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   C A       Waterloo Dance [2], The. RH.106
 2/4 D       Waterloo Dance [3]
 2/4 F       Waterloo Dance [4]
 4/4 G major Waterloo Dance. AJH.027
 4/4 G       Waterloo Dance. AJH.027
 4/4 A       Waterloo Dance. Dal.041
 4/4 A major Waterloo Dance. JBu.64
 4/4 A       Waterloo Dance. JBu.64
 2/4 C       Waterloo Dance. JGi.083, The
   C A       Waterloo Dance. RH.106, The
 2/4 D       Waterloo Dance. RHu.136, The
 2/4 D       Waterloo Dance, The
 2/4 D       Waterloo Dance, The.
 2/4 D       Waterloo Dance,The,aka. RDO.23
 2/4 C major Waterloo Dance,The. JGi.083
 2/4 C       Waterloo Dance,The. JGi.083
   C A major Waterloo Dance,The. RH.106
   C A       Waterloo Dance,The. RH.106
   C A       Waterloo Dance,The. RH.106
 2/4 D major Waterloo Dance,The. RHu.136
 2/4 D       Waterloo Dance,The. RHu.136
 2/4 D       Water Loo Fair or The Henryco
   C D       Waterloo Hornpipe [1]
  C| D       Waterloo Hornpipe [1]. Roose.0969
  C| G       Waterloo Hornpipe [2]
  C| G       Waterloo Hornpipe [3], The
  C| D       Waterloo Hornpipe. Roose.0969
 2/4 Bmin    Waterloo March, The
   C G       Waterloo Medal. CJF.181, The
   C G major Waterloo Medal,The. CJF.181
   C G       Waterloo Medal,The. CJF.181
   C G       Waterloo Medal,The. CJF.181
   C G       Waterloo Medal,The. CJF.181
 2/4 D       Waterloo -- Reel
   C D       Waterloo Reel
   C A       Waterloo Reel
 2/4 D       Waterloo Reel [6]
  C| G major Waterloo. RH.322
  C| G       Waterloo. RH.322
 2/4 G major Waterloo. RHu.048
 2/4 G       Waterloo. RHu.048
 2/4 G       Waterloo. RHu.048
 3/8 G major Waterloo Waltz. CJF.224
 3/8 G       Waterloo Waltz. CJF.224
 3/8 G       Waterloo Waltz. CJF.224
 3/8 G       Waterloo Waltz. CJF.224
 3/8 G       Waterloo Waltz, The
 6/8 A       Waterman [1]. Roose.0308, The
 6/8 A       Waterman [1], The
 6/8 G       Waterman [1], The
 6/8 G       Waterman [1], The
 6/8 D       Waterman [2], aka. JC.147
 6/8 A       Waterman. Roose.0308, The
 7/8 E minor Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman's
 7/8 Em      Waterman's
 6/8 Emin    Waterman’s
 7/8 Em      Watermans
 7/8 Emin    Waterman's
 7/8 Em      Waterman's
 9/4 A major Waterman's Dance, the
 9/4 A       Waterman's Dance, the
 9/4 Cdor    Waterman's Dance
 9/4 A       Waterman's Dance, the
 9/8 G       Watermans Dance
 9/4 CMix    Waterman's Dance, The
   C G       Waterman's Hornpipe, the
   C G       Waterman's Hornpipe, The
 5/2 G       Waterman's Hornpipe
 5/2 G       Waterman's Hornpipe
  C| Gmix    Waterman’s Rant
 6/8 A major Waterman. VWMLa.054
 6/8 A       Waterman. VWMLa.054
 2/4 D       Watermelon Vine
  C| Gmix    Watermen's Rant, the
  C| Gmix    Watermen's Rant, The
  C| Gmix    Watermen's Rant, The
 4/4 Ador    Watermoon
 3/2 Dmin    Water Music Hornpipe
   C G       Water of Boyne, The
     G       Water of Feugh
 9/8 A       Water of Leith, The
 3/4 Hp      Water of Leith, The
 6/4 Bb      Water of Life, The
 6/4 Bb      Water of Life, The
 6/4 Bb      Water of Life, The
 3/4 D       Water of Tyne
 3/4 D       Water of Tyne
 3/4 Dmaj    Water Of Tyne, The
 6/8 D       Water of Tyne, The
 6/8 D       Water of Tyne, The
 6/8 D       Water of Tyne, The
 6/8 D       Water of Tyne, The
 3/4 G major Water parted from the Sea
 3/4 G       Water parted from the Sea
 3/4 G       Water parted from the Sea.
 3/4 G       Water parted from the Sea
 3/4 G       Water parted from the Sea
 3/4 G       Water parted from the sea
 3/4 G       Water parted from the Sea
 3/4 G       Water parted from the Sea.
 3/4 A       Water Parted From the Sea. EHo.165
 6/8 F       Waterpas
 4/4 Dmaj    Water's Edge, The
     Dm      Waters of Bannockburn, The
   C D       Waters of Elle
 2/2 Am      Waters of Holland, The
 2/2 Am      Waters of Holland, The
             Waters of Holland
 4/4 Am      Waters of Holland, The
 2/2 Am      Waters of Holland, The
  C| Am      Waters of Holland, The
 4/4 Am      Waters of Holland, The
  C| Am      Waters of Holland    [Am], the
  C| Bm      Waters of Holland    (Bm), the
 2/2 Am      Waters of Holland, The
 3/4 D       Waters of Kylesku
 6/8 Amix    Waters of Kylesku
 3/4 D       Waters of Kylesku, The
 3/4 G       Waters of Kylesku, The
 3/4 D       Waters of Tyne
 6/8 D       WATERS OF TYNE, THE
 3/4 D       Waters of Tyne
 4/4 Dmaj    Water Under The Bridge
 4/4 Dmaj    Water Under The Bridge
 6/8 Dmaj    Water Under The Keel
 6/8 Gmaj    Water Under The Keel
 6/8 Gmaj    Water Under The Keel
 6/8 Dmaj    Water Under The Keel
 6/8 Gmaj    Water Under The Keel
 6/8 Dmaj    Water Under The Keel
   C Fmix    Water, Water, Well-Flower
 4/4 D       Water Wynd
   C Ador    Wate you how the Play began
   C G       Watford Hornpipe
   C G       Watford Hornpipe. ThoH.088
   C G       Watford Hornpipe. TWC.217
  C| A       Watie Laing [1] or The Lifting of the Linnen
  C| A       Watie Laing or the Lifting of the Linnen Reel
   C G       Watie Lang
 6/8 D       Watkins Ale
 6/8 G       Watkin's Ale
 3/2 Fmaj    Watkin's Ale
 3/2 Fmaj    Watkin's Ale
 3/2 Fmaj    Watkin's Ale
 6/8 G       Watkin's Ale
 6/4 F       Watkin’s Ale
 4/4 Gdor    Watkins' Wee Red Whiskers
 6/8 A       Watling Street. JJo3.115
 6/8 A       Watling Street. JJo3.115
 3/4 F major Watls  ?Walts = Waltz
 4/4 Bb      Wat'ry God
 6/8 F       Wat sal men op den Avont doen
 6/4 C       Wat's Jigg.
 4/4 E       Watson's Blues
 4/4 E       Watson's Blues
   C Emin    Watson’s Class
   C EMin    Watson's Class
   C Em      Watson's Class    Strathspey
   C Em      Watson's Class    Strathspey
 4/4 D       Watson's Hornpipe
 4/4 D       Watson's Hornpipe
 2/4 D major Watson's Hornpipe. GHW.065
 2/4 D       Watson's Hornpipe. GHW.065
 2/4 D       Watson's Hornpipe. GHW.065
 2/4 D       Watson's Hornpipe. GHW.065
 4/4 F major Watson's Quick Step. GHW.024
 4/4 F       Watson's Quick Step. GHW.024
 4/4 F       Watson's Quick Step. GHW.024
 6/8         Watson's Reel
 6/8 Bb      Watson's Reel
 4/4 Fmaj    Watson's Scotch Measure
   C F       Watson's Scotch Measure
   C F       Watson's Scotch Measure
  C| F       Watson’s Scotch Measure
  C| G       Watson's Scotch Measure
  C| G       Watson's Scotch Measure.  JHa.50
  C| F       Watson’s Scots Measure (sic)
 3/4 Gmaj    Wattentaler, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Wattentaler, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Wattentaler, The
 3/4 Cmaj    Wattentaler, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Wattentaler, The
 3/4 G       Wattentaler Masolka
   C Amix    Watterneish

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