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 3/4 D min   Waltz fr Norway
 3/4 GDor    Waltz fr Norway
 3/4 Dm      Waltz fr Norway
 3/4 C       Waltz from Balfor
 3/4 Am      Waltz from Boda
 3/4 E Minor Waltz from Boda
 3/4 Bb      Waltz from "Coppélia"
 3/4 Dmin    Waltz From Enviken
 3/4 D       WALTZ FROM FAUST. (Faust.)
 3/4 Dm      Waltz from Finland
 3/4 F       Waltz from Finland
 3/4 G       Waltz from Finland (in E minor)
 3/4 F       Waltz from Finland, modified
 3/4 F       Waltz from J. Woolsey No. 1
 3/4 F       Waltz from J. Woolsey No. 2
 3/4 E minor Waltz from Levkivka
 3/4 Em      Waltz from Levkivka
 3/4 E min   Waltz from Levkivka
 3/4 EMin    Waltz from Levkivka
 3/4 G major Waltz from Lolland, Falster
 3/4 D major Waltz from Lolland, Falster
 3/4 D       Waltz from Lolland, Falster
 3/4 D       Waltz from Lolland, Falster
 3/4 D       Waltz from Lolland, Falster
 3/4 G       Waltz from Lolland, Falster
 3/4 C       Waltz from Miller County, Missouri
 3/4 D minor Waltz from Norrbotten
 3/4 D min   Waltz from Norrbotten
 3/4 Dm      Waltz from Norrbotten
 3/4 D major Waltz from Orsa
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz From Orsa
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz From Orsa
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz From Orsa
 3/4 D       Waltz from Orsa
 3/4 D       Waltz from Orsa
 3/4 D       Waltz from Orsa
 3/4 D       Waltz from Orsa
 3/4 A       Waltz from Pajala
 3/4 A       Waltz from Pajala
 3/4 A       Waltz from Pajala (harmony)
 3/4 G       Waltz from Pennou Skoulm
 3/4 B minor Waltz from Siglora
 3/4 B min   Waltz from Siglora
 3/4 Gmaj    Waltz From The Emerald Island, The
 3/4 G       Waltz from the Michael Turner Collection, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz From Transtrand
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz From Transtrand
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz From Transtrand
     C       Waltz: German 1
 3/8 Bb      Waltz, Good Tune. JaW.155, A
 3/4 Amin    Waltz Harry Lane
 3/4 Am      Waltz Harry Lane
 3/8 G       Waltz. HS.38, A
 3/4 F       Waltz. HS.42, A
 3/8 C       Waltz. HSJJ.180, A
 3/4 Dm      Waltz II
 3/4 D       WALTZ.     in Der Freischütz
 3/4 D       Waltz     in Der Freischütz
 3/4 G       Waltz in der Freyschutz
 3/4 G       Waltz in Der Fricthuly
 3/4 G       Waltz in Der Frieshutz
 3/4 F       Waltz in F
 6/8 G       Waltzing Armadillo
 6/8 G       Waltzing Armadillo
 6/8 G       Waltzing Armadillo
 6/8 G       Waltzing Armadillo (with piano acc.)
 6/8 G       Waltzing Armadillo (with piano acc.)
 4/4 D       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 Cmaj    Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 Gmaj    Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
   C HP      Waltzing Matilda  " "
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 2/4 F       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 6/8 C       Waltzing Matilda
 2/4 F       Waltzing Matilda
 4/4 G       Waltzing Matilda
 3/4 G       Waltzing on Earth
 3/4 Dm      Waltzing on Ice
 3/4 Gmaj    Waltzing Through Dunboyne
 3/4 Amaj    Waltzing Through The Leaves
 3/4 A       Waltzing Through the Leaves
 3/4 Fmaj    Waltzing With A
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltzing With Angels
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltzing With Angels
 3/4 G       Waltzing with Bears
 3/4 D       Waltzing with the One ILove
 3/4 Amin    Waltz In The House
 3/4 Ador    Waltz In The House
 3/4 Amin    Waltz In The House
 3/4 Ador    Waltz in the House, The
     C       Waltz: In the Manchurian Hills
 3/4 D       Waltz in Tom and Jerry
 3/4 Dm      Waltzin' to Mongolia
 3/4 Eb      Waltz. JaW.116
 3/4 Eb      Waltz. JaW.116
 3/4 Eb      Waltz. JaW.116
 3/8 Bb      Waltz JBrk.73, A
 3/8 D       Waltz JBrk.74, A
 3/8 Bb      Waltz JBrk.75, A
 3/8 D       Waltz, JBrk.77 A
 3/8 C       Waltz JBrk.78, A
 3/8 F major Waltz. JBs.047
 3/8 F       Waltz. JBs.047
 3/8 C major Waltz. JGi.135
 3/8 C       Waltz. JGi.135
 3/8 C       Waltz. JGi.148, A
 3/8 C       Waltz. JGi.158, A
 3/8 F       Waltz. JHa.27
 3/4 D       Waltz. JMT.004, A
 3/8 G       Waltz. JMT.013, A
 3/8 F       Waltz, JMT.014, A
 3/8 G       Waltz. JMT.016, A
 3/8 D major Waltz. JMT.116
 3/8 D       Waltz. JMT116
 3/8 D       Waltz. JMT.116
 3/8 D       Waltz. JMT116
 3/8 D       Waltz. JMT.116
 3/4 Dmin    Waltz Joe-Anne
 3/4 F       Waltz. Le4.157
 3/8 D       Waltz. Le4.175
             Waltz: Le Ma'an Achai
 3/8 G       Waltz. LW.016
 3/8 D       Waltz. LW.1
 3/4 G       Waltz. LW.130
 3/8 G       Waltz. LW.140
 3/8 D       Waltz. LW.167
 3/4 C       Waltz-mazurka [C/G]
 3/4 D       Waltz-mazurka [D/A]
 3/4 D       Waltz medley
 3/4 D       Waltz medley #1
 3/4 A       Waltz medley #1
 3/4 G       Waltz Medley #2
 3/4 C       Waltz Medley #2
 3/4 D       Waltz Medley #3
 3/4 Eb      Waltz Medley #4
     C       Waltz Medley 4 [Am D G]
 3/4 G       Waltz Medley #5
 6/8 D       Waltz medley #6
 3/4 A       Waltz Medley #7
 3/4 Dmin    Waltz Melancholique
 3/4         Waltz: Misc 1
             Waltz Misc 2
     C       Waltz_ Monas Birthday
 3/4 C major Waltz Mozart,4. TLY.047
 3/4 C       Waltz Mozart,4. TLY.047
 3/4 C       Waltz Mozart,4. TLY.048
 3/4 G       Waltz No. 1
 3/8 F       WALTZ No. 1.
 3/8 D       Waltz No. 1
 3/4 F       Waltz No. 1 in D Minor
 3/4 Cm      Waltz No.2
 3/8 D       Waltz No. 2
 3/4 G       Waltz of Capri(?) JBut.001
 3/4 Amaj    Waltz Of Happiness, The
 3/4 A       Waltz of Jericho
 3/4 Eb      Waltz of Love, The
 3/4 A       Waltz of Memories
 3/8 G major Waltz of the 3rd Dragoon Guards. CJF.043
 3/8 G       Waltz of the 3rd Dragoon Guards. CJF.043
 3/8 G       Waltz of the 3rd Dragoon Guards. CJF.043
 3/8 G       Waltz of the 3rd Dragoon Guards. CJF.043
 3/4 G       Waltz of the Bluejay
 3/8 D major Waltz of the East York Militia. CJF.107
 3/8 D       Waltz of the East York Militia. CJF.107
 3/8 D       Waltz of the East York Militia. CJF.107
 3/8 D       Waltz of the East York Militia. CJF.107
 3/4 Bmin    Waltz Of The Grey River
 3/4 Fdor    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Waltz Of The Little Girls, The
 3/4 D       Waltz of the Little Girls, The
 3/4 D       Waltz of the Little Girls, The
 3/4 D       Waltz of the Little Girls, The
 3/4 D       Waltz of the Little Girls, The
 3/4 D       Waltz of the Little Girls, The
 3/4 Amin    Waltz Of The Little Raccoons
 3/4 D       Waltz of the Ozarks [1]
 3/4 A       Waltz of the Red Leafed Maple

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