 2/4 G major Red Rose Polka. GHW.001
 2/4 G       Red Rose Polka. GHW.001
 2/4 G       Red Rose Polka. GHW.001
 6/8 Gmin    Red Rose, The
 6/8 Gmin    Red Rose, The
 6/8 Gmin    Red Rose, The [2]
 6/8 Gmin    Red Rose. THO2.076, The
 4/4 Bb      Red Rosy Bush
 4/4 F       Red rosy cheeks and curly black hair - Parsons
 4/4 Amix    Red Shoes
 4/4 Amix    Red Shoes
  C| Amin    Red Shoes, The
12/8 Ador    Red Skies
12/8 Ador    Red Skies
   C G       Red Skin Gal
 6/8 E       Red Snoeshoe, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Red Socks
 6/8 Bmin    Red-Speckled Hen, The
 6/8 D       Red Speckled Hen, The
 6/8 Gmaj    Red Spruce
             Red Squirrel, The
 6/8 Ddor    Red Stag, The
 3/4 G       Redst allweil vom Scheidn
 4/4 Gmaj    Red Star Line, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Red Star Line, The
 2/4 A       Red Steer
 6/8 G       Red Stocking
 6/8 G       Red Stocking
 6/8 G       Red Stocking
 6/8 G       Red Stocking
 9/8 Amin    Red Stockings, The
 9/8 Dmix    Red Stockings
 6/8 G       Red Stockings
 6/8 G       Red Stockings
 6/8 G       Red Stockings.
 6/8 G       Red Stockings.
 6/8 G       Red Stockings [1]
 9/8 D       RedStockings [2]
 9/8 D       RedStockings [2]
 9/8 D       Red Stockings [2]
 9/8 D       RED STOCKINGS' -- JIG.
 6/8 G       "Red Stockings"               (jig)           
 6/8 G major Red Stocking,The. FTB.185
 6/8 G       Red Stocking,The. FTB.185
 4/4 C       Red the Rose and White Lily
 4/4 Gdor    Red Tom of the Hills
 4/4 Gdor    Red Tom Of The Hills
 4/4 Gdor    Red Tom Of The Hills
 4/4 Gmaj    Red Tom Of The Hills
   C G       Red Tom of the Hills
 4/4 Gdor    Red Tom Of The Hills
   C G       Red Tom of the Hills
   C G       Red Tom of the Hills
   C G       Red Tom of the Hills
   C G       Red Tom of the Hills
 4/4 F       Red Tom of The Hills
   C G       Red Tom of the Hills
  C| Gdor    Red Tom of the Hills
 4/4 D       Red, White and Blue
 4/4 D       Red, White and Blue
   C C       Red, White and Blue
 2/4 D       Red, White & Blue
 4/4 F       Redwing
 2/2 D       Redwing
 4/4 G       Red Wing
 2/2 G       Red Wing
 2/4 G major Red Wing
 4/4 D       Redwing
   C G       Redwing
   C G       Redwing
 4/4 Gmaj    Redwing
 4/4 Gmaj    Redwing
 4/4 G       Redwing
 4/4 G       Red Wing
 2/4 G       Red Wing
 4/4 G       Redwing
 4/4 D       Redwing
 4/4 D       Red Wing
 4/4 G       Redwing
 4/4 G       Redwing
 4/4 G       Redwing
 4/4 G       Red Wing
 2/4 G       Red Wing
  C| G       Redwing
  C| G       Redwing
 2/4 G       Red Wing
  C| G       Red Wing
 4/4 G       Redwing
  C| Hp      Redwing, The
 4/4 G       Red Wing
 4/4 Cmaj    Red Wing
 2/4 G       Red Wing
 2/4 G       Redwing
  C| D       Redwing #1
  C| D       Redwing #1
  C| D       Redwing #1 (harmony)
  C| D       Redwing #1 (harmony)
  C| G       Redwing #2
  C| G       Redwing #2
 2/4 A       Redwing   [A]
 4/4 C       Redwing,aka 2/4
 2/4 Am      Redwing   [Am]
 2/4 D       Redwing   [D]
 2/4 G       Redwing   [D]
 2/4 Dm      Redwing   [Dm]
 2/4 G       Redwing   [G]
  C| G       Redwing [G]
 2/4 G       Redwing   [G]
 2/4 Gm      Redwing   [Gm]
 2/4 Gm      Redwing   [Gm]
   C Cmaj    Redwing in C
 2/4 A       Redwing (Union Maid)
             Redwing (Union Maid)
 4/4 Emaj    Redwood
  C| Hp      Red Wood Fiket or…. Ru2.142
  C| Glyd    Red Wood Fiket or?. Ru2.142
  C| D       Red wood Fiket, The
 6/8 Emin    Redwoods In Winter
 4/4 Dmaj    Reeaghyn Dy Vannin
 6/8 D       Reed House Rant
 6/4 D major Reed House Rant
 6/4 D major Reed House Rant. HA04
 3/4 HP      Reed In the Wheelwell  "1998.3", The
 6/8 Dmaj    Reed Makers
 6/8 Dmaj    Reed Makers
 4/4 Gmaj    Reed's
 4/4 G       Reedsdale Hornpipe
 2/4 C       Reed's Favorite
 2/4 C       Reed's Favorite -- Reel
  C| D       REED'S MARCH
  C| D       Reed’s March
  C| Am      Reed's Reel
 2/4 C       Reeds, The
 3/8 D       Reed Waltz. CJF.138, The
 3/8 D major Reed Waltz,The. CJF.138

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