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4/4 Amix Walking Ower Da River 4/4 Dmaj Walking Ower Da River 2/4 Amix Walking Ower da River C| A Walking Plow Reel C| D Walking's Good Straight Jig C G Walking Song 3/4 Dmaj Walking Stick, The 3/4 Dmaj Walking Stick, The 3/4 Dmaj Walking Stick, The 3/4 Dmaj Walking Stick, The 3/4 Dmaj Walking Stick, The C| G Walking that Pretty Girl Home 6/8 Emin Walking The Dog 6/8 F Walking the Dog 4/4 D Walking the Fence 6/8 Ador Walking The Floor 6/8 Amix Walking The Floor 6/8 Amix Walking The Floor 6/8 Ador Walking The Floor 6/8 Ador Walking The Floor 6/8 Am Walking the Floor 6/8 Ador Walking the Floor 6/8 Ador Walking the Floor 6/8 Ador Walking the Floor 6/8 Amix Walking the Floor 6/8 Amix Walking the Floor 6/8 C Walking the Floor [Am] C| HP Walking The Moon C| HP Walking The Moon C| G Walking the Water 6/8 A Walking Through the Heather 6/8 D Walking To Heel 6/8 D Walking To Heel 4/4 G Walking to Westport 2/4 C Walking Up Town C Eb Walking with the King 2/4 C Walking with the Yellow Gal 4/4 D Walkin’ in the Parlor [1] 4/4 F Walk in Jerusalem 4/4 D Walk in the Light 6/8 G WALKIN' THE PUP 6/8 G Walkin' the Pups 6/8 G Walkin' the Pups 6/8 G Walkin' the Pups 6/8 G Walkin' the Pups (with piano acc.) 6/8 G Walkin' the Pups (with piano acc.) 2/4 Cmaj Walk In The Shire, A 2/4 Dmaj Walk In The Shire, A 2/4 G Walk into de Parlor Jig [2] 2/2 C Walkin' Up Town 2/4 C Walkin’ Up Town 2/4 C Walkin' Up Town 2/2 C Walkin' Up Town 2/4 C Walkin' Up Town 2/4 C Walkin' Up Town 2/4 C Walkin’ Up Town 2/4 F Walk Jawbone [2] 6/8 G Walk Me Along, Johnny G Walk of the Two Penny Postman, The 6/8 ADor Walk of the Two Penny Postman, The 6/8 ADor Walk of the Twopenny Postman, Fieldtown 4/4 D Walk Old Shoe C| D Walk Old Shoe, Heel Come A-Draggin' 4/4 Amaj Walk On The Shore, A 6/8 Edor Walk on the Tharogues 6/8 G Walk Out of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk out of it Hogan 6/8 G Walk Out Of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk out of it Hogan 6/8 G Walk out of it Hogan 6/8 G Walk Out of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk Out of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk Out of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk Out of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk Out of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk Out of It Hogan 6/8 G Walk out of it, Hogan G Walk out of it, Hogan 6/8 G "Walk Out Of It, Hogan" (jig) 1072 2/4 G Walk Round 4/4 G Walk the Line 4/4 G Walk the Line Bass 4/4 G Walk the Line Begleiding Guitar 2 4/4 C Walk The Line Intro 4/4 G Walk the Line Melody 7/4 A min Walk we took through the Graveyard, The 7/4 A min Walk we took through the Graveyard, The 7/4 A min Walk we took through the Graveyard, The 2/4 G Walk Your Chalk, Reel 4/4 D Wallabug 6/8 G Wallaby Rocks 6/8 G WALLABY ROCKS C A Wallace 4/4 C Wallace C A Wallace C| G Wallace and Gromit 2/4 D Wallace Bled. LW.123 C| G Wallace & Gromit C| G Wallace March. SenH.063 2/4 D Wallace's Cross 2/4 D Wallace's Cross 2/4 D Wallace's Cross 2/4 D Wallace's Cross 6/8 G Wallace’s Favorite Jig C G Wallace’s March C| G Wallace's March C| E Wallace Tower 4/4 G Wallace Twins, The 4/4 G Wallace Twins (#281), The 4/4 G Wallace Twins, The 6/8 Bm Wallach moor 6/8 Bm Wallach moor 6/8 A minor Walladmoor 6/8 A minor Walladmoor 6/8 A min Walladmoor 6/8 A min Walladmoor 6/8 Am Walladmoor. G&D_1826.22 6/8 C major Walladmoor. JaW.257 6/8 Am Walladmoor. JaW.257 6/8 C Walladmoor. JaW.257 D Walled Garden, The Walled Garden, The 3/4 G major Walled Garden Waltz 3/4 G major Walled Garden Waltz 3/4 G Walled Garden Waltz 3/4 G Walled Garden Waltz 3/4 G Walled Garden Waltz 3/4 G Walled Garden Waltz 3/4 G Walled Garden Waltz 2/4 F major Wallenstätter Polka CF 2/4 F Wallenstätter Polka CF 2/4 F Wallenstätter Polka CF 2/4 F Wallenstätter Polka CF 2/4 F Wallenstätter Polka CF Anm 2/4 F Wallenstätter Polka CF Anm 2/4 F Wallenstätter Polka CF chords 2/4 F Wallenstätter Polka CF chords 2/4 Cmaj Wallenstätter Polka GF 5- 2/4 Cmaj Wallenstätter Polka GF 5- 2/4 Cmaj Wallenstätter Polka GF 5- Anm 2/4 Cmaj Wallenstätter Polka GF 5- Anm 2/4 Cmaj Wallenstätter Polka GF 5- chords 2/4 Cmaj Wallenstätter Polka GF 5- chords 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey 9/8 C Walley Honey. WCD3/1.002 4/2 G Wallfahrtsgesang 2/1 G Wallfahrtslied 2/4 G Wallflowers 2/4 D WALL FLOWERS POLKA 2/4 D Wall Flowers Polka 6/4 Gm Wallingford House 6/4 Bb Wallingford House. (p)1665.PLFD1.193 6/4 Gm Wallingford House. (p)1665.PLFD1.193 6/4 Bb Wallingford House. (p)1665.PLFD.193 C F Walling of the Plading. Roose.0360, The 2/2 Bb Wallington Diamond Jubilee 6/8 C Wallington Golden Jubilee 2/4 A Walliser Galopp A&D (tinwhistle in D) 2/4 A Walliser Galopp A&D (tinwhistle in D) solo 2/4 C Walliser Galopp CF 2- 2/4 C Walliser Galopp CF (5letras transposed) 2/4 D Walliser Galopp DG 2/4 D major Walliser Galopp DG (GL00784) 2/4 D Walliser Galopp DG (GL00784) 2/4 D Walliser Galopp D&G (tinwhistle in D) 2/4 D Walliser Galopp D&G (tinwhistle in D) solo 2/4 G Walliser Galopp GC (5letras transposed) 2/4 G Walliser Galopp GC 7- 3/4 C Walliser Ländler CG 3/4 C Walliser Ländler CG (5letras transposed) 3/4 C major Walliser Ländler CG (LD00774) 3/4 C Walliser Ländler CG (LD00774) 3/4 F Walliser Ländler FC (5letras transposed) 3/4 F Walliser Ländler FC 7- 3/4 G Walliser Ländler G&D (tinwhistle in D) 3/4 G Walliser Ländler G&D (tinwhistle in D) solo 2/4 A Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) A&D (tinwhistle in D) 2/4 A Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) A&D (tinwhistle in D) 2/4 C Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) CF 5- 2/4 C Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) CF (5letras 2/4 F Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) FBb 2/4 F major Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) FBb (st00844) 2/4 F Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) FBb (st00844) 2/4 G Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) GC 10- 2/4 G Walliser Marsch (Schottisch) GC (5letras 2/4 C Walliser Schottisch CF 2/4 C Walliser Schottisch CF (5letras transposed) 2/4 C major Walliser Schottisch CF (st00783) 2/4 C Walliser Schottisch CF (st00783) 2/4 C Walliser Schottisch CG 2/4 C Walliser Schottisch CG (5letras transposed) 2/4 C major Walliser Schottisch CG (st00775) 2/4 C Walliser Schottisch CG (st00775)