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2/4 E Wasserkrug (Band 1), S. 133, Der 2/4 F Wassermanns Braut 6/8 F Wasser und Wein (208), S. 393 9/8 Gmix Was she no kind to me 6/8 C WAS SIND DIE GASSEN SO ENGE 2/4 D WAS SINGT DAS VOEGLEIN KLEINE 3/4 Bb WAS SOLL DAS BEDEUTEN 3/4 G Was soll das bedeuten 4/4 G Was sollen die Soldaten essen? (158), S. 345 2/4 F WAS SOLL ICH DENN NUN SINGEN 4/4 C WAS SOLL ICH IN DER FREMDE THUN 4/4 F Was soll ich in der Fremde tun, 2/4 C WAS SPINNST DU FRAGTE NACHBARS FRITZ 6/8 G Was there e'er such a lassie as I? 6/8 G Was there e'er such a lassie as I? G Was there e'er such a lassie as I? 4/4 C Wasting My Hate 3/4 G WAS TRAEGT DIE GANS 3/4 G WAS TRAEGT DIE GANS AUF IHREM SCHNABEL 2/4 G WAS TRUG MARIA UNTER IHREM HERZEN C D Wast Side Trows' Reel 3/4 Emin Wastview 2/4 F WAS WILLST DU IN DER FREMDE THUN 4/4 G WAS WIRD WOHL MEIN SCHAETZLEIN DENKEN 2/4 F WAS WIRST DU MIR MITBRINGEN 4/4 G WAS WOELLN WIR AUF DEN ABEND THUN 4/4 G WAS WOELLN WIR AUF DEN ABEND THUN 4/4 G WAS WOELLN WIR AUF DEN ABEND THUN 4/4 G WAS WOELLN WIR AUF DEN ABEND THUN 2/4 G WAS WOLLEN DIE HAUSAREN ESSEN 3/4 Ab Was wollen wir singen und heben an 3/4 Em Was wollen wir trinken ? 6/4 F WAS WOLLN WIR ABER HEBEN AN C C Was wolln wir auf den Abend tun 4/4 G WAS WUENSCHEN WIR DEM HERRN 2/4 A Was ye at the Bridal C| Amix Was you at the Bridal C| G Wataee March 4/4 Amaj Watch, The C Am Watchdog at the Gate* +(h) C A minor Watchdog at the Gate* (h'pipe) 3/4 G Watchentanz 3/4 C Watchet Sailor, The 6/8 Am Watching Drizzle 2/4 D Watching for Pa 4/4 G Watching In The Meadows C| Dmaj Watching the Clock 4/4 Ador Watching The Whale 3/4 C Watching the Wheat 3/4 C Watching the Wheat: Piano solo 3/4 C Watching the Wheat: Piano solo 4/4 Amin Watchmaker, The 4/4 Ador Watchmaker, The 4/4 Ador Watchmaker, The 4/4 Emin Watchmaker, The 4/4 Amin Watchmaker, The 4/4 Amin Watchmaker, The 4/4 Amin Watchmaker, The 4/4 Gmaj Watchmaker, The 4/4 Ador Watchmaker, The C| Am Watchmaker, The C| Am Watchmaker, The C| Am watchmaker, The C| Am watchmaker, The C| Am Watchmaker, the C| Am Watchmaker, the C| Am Watchmaker, the C| C watchmaker, The 4/4 Gmin Watchmaker's Cloth C| ADor Watchmaker, The C| Am Watchmaker, The C| Amin Watchmaker, The C| Ador Watchmaker, The 4/4 Ador Watchmaker, The C| Ador Watchmaker, The 4/4 C Watchman 4/4 F Watchman, Tell Us Of The Night 4/4 Gmaj Watchmen's Polka, The 4/4 C Watch the Birdie 4/4 Emin Watchtower, The 2/4 D Watch Where You Tread 2/4 D Watch Where You Tread C D Watch Where You Tread 2/4 Ab Watch Your Horses 2/4 D WAT DOOD EER MET DAE MOLL 12/8 Gdor Water, The 6/8 HP Water Babies, The 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The 4/4 Ador Waterbed, the 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The C| Ador Waterbed 4/4 Ador Waterbed, The 9/8 Fmaj Waterboogie 4/4 Waterbound 2/4 A Waterbound 3/4 Gmaj Watercress Girl, The 3/4 G Watercress Girl, The 3/4 G Watercress Girl, The 3/4 G Watercress Girl, The 3/4 G Watercress Girl, The 4/4 G Waterddy Lane (Common as Muck) 4/4 Bmin Water Dog's Hole, The C| D Waterfall, The C| Ador Waterfall, The 3/4 D Waterfall Waltz, The 3/4 D Waterfall Waltz 3/4 D Waterfall Waltz 3/4 D Major Waterford 3/4 Dmaj Waterford 3/4 Dmaj Waterford 3/4 Dmaj Waterford 3/4 Dmaj Waterford 3/4 Dmaj Waterford 3/4 Dmaj Waterford 3/4 Dmaj Waterford C F Waterford Boat Song, A 6/8 Dmaj Waterford Boys, The 9/8 D Waterford Girls 9/8 D WATERFORD GIRLS 9/8 D Waterford Girls C| G Waterford Hornpipe 4/4 C Waterford Special, The 3/8 D Waterford Waltz 3/8 D Waterford Waltz C| C Watergate Hornpipe. Roose.1120 3/4 A Waterhouse's C| G Water in the Sea 4/4 G Water is Wide, The 3/4 Gmaj Water Is Wide, The 3/4 Dmaj Water Is Wide, The 3/4 Dmaj Water Is Wide, The 4/4 G Water is Wide, the C F Water is wide, The C C water is wide, The C F water is wide, The 3/2 G Water is Wide, The 4/4 G Water is Wide, The 4/4 F water is wide 4/4 G Water is Wide, The 4/4 D Water is Wide, The 4/4 G Water Is Wide, The 3/4 D Water Kelpie 3/2 G Waterloo 4/4 C Waterloo 3/2 G Waterloo 4/4 G Waterloo 4/4 G Waterloo 2/2 G Waterloo 4/4 Dmaj Waterloo C F Waterloo 6/8 G Waterloo C| D Waterloo C| A WATERLOO 4/4 G Waterloo C F Waterloo [1] C| D Waterloo [2] C| A Waterloo [3] 4/4 G Waterloo [4] C| A WATERLOO [5] C| D Waterloo [5] 2/4 G Waterloo [6]. RHu.048 6/8 C major Waterloo Bridge. GS.069 6/8 C major Waterloo Bridge. GS.069 6/8 F major Waterloo. CJF.155 6/8 F Waterloo. CJF.155 6/8 F Waterloo. CJF.155 6/8 F Waterloo. CJF.155 6/8 F Waterloo. CJF.155 4/4 D Waterloo Dance, The 2/4 D Waterloo Dance, The 2/2 C Waterloo Dance 2/4 D Waterloo Dance 2/2 C Waterloo Dance 2/4 D Waterloo Dance 2/4 D major Waterloo Dance, the 2/4 D Waterloo Dance, A 2/4 D Waterloo Dance, A 2/4 D Waterloo Dance 2/4 D Waterloo Dance, the 2/4 D Waterloo Dance, The 2/4 D WATERLOO DANCE 2/4 D Waterloo Dance, The 2/4 Gmaj Waterloo Dance, The 2/4 Gmaj Waterloo Dance, The 2/2 C Waterloo Dance 2/4 D Waterloo Dance C| D Waterloo Dance [1] 2/4 D Waterloo Dance [1] 2/4 D Waterloo Dance [1] 2/4 D Waterloo Dance [1] 2/4 D major Waterloo Dance [1], The. GS.098 2/4 C Waterloo Dance [1], The. JGi.083 2/2 C Waterloo Dance [2] 4/4 G Waterloo Dance [2]. AJH.027 4/4 A Waterloo Dance [2]. JBu.64