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4/4 G Twenty-Ninth of May (Headington) 4/4 D Twenty-Ninth of May. JClw.27, The 4/4 D Twenty-Ninth of May. (p)1686.PLFD1.258 4/4 D Twenty-Ninth of May. (p)1686.PLFD.258 4/4 D major Twenty-Ninth of May,The. JClw.27 4/4 D Twenty-Ninth of May,The. JClw.27 4/4 Ador Twenty-One Highland 4/4 Ador Twenty-One Highland 4/4 Ador Twenty-One Highland 4/4 Ador Twenty-One Highland C Am Twenty One Highland + (h) C A minor Twenty One Highland (h'pipe) 3/4 F Twenty-one Years 2/4 A Twenty Second of February 6/8 C Twenty-Something 2/4 C Twenty Tons of TNT 4/4 Amaj Twenty Years 4/4 Amaj Twenty Years 3/4 Gmaj Twenty Years On 3/4 G Twenty Years' Waltz 3/4 G Twenty Years' Waltz 3/4 G 'TWERE VAIN TO TELL THEE ALL I FEEL 3/4 G Twer vain to tell the all I feel [sic] 6/8 D Twice Trick’d 6/8 D Twice Tricked 3/4 G Twickenham Ferry 3/4 G Twickenham Ferry 3/4 G Twickenham Ferry 2/4 G Twickenham Meads. JJo5.012 2/4 G Twickenham Meads. JJo5.012 C D Twiggle and a Friz. Roose.0496 4/4 Emin Twiglet 2/4 Emix Twig the Mercer 2/4 Emix Twig the Mercer 2/4 Emix Twig the Mercer THO1.140 4/4 Dmaj Twilight 2/4 D Twilight 2/4 D Twilight 2/4 D t=8 Twilight 2/4 D Twilight + 2/4 D t=8 Twilight 4/2 F Twilight 1932 6/8 C Twilight at Fagins Irish Jig 6/8 Bb Twilight barcarolle C| A Twilight in Portroe 4/4 Amaj Twilight In Portroe 4/4 Dmaj Twilight In Portroe 4/4 Amaj Twilight In Portroe 4/4 Amaj Twilight In Portroe 4/4 Amaj Twilight In Portroe 4/4 Dmaj Twilight In Portroe C| A Twilight in Portroe C| Amaj Twilight In Portroe C| A Twilight in Portroe C| A Twilight in Portroe C| A Twilight In Portroe C| A Twilight in Portroe C| A Twilight in Portroe C| A Twilight in Portroe C| G Twilight in Portroe 2/4 D Twilight Reel 2/4 G Twilight Star, the 2/4 G Twilight Star, The 4/4 G Twilight Star 2/4 G Twilight Star, The 4/4 G major Twilight Time C| C Twilight Waltz 3/4 A Twilight Waltz [1] 3/4 G Twilight Waltz [1] 3/4 C Twilight Waltz [2] 3/4 Eb Twilight Waltz [3] 4/4 Dmin Twilight Zone, The 2/4 D 'TWILL NEBBER DO TO GIB IT UP SO! 6/8 C Twin Ballots, The C| G Twin Brothers, the C| G Twin Brothers, The C| G Twin Brothers (1), The 6/8 Dmix Twin Cities, The C D Twine weel the Plaiden. C D TWINE WEEL THE PLAIDEN C D TWINE WEEL THE PLAIDEN C Eb TWINE WEEL THE PLAIDEN. C Eb Twine weel the plaiden 4/4 D Twine weel the Plaiden C D Twine weel the Plaiden. 6/8 Fmaj Twinflower 6/8 Dmaj Twining Branch, The 6/8 Dmaj Twining Branch, The 2/4 G Twin Katy’s C G TWIN KATY'S REEL 2/4 G TWIN KATY'S -- REEL C| G TWIN KATY'S REEL 4/4 Amaj Twinkle Little Star 4/4 Cmaj Twinkle Little Star 2/4 G Twinkle Little Star [1] C| G Twinkle Little Star (Old Way) C| G Twinkle Little Star (Old Way) C Am Twinkle Toes 2/4 D Twinkletoes Polka 2/2 G Twinkle, twinkle, little star 2/4 C Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star C| G Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 4/4 D Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (#011) 4/4 D Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - #11 C A Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in A C B Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in B C C Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in C C D Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in D C D Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in D - Viola C E Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in E C F Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in F C G Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in G C G Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in G C A Twinkle, Twinkle, little Stars, or meet me at the C A Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Variation 4/4 G Twinkling Eyes C| A Twin Reel 6/8 Dmaj Twin's Delight, The 6/8 Dmaj Twin's Delight, The 4/4 Gmix Twin Sisters 4/4 Gmix Twin Sisters 4/4 Gmaj Twin Sisters 4/8 G Twin Sisters 4/4 D Twin Sisters 4/4 D Twin Sisters 6/8 G Twin Sisters 4/4 G Twin Sisters 6/8 G Twin Sisters C| Amix Twin Sisters [1] C| Amix Twin Sisters [2] C D Twin Sisters [3] 2/4 G Twin Sisters [4] 2/4 G Twin Sisters [4], The 2/4 A Twin Sisters [5] C| G Twin Sisters (Country Dance) 4/8 G Twin Sisters (Fiddler's Lock) 2/4 G Twin Sister's Reel 6/8 A Twin Sisters (????ty Dance) 6/8 Ddor Twins On A Swing 6/8 Ddor Twins On A Swing 6/8 Edor Twins On A Swing 6/4 Bb Twins. (p)1657.PLFD1.133, The 6/4 Gm Twins. (p)1657.PLFD1.133, The C D TWINS' REEL, the C| Dmix Twins, The 6/4 Bb Twins,The. (p)1657.PLFD.133 4/4 Dmin Twirl C DMix Twirling Dervish 4/4 G Twirling Dervish Harmony Twirl of the Kilt 4/4 Amix Twirly Haired Girl, The 4/4 Amix Twirly Haired Girl, The C G 'Twis in the End of King James's Street C G Twis in the End of King James's Street 4/4 Ddor Twisted Chimney, The 4/4 Bdor Twisted Fingers 4/4 Bmin Twisted Fridge 4/4 D Twisted Spire A Twister 2/4 D Twister, The 6/8 Gmaj Twisting Of The Hay Rope C G Twisting of the Rope, The 3/4 G Twisting of the Rope, the 3/4 G Twisting of the Rope, the 3/4 G Twisting of the Rope, The 4/4 G Twisting of the Rope (Casadh an tSugain), The C G Twisting of the Rope (Casadh an tSugain), The C G Twisting of the Rope (Casadh an tSugain), The C G Twisting of the Rope (Casadh an tSugain), The C G Twisting of the Rope (Casadh an tSugain), The 3/4 G Twisting of the Rope, The 3/4 D Twisting of the Rope, The 3/4 C Twisting of the Rope, The 2/2 G Twist of Fate, The C F#Minor Twist ye twine ye even so 6/8 Em Twitcher, The C G TWIXT DON AND DEE 2/4 D TWIXT DON AND DEE C G Twixt Don and Dee 0 Twixt Don and Dee 3/4 C Twll yn ei Boch 3/4 C Twll yn ei boch 3/4 C Twll yn ei Boch 6/8 Dmaj Twm Edwards 2/4 Gmin Twmpathau, Y 2/4 Em twmpathe 1, y 2/4 Em twmpathe 2, y 3/4 C Two ABCs 3/4 C CDE | Two ABCs 3/4 C CDE | Two ABCs 4/4 Amaj Two Acre Plot, The 6/8 Em Two and a Bump 6/8 G Two and Sixpenny Girl C Two and Sixpenny Girl, The 6/8 G Two and Sixpenny Girl [1], The 6/8 G Two and Sixpenny Girl [2] 6/8 G Two and Sixpenny Girl The -- Jig 2/4 G Two and Threequarters Squared Two and Two 6/8 Gmin Two and Two