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 3/4 A major Spectre Song.  TJD.04
 3/4 A       Spectre Song.  TJD.04
 3/4 A       Spectre Song. TJD.04
 6/8 Gmaj    Speed Hump
 4/4 Ador    Speeding Bishop
  C| Ador    Speeding Bishop, The
  C| A       Speed of the Plow
 6/8 G       Speed the Knitting
 4/4 A       Speed The Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
   C D Major Speed the Plough
 4/4 C       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 C       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A major Speed the Plough
     D       Speed the Plough
  C| D       Speed the Plough
 4/4 Amaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Amaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Gmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Amaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Gmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Gmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Emin    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Gmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Amaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Cmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed The Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed The Plough
 2/4 A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed The Plough
   C HP      Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 Dmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed The Plough
   C A       Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 Gmaj    Speed The Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed The Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
             Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
  C| G       Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
   C A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
   C A       Speed the Plough
  C| D       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 A       Speed the plough
 4/4 A       Speed The Plough
  C| G       Speed the Plough
 4/4 G       Speed The Plough
 4/4 G       Speed The Plough
  C| D       Speed the Plough
  C| A       Speed the plough
   C A       Speed the Plough
 4/4 C       Speed the Plough
   C A       Speed the Plough
 2/4 G       Speed the Plough [1]
  C| G       Speed the Plough  [1]
 2/4 A       Speed the Plough [1]
 4/4 C       Speed the Plough [1]
 2/4 A       Speed the Plough [1]
 2/2 A major Speed the Plough [1]. GS.052
  C| A       Speed the Plough [1]. Roose.0927
   C A       Speed the Plough [1]. WCa.15
  C| A       Speed the Plough [3]
 2/4 G       Speed The Plough, Bampton
  C| Dmaj    Speed The Plough (Cronin’s)
 2/2 A       Speed The Plough. Dalton.126
  C| A       Speed the Plough. EHo.277
 4/4 Em      Speed the Plough (Em)
 4/4 A major Speed The Plough. FTB.016
 4/4 A       Speed The Plough. FTB.016
 2/2 A major Speed the Plough. GS.052
 2/2 A major Speed the Plough. GS.052
 2/2 A major Speed the Plough. GS.052
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough (hornpipes)
  C| A       Speed the Plough/Inverness Country Dance
  C| A       Speed the Plough/Inverness Country Dance
  C| A major Speed the Plough. JBu.49
  C| A       Speed the Plough. JBu.49
   C G       Speed the Plough. JBut.735
 2/4 G major Speed the Plough. JC.076
 2/4 G       Speed the Plough. JC.076
 2/4 G       Speed the Plough. JC.076
 2/4 G       Speed the Plough. JC.076
   C G major Speed the Plough. JGi.113
   C G       Speed the Plough. JGi.113
   C G       Speed the Plough. JGi.113
   C A major Speed The Plough. JMT.069
   C A       Speed The Plough. JMT069
   C A       Speed The Plough. JMT.069
   C A       Speed The Plough. JMT069
   C A       Speed The Plough. JMT.069
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough. LW.075
 4/4 Em      Speed the Plough (minor)
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough (not available here)
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough (old time version)
 4/4 A       Speed the Plough (old time version)
   C A       Speed the Plough. Pr1803.498
 2/4 A       Speed the Plough -- Reel
   C G major Speed the Plough. RH.367
   C G       Speed the Plough. RH.367
  C| A       Speed the Plough. Roose.0927
 2/2 Bb      Speed the Plough.  TJD.71
 2/2 Bb      Speed the Plough. TJD.71
   C A major Speed the Plough TS.195
   C A       Speed the Plough TS.195
   C A       Speed the Plough TS.195
   C G       Speed The Plough. TWC.179
 4/4 G       Speed the Plough (Upton Stick Dance)
   C A major Speed The Plough. WCa.15
   C A       Speed The Plough. WCa.15
   C A       Speed The Plough  WES.099
  C| A       Speed the Plough WHL.[039]
  C| A       Speed The Plough. WHL.[196]
  C| A       Speed the Plow
  C| A       Speed the Plow
   C A       Speed the Plow
  C| A       Speed the Plow
  C| A       Speed the Plow
  C| G       Speed the Plow
 2/4 A       Speed the Plow [1]
  C| G       Speed the Plow [1]
 2/4 A       Speed the Plow. LIT.048
 4/4 F major Speed the Pretzel
 4/4 F       Speed the Pretzel
 4/4 Amaj    Speed The Traktor
 4/4 G       Speedwell
 6/8 F       Speedy Life in Paris
             Speedy Life in Paris
   C A       Speedy the Plough
 3/4 G       Speic Seoach
 3/4 G       Speic Seoach
 3/4 G       Speic Seoach
 6/8 Dmaj    Spéir Chuas Na Finise
 4/4 Dmaj    Spéir Glan, An
 4/4 Fmaj    Spéir Glan, An
 3/4 C       Spela opp du Jonas Anton
 3/4 D minor Spel-Borgens polska
 3/4 D min   Spel-Borgens polska
 3/4 Dm      Spel-Borgens polska
 3/4 Dm      Spel-Borgens polska
 3/4 F       Spel-Eriks vals
 3/4 Dm      Spelfasters polska
 3/4 D minor Spelfasters Polska från Enviken
 3/4 Gm      Spel-Görans vals
 3/4 G       Spelgubben
 3/4 Dm      Spel-Gulle's Polska
 3/4 Dm      Spel-Gulles polska
 3/4 Dm      Spel-Gulles polska
 3/4 G       Spel-Hanssons Vals (1)
 3/4 G       Spel-Hanssons Vals (2)
   C C       Spell, the
   C C       Spell, The
  C| A       Spellan's Delight
  C| A       Spellan's Delight
  C| A       Spellan's Delight
  C| A       Spellan's Delight
  C| A       Spellan's Delight
   C A       "Spellan's Delight"  (hornpipe)  1614
  C| A       Spellan's Fancy
  C| A       Spellan's Fancy

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