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3/4 G ROWLEY 3/4 G ROWLEY 3/4 G ROWLEY 3/4 G (G3/2 ROWLEY 3/4 G (G3/2 ROWLEY C| F major Rowley Belt's #1Hornpipe,aka TS.174 C| F Rowley Belt's #1Hornpipe,aka TS.174 C| F major Rowley Belt's #2Hornpipe,aka TS.225 C| F Rowley Belt's #2Hornpipe,aka TS.225 4/4 G major Rowley Burn 4/4 Gmaj Rowley Burn 4/4 Gmaj Rowley Burn 4/4 G Rowley Burn 4/4 Gmaj Rowley Burn (hornpipe) 6/8 D major Rowley. JC.072 6/8 D Rowley. JC.072 6/8 D Rowley. JC.072 6/8 D Rowley. JC.072 C| Dm Rowley's Reel. JJo5.112 C| Dm Rowley's Reel. JJo5.112 6/8 Bb Rowling Bet,aka. ET.24 6/8 G Rowling Bet, aka. RH.090 6/8 G Rowling Eye, The 6/4 G Rowling Eye. PFD3.050, The 6/4 G Rowling Eye. PFD3.050, The 3/2 Dmaj Rowling Hornpipe 3/2 Dmaj Rowling Hornpipe 3/2 Gmaj Rowling Hornpipe D Rowling Hornpipe, The 4/4 D Rowling Hornpipe [1],aka. JWDM.15 D Rowling Hornpipe [2], The 2/4 A Rowls and Butter. JJo5.101 2/4 A Rowls and Butter. JJo5.101 6/8 Edor Rowly Powly 2/4 C Row Polkas. Le4.150, The 2/4 C Row Polkas, The 4/4 Cmaj Row, Row, Row Your Boat 6/8 C Row, Row, Row your Boat 6/8 C Row, row, row your boat 6/8 C Row, row, row your boat 6/8 G Row, Row, Row your boat 6/8 C Row, row, row your boat 6/8 Gmaj Rowsome's 4/4 Ador Rowsome's 4/4 Cmaj Rowsome's 4/4 Ador Rowsome's 4/4 Ador Rowsome's 4/4 Amin Rowsome's Apples 12/8 G Rowsome's Kerry Jig 12/8 G Rowsome's Kerry Jig C| D Row, The 2/4 A Row the boat ashore 2/4 A Row the boat ashore 6/8 Eb Row Thee Weel My Bonny Built Wherry. EHo.424 6/8 G Row Well, Ye Mariners 6/8 G Row Well Ye Mariners 6/8 G Row Well Ye Mariners 6/8 G Row Well, Ye Mariners 6/4 G Row well, ye Mariners 6/8 A Row Well Ye Mariners 6/8 A Row Well Ye Mariners 6/8 A Row Well Ye Mariners 6/8 A Row Well Ye Mariners 6/4 G Row Well Ye Mariners. (p)1651.PLFD.084 6/4 G Row Well Ye Mariners. (p)1651.PLFD1.084 6/8 G Row well ye Marriners C| D Row Your Rumple Sauney 3/4 C Roxanna Waltz 3/4 A Roxanna Waltz in A 3/4 C Roxanna Waltz in C 3/4 F Roxanna Waltz in F 4/4 G Roxanne's Reel 4/4 G Roxborough Castle 4/4 A major Roxborough Castle 4/4 G Roxborough Castle C | G Roxborough Castle 4/4 A Roxborough Castle 4/4 A Roxborough Castle 4/4 G Roxborough Castle 4/4 G Roxborough Castle C| A Roxborough Castle Hornpipe C| A Roxborough Castle Hornpipe JBrk.55 6/8 D ROXBOROUGH QUICKSTEP C| G Roxburagh Castle. JBut.812 C| Bb ROXBURGH BALL -- Reel, THE C| Bb Roxburgh Ball, The C A Roxburgh Caftle 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 G Roxburgh Castle 2/2 G Roxburgh Castle 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 Amaj Roxburgh Castle 4/4 Amaj Roxburgh Castle 4/4 Gmaj Roxburgh Castle 4/4 Amaj Roxburgh Castle 4/4 Gmaj Roxburgh Castle C| A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 G Roxburgh Castle C| A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle C| G Roxburgh Castle G Roxburgh Castle G Roxburgh Castle A Roxburgh Castle A Roxburgh Castle G Roxburgh Castle Roxburgh Castle G Roxburgh Castle C A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 Bb Roxburgh Castle C G Roxburgh Castle C| A Roxburgh Castle C| A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle 4/4 G Roxburgh Castle 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle #1 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle #2 C| A Roxburgh Castle - 8x32R 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle (A) 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle (A) C| A Roxburgh Castle,aka. Le4.117 4/4 A major Roxburgh Castle. FTB.022 4/4 A Roxburgh Castle. FTB.022 4/4 G major Roxburgh Castle (G) 4/4 G Roxburgh Castle (G) 4/4 G Roxburgh Castle (G) C| A Roxburgh Castle Hornpipe 2/4 G Roxburgh Castle v.1 2/4 G Roxburgh Castle v.2 6/8 D Roxburgh House 6/8 D Roxburgh House 6/8 D Roxburgh Quick Step, the 6/8 D Roxburgh Quick Step, the 6/8 D Roxburgh Quick Step, The 6/8 D Roxburgh Quick Step, The D Roxburgh Quick Step C D Roxburghshire Cavalry Yeomanry's March, The 3/4 F ROXBURGH VALSE (New), THE 3/4 F Roxburgh Valse, The C| Bb Roxbury 6/8 D Roxbury Quick Step, A Retreat or Tatoo 2/4 G Roxbury Races 4/4 Emin Roxbury Races 2/4 G Roxbury Races (with piano acc.) 2/4 G Roxbury Races (with piano acc.) 6/8 A major Roxiana. JNu.34 6/8 A Roxiana. JNu.34 6/8 A Roxiana. JNu.34 C| C Roxsiding Reel C C Royal Aberdeenshire Highlanders', The 6/8 G Royal Albert, The 6/8 G Royal Albert 6/8 G Royal Albert, The 6/8 G Royal Albert, The 6/8 F Royal Albert [1] 6/8 G Royal Albert [1], or Prince of Wales Contre Dance C| A Royal Albert [2] Country Dance Royal Albert and Erica Strathspey, The Royal Albert Country Dance C| A Royal Albert Country Dance 6/8 F Royal Albert [F] 6/8 G Royal Albert [G] 6/8 G ROYAL ALBERT, OR PRINCE OF WALES CONTRE DANCE 2/4 D Royal Allemande, The 2/4 D Royal Allemande. TWC.246, The 4/4 A Royal Archers [1] or... . Tho24CDs1792.18, The C| D Royal Archers [2] 4/4 A Royal Archers or... . Tho24CDs1792.18, The 6/8 Bb Royal Archers. VWMLa.244 6/8 Bb Royal Archers. VWMLa.244 6/8 Bb Royal Archers. VWMLa.244 C G Royal Artillery Man 6/8 Bb Royal Bishop, The 4/4 Ab Royal Blackbird, The C| A major Royal Boarding School or 5th of December, the C| A Royal Boarding School or 5th of December, the C| A Royal Boarding School. or 5th of December., The C| A Royal Boarding School. or 5th of December., the C| A Royal Boarding School. or 5th. of December, The C| A Royal Boarding School or 5th of December, The C| A Royal Boarding School. RH.149, The C| A Royal Boarding School, The; or 5th of December C| A major Royal Boarding School,The. RH.149 C| A Royal Boarding School,The. RH.149 3/4 Bb Royal Boston 4/4 G Royal Burlesque Hornpipe 4/4 G Royal Burlesque Hornpipe 4/4 G Royal Burlesque Hornpipe 6/8 D Royal Caledonian Hunt's Delight, The G Royal Captives, The 2/4 Hp Royal Celtic Society of Scotland's Quickstep, The 6/8 D Royal Chace 6/8 Dmaj Royal Chair 6/8 C Royal Charley 6/8 G Royal Charley 6/8 D Royal Charley. EHo.418 6/8 C Royal Charlie 6/8 Am Royal Charlie,aka. WHL.[030] 6/8 C major Royal Charlie. CJF.174