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 6/8 Bm      Take a Dance (Bm)
 6/8 D       Take a Dance / Bus Stop Reel
 6/8 Gm      Take a Dance (Gm)
 6/8 D       Take A Dance. JB.37
 6/8 D       Take A Dance. JB.37
 6/8 D major Take A Dance. JBi.37
 6/8 Hp      Take A Dance. JBi.37
 6/8 D       Take A Dance. JBi.37
 6/8 D       Take a Dance. JJo.175
 6/8 D       Take a Dance. JJo8.175
 6/8 D       Take a Dance. JJo8.175
 6/8 Hp      Take a Dance. JJo8.175
 6/8 D       Take a Dance. JJo8.175
 6/8 Hp      Take a Dance. Ru2.061
 6/8 Hp      Take a Dance. Ru2.061
 6/8 A       Take a Dance. Ru2.061
     A       Take a Dance. Ru2.061
 6/8 Hp      Take a Dance. THO2.014
 4/4 A       Take a Drink on Me
 6/8 Amin    Take a kiss or let it alone
 4/4 Edor    Take A Message To Julie
 4/4 Edor    Take A Message To Julie
 4/4 Edor    Take A Message To Julie
 4/4 Edor    Take A Message To Julie
 4/4 Emin    Take A Message To Julie
 4/4 Edor    Take A Message To Julie
 4/4 Edor    Take A Message To Julie
 4/4 Edor    Take A Message To Julie
  C| EDor    Take a Message to Julie
  C| Edor    Take A Message To Julie
 2/4 F       Take a Rest.  Sand Jig.
 3/4 F       Take Back the Virgin Page
 3/4 F       Take Back the Virgin Page.
 3/4 F       Take Back the Virgin Page.
 3/4 F       Take Back the Virgin Page.
 3/4 F       Take back the Virgin Page
 3/4 G       "Take Back The Virgin Page"           (air)       
 6/8 Gmin    Take care of my Cap
   C C#m     Takeda no Komoriuta
   C Am      Takeda no Komoriuta   [Am]
   C Bm      Takeda no Komoriuta   [Bm]
 2/4 E       Take de Train Sam Johnson Sand Jig
 5/4 Ebm     Take five
 3/4 Bb      Take Fresh Courage
   C G       Take Hence The Bowl
   C G       Take Hence the Bowl
   C G       Take Hence the Bowl
   C G       Take Hence the Bowl
   C G       Take Hence the Bowl   #2
   C G       "Take Hence The Bowl"              (air)          
 2/4 D       Take Her Away
 2/4 D       Take Her Away
 2/4 G       Take her away down to the Quay, We don't want her
 2/4 G       Take her away down to the Quay, We don't want her
 4/4 Am      Take her out and Air her
 4/4 D       Take her Out and Air Her
 4/4 D       Take Her Out and Air Her
   C Emin    Take her out and air her [1]
  C| Emin    Take Her Out and Air Her [1]
 2/4 Amin    Take Her Out and Air Her [3]
   C GMaj    Take Her Out and Air Her (4)
 6/8 D       Take him or leave him
 6/8 Gmaj    Take It Easy
 6/8 G       Take It Easy
 6/8 G       Take it easy
 6/8 G       Take it easy
 6/8 G       Take It Easy
 6/8 G       Take It Easy
 6/8 G       Take It Easy
 6/8 G       Take It Easy
 6/8 G       Take it easy
 6/8 G       Take it easy
     G       Take it Easy
 6/8 G       Take It Easy   #2
 6/8 G       "Take It Easy"  (doublejig)     1089
 9/8 Gmaj    Take It Or Leave It
 2/4 G       Take it out of that
 4/4 Gmajor  Take Me
 6/8 E       Take Me as I Am
 6/8 Dmaj    Take Me as I Am
 6/8 Cmaj    Take Me as I Am
 3/4 C       Take Me as I am [1]
 4/4 F       Take Me Back To Bendigo
  C| C       Take Me Back to Georgia
  C| G       Take Me back to Texas (to Eat Cornbread and
 4/4 Eb      Take Me In Thine Arms
   C F       Take me Jenny
 2/4 G       Take me Jenny
 2/4 G       Take me Jenny
 2/4 G       Take me Jenny
   C F       Take Me Jenny
   C G       Take me Jenny let me win you while I’m in the
 2/4 G       Take Me Jenny THO3.115
 3/4 D       Take Me Out to the Ball Game
 3/4 F       Take Me Out to the Ball Game
 3/4 G       Take Me Out to the Ball Game
 3/4 F       Take Me Out to the Ballgame
 6/8 G       Take me Right
 6/8 G       Take me Right
 6/8 G       Take me Right
 6/8 G       Take me Right THO3.045
 4/4 Gmaj    Take Me Tender
  C| G       Take Me Tender
   C C       Take me tender and you’ll have me always
   C G       Take Me while I'm Pleasing
  C| D       Take my Bitt
  C| D       Take my Bitt
  C| D       Take my Bitt. JJo3.034
  C| D       Take My Bitt. WCD3/2.010
 3/4 Gmaj    Take My Hand
 3/4 G       Take My Hand
 2/4 A       Take My Love
  C| F       Tak?e nas ju? na wieki, Bo?e nasz, opu?cisz
 3/4 Gmaj    Taken From The Road
 9/8 Amin    Take No Prisoners
 2/2 Bb      Take not a Woman's Anger ill, For if one won't,
 4/4 Bb      Take Not A Woman's Anger Ill. (p)1696.PLFD1.368
 4/4 Bb      Take Not A Woman's Anger Ill. (p)1696.PLFD1.368
 4/4 Bb      Take Not A Woman's Anger Ill. (p)1696.PLFD.368
 4/4 Gmaj    Take O Lord this Offering
   C DMin    Take, o take those lips away
  C| Emin    Take out your Wife and Air Her
 2/4 D       Takes the Cake. Walk Around
 4/4 C       Take the "A" train
 4/4 C       Take the "A" Train
 6/8 Dmaj    Take The Bull By The Horns
 6/8 Dmajor  Take The Bull By The Horns
 6/8 A       Take the Bull by the Horns
 6/8 D       Take the Bull by the Horns
   C C       Take The Fiddle Off The Wall
   C HP      Take The High Road (from UK Tv Series)  "CYMRU"
  C| Ador    Take the Tea Things
 6/8 Dmaj    Take The Whistle
 4/4 G       Take This Hammer
  C| G       Take this hammer
 3/4 G       Take This Message To My Mother
 3/2 Gmaj    Take Three To Play
 6/4 G major Take Toast To Thee,.. HA.154
 6/4 G       Take Toast To Thee,.. HA.154
 3/4 G       Take Your Boots Off and Go to Bed John
  C| G       Take Your Choice
  C| G       Take your choice
  C| G       Take your choice
  C| G       Take your choice
  C| G       Take Your Choice
  C| G       Take Your Choice
  C| G       Take Your Choice
  C| G       Take your Choice
  C| G       Take Your Choice #1
  C| G       Take Your Choice #2
  C| G       Take Your Choice   #2
  C| G       Take Your Choice   #2
  C| G       "Take Your Choice"   (reel)     1187
 4/4 Dmaj    Take Your Churn
  C| G       Take Your Foot out of the Mud (and put it in the
88/4 C _1/4B Tâ Kim Hatt?n Ey Mah-? Cebînim
 4/4 Amin    Taking It On
 4/4 Amaj    Taking Of Beaumont Hamel, The
  C| HP      Taking of Beaumont Hamel  "CYMRU - Composed During
  C| Amix    Taking of Beaumont Hamel, The
 6/8 D       Taking Out The Trash
 6/8 Gmaj    Taking The Tent Down
 6/8 G       Taking the Tent Down
 9/8 D       Tak' it, man, tak' it
 4/4 D       Taklagsfesten
 3/4 D       Taklagsvalsen
 6/8 E       Taku Miners
 3/4 Bb      Tak' your auld Cloak about ye
 3/4 Bb      Tak' your auld cloak about ye
 3/4 Gmin    Tak' your auld cloak about ye
 3/4 G minor Tak Your Old Cloak About Ye
 3/4 Gm      Tak Your Old Cloak About Ye
 6/8 C       Taladh
 6/8 C       TALADH
 6/8 C       Taladh
     C       Taladh
 3/4 Dmix    Taladh Chriosda
 3/4 Dmix    Taladh Chriosda
 3/4 Cmaj    Taladh Chriosda
 3/4 Dmix    Taladh Chriosda
 3/4 Amix    Taladh Chriosta
 3/4 G       Taladh Eirisgeach
 3/4 G       Taladh Eirisgeach
10/8 C _2/4B Tal`at?n Devri Kamerde
   C D       Talencourt
 2/4 D       Talencourt, Le
 9/4 Bb      Tale of a Wife, The
 4/4 C       Tale Of The Olden Time, A
 6/8 Dm      Tales of a Tooth Mouse
 2/2 A       Tales Of Barnagrove
 2/2 A       Tales Of Barnagrove
 2/2 A       Tales of Barnagrove
 2/2 A       Tales Of Barnagrove
 6/8 Emin    Tales Of Peedy And Paddy, The
 2/4 Gm      Talgoxen
 2/4 Gm      Talgoxen

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