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 3/4 D       Seville Waltz. HSJJ.070
 3/4 D       Seville Waltz. HSJJ.070
 8/4 C _B _e Sevil Ne?`elen...
 3/4 C _1/4B Sevmek Seni Bir Suç ise
 2/1 Bb      Se vostre cuer
 2/4 D       Sex Bussar
 2/4 D       Sex bussar
 2/4 A       Sexengelska efter Pelle Ror
 2/4 Bm      Sexling efter August Andersson
 2/4 D       Sex Man Engelska
 2/4 D       Sex Man Engelska från Finnström
 3/4 G       Sex Man Engelska från Kökar
 3/4 A       Sextondelspolska
 3/4 C       Sextondelspolska N:o 1 efter Pehr Ericsson
 3/4 C       Sextondelspolska n:o 2 efter Pehr Ericsson
 3/4 C       Sextondelspolska n:o 4 efter Pehr Ericsson
 3/4 C       Sextondelspolska n:o 5 efter Pehr Ericsson
 3/4 C       Sextondelspolska n:o 6 efter Pehr Ericsson
 3/4 C       Sextondelspolska n:o 7 efter Pehr Ericsson
 3/4 G       Sextondelspolska n:o 8 efter Pehr Ericsson
 2/4 D       Sextur
 6/8 A major Sextur 1
 6/8 A       Sextur 1
 6/8 A       Sextur 1
 6/8 A major Sextur 2
 6/8 A       Sextur 2
 6/8 A       Sextur 2
 6/8 G major Sextur 3
 6/8 G       Sextur 3
 6/8 G       Sextur 3
 2/4 D       Sextur efter Munkberg
 6/8 D       Sexual Life of the Camel, The
12/8 AMin    Seyh Samil
 4/4 G       Seymour's Fancy
   C G       Seymour's Fancy
 4/4 G       Seymour's Fancy (#255)
   C G       Seymour's Fancy. TWC.125
   C G       Seymour's Reel
   C G       Seymour's Reel
   C G       Seymour's Reel
  C| G major Seymour's Reel. WCa.48
  C| G       Seymour's Reel. WCa.48
 6/8 D       Seymour's Whim
 6/8 D       Seymour's Whim
 6/8 D       Seymour’s Whim
 6/8 D       Seymour's Whim
 6/8 D       Seymour's Whim. THO2.042
10/4 C ^9/8f Seyret ?zar-?
 8/8 C _B    Seyr-i Kürdî`yi...
 4/4 C _2/4B Seyyah Olup ?u Âlemi Gezersin
10/8 C _7/8B Sezdim Darg?n Bak???n?
 2/4 F major Sezer-Polka FBb (pk07271)
 9/8 D       Sfarlis
   C D       S, fhada mar so tha finn
 2/4 A       'S fheudar dhomh fhein a bhi falbh
 3/4 G       's Geigenbuebele
 4/4 C       S Gennys hunt - Jewell
 4/4 F       sgeul aoibhinn, An
 6/8 Em      Sgiandubh
 6/8 Bm      SGIAN DUBH
 6/8 Bm      Sgian Dubh
 6/8 Em      Sgian dubh
 6/8 Em      Sgian dubh
 6/8 C Minor Sgiandubh
 6/8 Bm      SGIAN DUBH
 6/8 Cmin    Sgiandubh
 6/8 Em      Sgiandubh
     Bm      Sgian Dubh
 6/8 D       Sgian Dubh
 6/8 D       Sgian Dubh
 6/8 Em      Sgian dubh [ABABC]
   4 G       S' Giggerl
   C Amin    Sginer
 4/4 Amaj    Sgoil Lionacliet Pipe Band's Welcome To New York
   C G       S. G. SMITH
12/8 G       Sgt. Cahill's Favourite
  C| DDor    Sgt. Early's Dream
  C| EDor    Sgt. Early's Dream
  C| A       "Sgt. Early's Dream"  (reel)    1419
 6/8 D       Sgt. O'Leary
 6/8 D       Sgt. O'Leary
 6/8 D       Sgt. O'Leary
 6/8 A       "Sgt Stack' Favourite"       (jig)            
 6/8 G       SGT. TONY'S JIG
 2/4 Am      Sgubor y Barwn
 6/8 Em      Shaalds of Foula, The
 4/4 A major Shaalds of Foula
 6/8 Em      Shaalds of Foula, The
 4/4 A       Shaalds of Foula
 6/8 G major Shaalds of Foula ? Foula Reel ?
 6/8 G       Shaalds of Foula ? Foula Reel ?
 6/8 G       Shaalds of Foula ? Foula Reel ?
 6/8 A       Shaalds o' Foula [1]
 6/8 A       Shaalds o' Foula [2]
   C C       Shaalds o' Foula [2], Da
 6/8 G       Shaalds o Foula [2], Da
 6/8 G       Shaalds o’ Foula [2], Da
   C D       Shaalds o' Foula [3], Da
 6/8 Em      Shaalds o' Foula, Da
 2/4 Em      Shabbat Menucha
 2/4 Em      Shabbat Menucha
 2/4 Dm      Shabechi et Y'rushelayim
 2/4 Em      Shabechi et Y'rushelayim
 2/4 Em      Shabechi et Y'rushelayim
 2/4 Dm      Shabechi et Y'rushelayim
 2/4 Dm      Shabechi et Y'rushelayim
 2/4 Em      Shabechi et Y'rushelayim
 4/4 Aphr    Shabechi Yerushalayim
 4/4 Aphr    Shabechi Yerushalayim
 4/4 G       Shabes in Vilna
 4/4 G       Shabes in Vilna
 4/4 Aphr    Shabhe Yerushalayim
 2/4 G       Shaccabac or Blue Beard
 2/4 G       Shaccabac's Fancy
 2/4 G       Shaccabac's Fancy
 2/4 G       Shaccabac's Fancy
 6/8 Bmin    Shack A Lack
 6/8 Bmin    Shack A Lack
   C D       Shackleton's Hornpipe. Roose.1019
 6/8 Bb      Shackley-Hay
 6/8 D       SHADDIE
 6/8 D       Shaddie, the
 6/8 D       Shaddie, The
 6/8 D       Shaddie
 4/4 Gmaj    Shaddighee
 6/8 D       Shaddle. Ca1809.06, The
 6/8 Edor    Shaddle. Ca1809.06, The
 6/8 D       Shaddle, The
 6/8 D       Shaddle, The
 2/4 A       Shadd's Reel
 4/4 Cmaj    Shades Of Sennet
 6/8 Ab      Shades of Silent Night
 6/8 F       Shade, The
  C| D       Shadiac Morning
 4/4 G       Shadighee
 6/8 Amix    Shadow Dance
 6/8 C       Shadow Man, the
 6/8 C       Shadow Man, the
 6/8 C       Shadow Man, The
 6/8 C       Shadow Man, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Shadow Mountain
 4/4 Dmaj    Shadow Mountain
 3/4 C       Shadow of the Mountain
 4/4 G       shadow of you smile, The
 3/4 Amin    Shadow On The Hill
 6/8 Em      Shadows on the Staircase
 4/4 D       Shadow You Have Seen
 2/4 Amix    Shady, The
 2/4 Amix    Shady, The
  C| D       Shady Bower’s
  C| D       Shady Bow'rs, the
  C| D       Shady Bow'rs, The
             Shady Deal
             Shady Deal (primo)
 2/4 G       Shady Grove
 4/4 Gmaj    Shady Grove
 4/4 Gmaj    Shady Grove
 2/4 Em      Shady Grove
 2/4 Dm      Shady Grove
  C| G       Shady Grove
 2/4 EMin    Shady Grove
  C| Ador    Shady Grove
 4/4 C       Shady Grove, The
  C| Ador    Shady Grove [1]
 2/4 Em      Shady Grove [1]
 4/4 A       Shady Grove [1]
  C| Ador    Shady Grove [3]
  C| Amix    Shady Grove [4]
 4/4 G       Shady Grove [4]
  C| Amix    Shady Grove [5]
  C| Amix    Shady Grove [5]
 2/4 G       Shady Grove [6], The
  C| A       Shady Grove [7]
 2/4 Amin    Shady Grove [8]
 4/4 A mix   Shady Grove from Luther Davis
   C G       Shady Groves
   C G       Shady Groves
   C G       Shady Groves
   C G       "Shady Groves"            (air)             0226
 6/8 Dmix    Shady Groves Of Piedmont, The
 2/4 G       Shady Grove / Soldier's Joy  v.1
 2/4 G       Shady Grove / Soldier's Joy  v.2
 6/8 Dm      Shady Lane, The
 6/8 Dm      shady lane, The
 6/8 Dm      shady lane, The
 6/8 Dm      shady lane, The
 6/8 Dm      Shady Lane, the
 6/8 Dm      Shady Lane, the
     Dm      Shady Lane, The
 6/8 Dm      Shady Lane   #2, the
 6/8 Dm      Shady Lane   #2, the
 6/8 D Minor Shady Lane, The
 2/4 G       Shady Maple Reel
 6/8 Gmaj    Shady Nook
 2/4 G       Shady Road to Clamper, The
 6/8 C major Shady Willow. JBs.050
 6/8 C       Shady Willow. JBs.050
 6/8 A       Shafters Shindig

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