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C| A Spellan's Fancy C| A Spellan's Fancy C| A Spellan’s Fancy C| A "Spellan's Fancy" (hornpipe) 1615 C| G Spellan's Fiddle C| A Spellan's Fiddle C| A Spellan's Fiddle C| A Spellan’s Fiddle C| G Spellan's Fiddle C| A Spellan's Fiddle #1 C| A Spellan's Fiddle #2 C| A Spellan's Fiddle (hornpipe) 1616 C| A "Spellan's Fiddle" (hornpipe) 1616 4/4 Cdor Spellan's Inspiration 4/4 Cdor Spellan's Inspiration 4/4 Cdor Spellan's Inspiration 4/4 Cdor Spellan's Inspiration 2/4 Fmix Spellan's Inspiration 2/4 Bb Spellan's Inspiration 2/4 Bb Spellan's Inspiration 2/4 Bb Spellan's Inspiration 2/4 G Spellan's Inspiration (hornpipe) 1612 2/4 G "Spellan's Inspiration" (hornpipe) 1612 C| G SPELLAN THE FIDDLER 4/4 Fmaj Spellan The Fiddler 4/4 Gmaj Spellan The Fiddler 4/4 Gmaj Spellan The Fiddler 4/4 Gmaj Spellan The Fiddler 4/4 Gmaj Spellan The Fiddler 4/4 Gmaj Spellan The Fiddler C| G Spellan The Fiddler C| G Spellan The Fiddler C| G Spellan the fiddler C| G Spellan the fiddler C| G Spellan the Fiddler C| G Spellan the Fiddler C| G Spellan The Fiddler C| G SPELLAN THE FIDDLER C| G Spellan the Fiddler C| G Spellan the Fiddler C| G Spellan the Fiddler 4/4 Gmaj Spellan The Fiddler C| G Spellan the Fiddler #1 C| G Spellan the Fiddler #1 C| G Spellan the Fiddler #2 C| G Spellan the Fiddler #2 C| G Spellan the Fiddler #3 C| G Spellan the Fiddler #3 C| G "Spellan The Fiddler" (hornpipe) 1731 C| C Spell. a Reel., the C| C Spell. a Reel., The C| G Major Spell on the Fiddler C| C Spell, The 2/4 C Spell, The C F Spelmannens Bröllopsmarsch 3/4 Bb Spelmansglädje 4/4 G Spelmanshälsning 2/4 D Spelmanshemmet 2/4 C Spelmanskvällen 3/4 Bb Spelmansminne 3/4 Dm Spelman spelar 3/4 D Spelmanspolskan. C Dm Spelmans-skål 3/4 G Spelmanstankar 2/4 A Spelmanstrall 3/4 D Spelmansvals 3/4 A Spelmansvals 3/4 Bb Spelmansvals 3/4 D Spelmansvals från Norn 4/4 Bb Spelmansvisa för två fioler 3/4 C Spel-Nisses Vals 3/4 F Spel-Nisses Vals 4/4 G Spelsug 3/4 C Spelvilles Hambo 3/4 C Spelvilles Hambo 3/4 C Spelvilles Hambo C D Spence Court Hornpipe 6/8 Am Spencefield Lane 6/8 Am Spencefield Lane 4/4 Dmaj Spencer's C Em SPENCER'S POLKA C G SPENCER'S REEL 6/8 G Spencer, The 3/4 F Spencer the Rover 3/4 G Spencer the Rover 3/4 G Spencer the Rover 3/4 D Spencer The Rover none G Spencer The Rover 4/4 D Spence's Reel 4/4 D Spence's Reel 4/4 D Spence's Reel [2] 4/4 B Spence's Tent 4/4 B Spence's Tent C| G Spence's Tent 4/4 B Spence's Tent C| D Spenser’s Hornpipe 2/4 F Speranca, La 2/4 C SPERLING DER GIBT DER BRAUT DEN TRAURING, DER 3/4 G Spetsbergsvalsen 4/4 Dmaj Speybay Switch, The 4/4 Dmaj Speybay Switch, The 4/4 D major Spey in Spate, the 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The 4/4 Dmaj Spey In Spate, The 4/4 Dmaj Spey In Spate, The 4/4 Dmaj Spey In Spate, The 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The 4/4 D Spey in Spate 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The 4/4 D Spey in Spate, the 2/2 D Spey in Spate C| D Spey in Spate, The 4/4 D Spey in Spate, the 4/4 D Spey In Spate, the 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The C| Spey in Spate, The 4/4 D Spey In Spate, the 4/4 D Spey in Spate 4/4 D Spey in Spate 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The C| D Spey in spate C| D Spey in Spate, The 2/4 D Spey In Spate, The 4/4 D Spey In Spate, The C| D Spey in Spate, The 4/4 D Spey in Spate, The C| D Spey in Spate, The C C Spey Side 2/4 D Sphinx, The 6/8 Bb Spick and Span. Ru2.178 6/8 Bb Spick and Span. Ru2.178 C| C Spickett & Fossett C| C Spickett & Fossett 6/8 Amaj Spicy, The 6/8 Dmix Spicy, The C G Major Spiddal Reel, The 6/8 D Spiddle Spaddle 4/4 Dmaj Spideóg, An 6/8 D Spider 6/8 2/4 G Spider and Fly. LW.053 2/4 G Spider and Fly. LW.053 4/4 D Spider and the FLy, the 4/4 D Spider and the FLy, The 2/4 A SPIDER AND THE FLY, the 2/4 A SPIDER AND THE FLY, The 2/4 A Spider and the Fly, The 6/8 HP Spider and The Gaff "CYMRU", The 6/8 HP Spider and The Gaff "CYMRU", The C| C Spider Bit the Baby 2/4 D Spider Dance Reel, The 6/8 Am Spider In The Bath 2/4 Emin Spider In The Sails, The 4/4 Am Spider in the Snow 6/8 D Spider Island 6/8 D Spider Island Jig 4/4 Emin Spider Murphys Onions 4/4 Emin Spider Murphys Onions 2/4 Dmin Spider Polka 4/4 Bdor Spider's 4/4 Ador Spider's 4/4 Dmin Spider's Legs 4/4 Emin Spider's Legs 6/8 Gmaj Spider's Web, The 6/8 Gmaj Spider's Web, The 6/8 Gmaj Spider's Web, The 6/8 Gmaj Spider's Web, The 4/4 Dmaj Spider's Web, The 6/8 G Spider's Web, The 6/4 F Spielmannssohn, Der 6/4 F Spielmannssohn, Der none F Spielmannssohn, Der 6/8 F Spielmannssohn, Der 3/4 F Spielmannssohn, Der 6/8 F Spielmannssohn, Der none F Spielmannssohn, Der 6/8 F Spielmannssohn, Der 6/8 Bb Spielmannssohn, Der 6/8 Bb Spielmannssohn, Der 6/8 Bb Spielmannssohn, Der none D Spielmannssohn, Der 2/4 G SPIELT MIR MAL DIE SIEBEN SPRUENGE 2/4 C Spiezer Polka CGF 2/4 C Spiezer Polka CGF chords 2/4 C major Spiezer Polka CGF (pk05435) 2/4 C Spiezer Polka CGF (pk05435) 2/4 C Spiezer-Schottisch CF chords 2/4 C major Spiezer-Schottisch CF (st05443) 2/4 C Spiezer-Schottisch CF (st05443) 2/4 Gmaj Spiezer-Schottisch GC 5- chords C D Spike Island Lasses 4/4 D Spike Island Lasses 4/4 Dmaj Spike Island Lasses, The 4/4 Dmix Spike Island Lasses, The 4/4 Dmix Spike Island Lasses, The 4/4 Dmaj Spike Island Lasses, The 4/4 Dmaj Spike Island Lasses, The 4/4 Dmaj Spike Island Lasses, The