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6/8 G Táiliúir an mhagaig 4/4 Gmin Táilliúir Aerach, An 6/8 G TAIL OF MY COAT, the 6/8 G TAIL OF MY COAT, The G Tail of my Coat, The 6/8 G Tail of My Coat, The 6/8 Ador Tailor And Ansty's, The 6/8 AMix Tailor and his Shirt, The 4/4 C Tailor and the Carrion Crow, The 4/4 C Tailor and the Crow, The 2/4 C Tailor and the Crow 2/4 D Tailor and the Louse, The 4/4 Bb Tailor and the Mouse, The Tailor and the Mouse, the 4/4 Am Tailor and the Mouse, the Tailor and the Mouse, The 4/4 Am Tailor and the Mouse, The 4/4 Fm Tailor and the Mouse, the 4/4 Fm Tailor and the Mouse, The 3/4 C Tailor done over 6/8 Gmaj Tailor I Am, A 6/8 Gmaj Tailor I Am, A 6/8 Gmaj Tailor I Am, A 6/8 Gmaj Tailor I Am, A 6/8 Gmaj Tailor I Am, A 6/8 Gmaj Tailor I Am, A 6/8 Gmaj Tailor I Am, A 6/8 Bminor Tailor Made, The 6/8 Bminor Tailor Made, The 4/4 C Tailor & mouse - Lethbridge 4/4 Amix Tailor's, The 4/4 C Tailor's Breeches, The 4/4 Gmaj Tailor's Choice, The 4/4 Gmaj Tailor's Choice, The 4/4 G Tailor's Choice, The C| G Tailor's Fancy, The 6/8 A Tailor's March, The 4/4 Amix Tailor's Reel, The 6/8 A Tailor's Shirt, The 4/4 Edor Tailor's Thimble, The 4/4 Ador Tailor's Thimble, The 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble, The 6/8 D tailor's thimble, The 4/4 Ador Tailor's Thimble 6/8 D tailor's thimble, The 6/8 D tailor's thimble, The 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble, The 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble, the 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble, the 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble, the 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble, the D Tailor's Thimble, The C| D tailor's thimble, The 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble [1], The 6/8 D Tailor’s Thimble [1], The 4/4 Ador Tailor's Thimble [3] C| Ador Tailor's Thimble [3], The C| Edor Tailor's Thimble [3], The 4/4 A Tailor’s Thimble [3], The 4/4 BMin Tailor's Thimble [4], The C A Tailor’s Thimble [6], The C| Edor Tailor's Thimble, The C| Ador Tailor's Thimble, The C| Edor Tailor's Thimble, The 4/4 BMin Tailor's Thimble, The 6/8 D Tailor's Thimble, The C| Edor Tailor's Thimble, The C| Edor Tailor's Thimble, The C| Ador Tailor's Thimble, The C| D Major Tailor's Twist 4/4 Dmaj Tailor's Twist, The 4/4 Dmaj Tailor's Twist, The 4/4 Dmaj Tailor's Twist, The 4/4 Dmaj Tailor's Twist, The 4/4 Dmaj Tailor's Twist, The C| D Tailor's Twist, The 4/4 D Tailor’s Twist C| D Tailor's Twist, The C| D Tailor's Twist, The C| D Tailor's Twist, The 4/4 D Tailor's Twist, The C| D Tailor's Twist, The C| D Tailor's Twist, The 3/4 Dmin Tailor's Waltz, The 6/8 Ador tailor's wedding, The 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding, The 6/8 G tailor's wedding, The 6/8 G tailor's wedding, The 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding, The 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding, the 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding, the 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding G Tailor's Wedding, The 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding #2, the 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding #2 6/8 G Tailor's Wedding, The 6/8 G Tailor’s Wedding, The C HP Tailor's Wife C| G TAILOR TARTAN C| G Tailor Tartan C| D TAILTDL1- Fiddle Faddle [Tail Toddle] C A TAILTDL2- Lasses gar your tails toddle C A TAILTDL3- Taill Todle C D TAILTDL4- Little wat ye wha's coming C D TAILTDL5- The Chevalier's Muster-Roll 4/4 F Tail Toddle C G major Tail Toddle 4/4 Dmaj Tail Toddle, The 4/4 Gmaj Tail Toddle, The 4/4 Gmaj Tail Toddle, The 4/4 Dmaj Tail Toddle, The 4/4 Dmaj Tail Toddle, The A Tail Toddle C G Tail Toddle C| D Tail Toddle C A Tail Toddle C| D TAIL TODDLE C| D Tail Toddle C G Tail Toddle C G Tail Toddle C D Tail Toddle C G Tail Toddle C G Tail Toddle C| D Tail Toddle C| Gmaj Tail Toddle 4/4 D Tail Toddle C| D Tail toddle 4/4 D Tail Toddle Reel C| D Tail Toddle Reel v.2 C| D Tail Toddle Reel v.2 4/4 D Tail Toddle, The C G major Tail Toddle TS.185 C G Tail Toddle TS.185 C D Tail Todle C| A Tail Todle 4/4 G Tail Todle C| Bm Tail Todle. a Reel 3/4 Gmaj Tailwalker, The 4/4 D Taim Gan Airggad (I Have No Money) 6/8 G Taimg an nata am' látair gan moill 9/8 Ador Táim In Arrears 9/8 Gmaj Táim In Arrears 9/8 Amaj Táim In Arrears 9/8 Gmaj Táim In Arrears 9/8 Ador Táim In Arrears 9/8 Edor Táim In Arrears 3/4? G? Táim i n-Arréars? 3/4 G Taìmse Im' Chodhladh 3/4 G Taímse Im' Chodhladh 3/4 Gmaj Táimse Im' Chodladh 3/4 Gmaj Táimse Im' Chodladh 3/4 Gmaj Táimse Im' Chodladh 3/4 Gmaj Táimse Im' Chodladh 3/4 G Táimse im' chodladh [2] 3/4 C Táim sínte ar do thuama, S. 43 4/4 Amin Tain In The Rain 2/4 F Taiping diao 2/4 Eb Taiping nian 1/4 G Taiping nian 6/8 CMin Taisdeal Gaidhealach, An 4/4 C Taishan jing 2/4 Bb Tai shitou 2/4 G Tais-toi 2/4 G Tais-toi 2/4 Em Tai Tai 6/8 G Taith i Ddenmarc 6/8 D Taith i Surrey 4/4 G major Taitou 4/4 G Taitou 4/4 G Taitou 2/4 Am Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen 2/4 Am Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen 2/4 Cm Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen 4/4 Dm Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen 2/4 D Taiyang chulai hongdundun 2/4 D Taiyang chulai man tian hong 2/4 D Taiyang chulai xiyangyang 4/4 D Taiyang chulai zhao beiyan 2/4 F Taiyang chushangang 2/4 Bb Taiyang dang ding zheng dang zhong 2/4 C Taiyang guangmang zhao yao zhai 6/8 Emin Takaka Rain 6/8 Emin Takaka Rain 2/4 Dm Takanata 4/4 Amaj Taka's 4/4 Dmaj Taka's 4/4 Fmaj Taka's Tune 6/8 Bm Take a Dance 6/8 Bmin Take A Dance Take a Dance 6/8 Em Take A Dance 6/8 D Take a Dance 6/8 D Take a Dance 6/8 D Take a Dance 6/8 Bmin Take a Dance 6/8 D Take a Dance 6/8 Bmin Take a Dance 6/8 D Take a Dance 1765 6/8 Am Take a Dance [Am]