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 4/4 Emin    Turbulence
 4/4 Emin    Turbulence
 4/4 Dmaj    Tureencahill, The
 2/4 G       Tureengarbh Glen
 2/4 G       Tureengarbh Glen (polka)
 6/8 G       Tureengarbh Jig, The
 6/8 G       Tureengarbh Jig, The
 2/4 Gmaj    Tureengarriv Glen
  C| D       Turel's Hornpipe
12/8 Gmaj    Turfahun Barndance
 9/8 Ador    Turf Cutter, The
 9/8 Ador    Turf Cutter, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Turf House, The
 4/4 D       Turf House
 6/8 Amix    Turf Lodge, The
 6/8 Dmaj    Turf Lodge, The
  C| A       Turf Man’s Union, The
 2/4 G       Turid Askjem, gangar
 6/8 A       Turk and no Turk
 6/8 A       Turk and no Turk
 6/8 A       Turk and no Turk. THO5.070
  C| G       Turkey Buzzard
  C| A       Turkey Creek
 2/4 B       Turkey Dance Song
  C| D       Turkey Day Trot
 4/4 G       Turkey-Egg, The
 2/4 D       Turkey Gobbler, The
 2/4 D t=8   Turkey Gobbler, The
 2/4 D       Turkey Gobbler +, The
 2/4 D t=8   Turkey Gobbler, The
  C| G       Turkey Gobbler [1]
  C| D       Turkey in a Pea Patch
  C| Bb      Turkey in the Cottonwoods
  C| Bb      Turkey in the Cottonwoods
  C| D       Turkey in the Pea Patch
  C| D       Turkey in the Pea Patch
  C| D       Turkey in the Pea Patch (traditional)
  C| D       Turkey in the Pea Patch (traditional)
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/2 G       Turkey in the Straw
     G       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 D       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 D       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 D       Turkey in the Straw
  C| G       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 Gmaj    Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 Dmaj    Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 Gmaj    Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 Amaj    Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 Gmaj    Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 Gmaj    Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
  C| G       Turkey In the Straw
 2/4 D       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 C       Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 D       Turkey in the Straw
  C| G t=8   Turkey In the Straw
   C G       Turkey In the Straw * +
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 D       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey In The Straw
 2/4 D       Turkey In The Straw
 2/4 A       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
  C| Bb      Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 D       Turkey in the Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkey In The Straw
 4/4 G       Turkey in the Straw (#237)
 4/4 G major Turkey In The Straw. FTB.116
 4/4 G       Turkey In The Straw. FTB.116
  C| A       Turkey Knob
  C| A       Turkey Knob
 6/4 D       Turkeylony
 4/4 Bb      Turkey-Rogherlee, The
  C| C       Turkey Roost
 2/4 Amix    Turkey Run
 2/4 Dmaj    Turkey Sag
  C| G       Turkeys In The Straw
  C| G       Turkeys in the straw
  C| G       Turkeys in the straw
  C| G       Turkeys in the Straw
  C| G       Turkeys in the Straw
  C| G       Turkeys in the Straw
  C| G       Turkeys in the Straw
  C| G       Turkeys in the Straw   #2
  C| G       "Turkeys In The Straw"  (reel)  1520
 4/4 C       Turkey & the Bear - Dyer
  C| C       Turkey Tracks
  C|         Turkey Trot
  C| G       Turkies in the Straw
  C| G       Turkies in the Straw
 2/4 G       Turkifh March ThFife.70
 2/4 G major Türkischer Reiter (Galopp) GC (GL06387)
 7/8 Em      Turkish 7/8
 2/4 A minor Turkish Air.A. ST.08
 2/4 A minor Turkish Air. ST.08, A
   C Bb      Turkish Ambassadors Whim
 2/4 D       TURKISH DANCE
 6/8 F#m     Turkish Delight
 6/8 Dm      Turkish Delight
 2/4 Am      Turkish Hora
  C| Gm      Turkish in the Straw
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg. JJo.145
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg. JJo8.145
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg. JJo8.145
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg. JJo8.145
 6/8 G       Turkish Jigg THO1.109
 3/4 F       Turkish Lady, The
none G       Turkish Lady, The
 6/8 G major Turkish March.
 2/4 D       Turkish March
 6/8 G       Turkish March.
 2/4 C       Turkish March
 2/4 G       Turkish March
 6/8 G       Turkish March
 2/4 D       Turkish March
   C D       Turkish March
 6/8 G       Turkish March.
 6/8 G       Turkish March.
 6/8 G       Turkish March [1]
   C G       Turkish March [2]
   C G       Turkish March [2], The
 2/4 D       Turkish March. JBut.988
 2/4 D major Turkish March. JClw.05
 2/4 D       Turkish March. JClw.05
 4/4 F       Turkish March, No 28. TTa.06
 6/8 G major Turkish March. RH.192
 6/8 G       Turkish March. RH.192
 6/8 G       Turkish March. RH.192
 6/8 G       Turkish Quick Step (not available here)
 2/4 G       Turkish Tambourine Dance
 6/8 F#      Turkish tune
 6/8 F# min  Turkish tune
 6/8 F#m     Turkish tune
 3/4 Dm      Turkisk polska Kaytagi
 3/4 Ador    "Turklåten"
 4/4 Gmaj    Turks', The
 6/8 G       Turks Head
 6/8 G       Turk's Head
 6/8 D       Turk's Jigg. JJo2.124
 6/8 D       Turk's Jigg. JJo2.124
   C G major Turks March
 6/8 G       Turk's March, The
 2/4 G       Turks March
   C G       Turks March
 6/8 G       Turk's March, the
 6/8 G       Turk's March, The
 2/4 G       Turks March
 2/4 G       Turks March
  C| G       Turk's March [1]
  C| G       Turks March [2]
 2/4 D       Turk’s March [3]
 4/4 G major Turks March. HSJJ.015
 4/4 G       Turks March. HSJJ.015
 4/4 G       Turks March. HSJJ.015
 4/4 G       Turks March. HSJJ.015
 2/4 G major Turks March. JC.179
 2/4 G       Turks March. JC.179
 2/4 D       Turks March. JC.179
 2/4 G       Turks March. JC.179
 6/8 G       Turk's March ThFife.66, The
  C| G major Turks March TS.071
  C| G       Turks March TS.071
 3/4 Gmin    Turloch McDonagh's Lamentation
             Turlough O'Carolan's Tunes
 3/4 Am      Turlough og McDonough
 9/8 D       Turlough the Brave
 9/8 D       Turlough, the Brave
 9/8 D       "Turlough The Brave"           (air)            
12/8 E       Turl Street
 4/4 Dmaj    Turlupinage
  C| G       Turlute Acadienne
 4/4 Gmaj    Turlutte Acadienne
 4/4 G       Turlutte acadienne
 4/4 G       Turlutte acadienne
 2/2 G       Turlutte acadienne à Daniel Lemieux
 4/4 G       Turmit Hoeing
   C A       Turmit Hoeing
 4/4 G       Turmut-hoeing
 4/4 G       Turmut-hoeing
 4/4 Gmaj    Turn, The
 6/4 G       Turn again Whitington
 6/4 G       Turn Again Whitington,2. JWDM.17

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