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6/8 A Way to Get Married. JC.129 6/8 A Way to Get Married. JC.129 6/8 Amaj Way To Judique, The 6/8 Gmaj Way To Judique, The 6/8 Amaj Way To Judique, The 6/8 A Way to Judique, the A Way to Judique, The Way to Judique Set 6/8 A Way to Judique, The 6/8 G Way to Keep Her, The 2/4 Gmin Way to keep him, The 2/4 Gmin Way to keep him, The 2/4 Gmin Way to keep him, The 2/4 Gmin Way to Keep Him. THO2.080, The 4/4 Amix Way To Mull River, The 4/4 Amaj Way To Mull River, The 2/2 D Way to Norwich, The 6/8 G Way to Norwich, The 2/2 D Way to Norwich, The 6/8 D Way to Norwich, The C D Way to Paris, The 4/4 Ddor Way To Shercock, The 4/4 Dmaj Way To Shercock, The 2/2 G Way to Shercock, The 2/2 G Way to Shercock, The 2/2 G Way to Shercock, The 2/2 G Way to Shercock, The 9/8 FLydian Way to Warrington, The 3/4 D Way up in Clachan 6/8 D Way Up the Ucletaw 4/4 Dmin Wayward Vicar, The 2/4 Bb Way-worne Traveller, The 2/4 C Way Worn Traveller, The 4/4 Dmaj Way You Look Today, The 4/4 F way you look tonight, The 2/4 A W. Cowe 3/4 G Wczoraj Marys zaplakala 3/4 C Wczoraj swieto dzisiaj swieto 3/4 Bb Wczoraj swieto dzis niedziela 4/4 D Wczoraj ?yj?c twem spóyrzeniem 3/4 A W dole kalinka stojala 3/4 C W dole kalinka stojala 2/4 C Wdowa dwor buduje zolnierz jej sie dziwuje 2/4 C Wdowa dwor buduje zolnierz jej sie dziwuje 2/4 G Wdowa pokoj funduje zolnierz jej sie dziwuje 2/4 Ab W?drowna ptaszyna C| D Weald of Sussex, the C| D Weald of Sussex, The C E Weald of Sussex, The 4/4 F Weald of Sussex. TTa.15, The 6/8 D We All Take a Sup in Our Turn 6/8 D We All Take a Sup of It In Our Turn 2/4 A Wealth from the Cup 6/8 Bb WEALTH OF THE COTTAGE IS LOVE., the 6/8 Bb WEALTH OF THE COTTAGE IS LOVE., The 6/4 G ??? Wealth or Health. WCD3/1.185 C G Wealthy Fool, The C D Wealthy Fool, The 4/4 Eb Wealthy London Prentice, The C G Wealthy Young Farmer, The C G Wealthy Young Farmer, The C G Wealthy Young Farmer, The 4/4 Gmaj We And The Moon Are Neighbours C Dm Weapon Shaw. a Reel., the C Dm Weapon Shaw. a Reel., The C Dmin Weapon Shaw, The C Dmin Weapon Shaw, The C Emin Weapon Shaw, The 6/8 Bdor Weapons Of Non Existence, The 3/4 A Weapon Song 2/4 G We are all a Coming 2/4 G We are all a Coming 2/4 G We are all a Coming 2/4 D We are all a Coming [1] 2/4 G We are all a Coming [2] 2/4 D We are all a Coming. THO5.084 C D We are all dead with drinking. Ru2.173 C D We are all dead with drinking. Ru2.173 C D We are all dead with drinking. Ru2.173 9/8 Amin We are all Forsaken for what Siller C| D We are all right at Canterbury. Ru1.014 C| D We are all right at Canterbury. Ru1.014 6/8 Bb We are bold volunteers 4/4 C We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder 2/4 D We Are Coming 4/4 D We Are Coming Father Abraham 4/4 D We Are Coming Father Abraham 4/4 Bmin We Are Dancer 4/4 Dmaj We are Gathering Together 2/4 D We are gayly yet 2/4 D We are gayly yet 2/4 D We are gayly yet 2/4 D We Are Gayly Yet THO3.056 6/8 G We are no very fou 2/4 G We are on the march to Boston C F We are the Boys of Wexford D We are the Rovers (Children's Game) 12/8 Gmaj Wearied Lad, The 12/8 Gmaj Wearied Lad, The 12/8 G Wearied Lad, The 2/2 G Wearing of the Green, The 4/4 Dmaj Wearing Of The Green, The 4/4 Amaj Wearing Of The Green, The 4/4 Gmaj Wearing Of The Green, The 4/4 Dmaj Wearing Of The Green, The C| D Wearing of the Green 2/4 G Wearing of the Green C HP WEARING OF THE GREEN, THE 4/4 D Wearing of the Green 2/4 F Wearing of the Green, The C G Wearing of the Green, the C G Wearing of the Green, the C G Wearing of the Green, The C G Wearing of the Green #2, the 4/4 None Wearing of the Green, not transcribed 2/4 F Wearing of the Green, The C C Wearing of the Green, The C G Wearing of the Green, The 4/4 C Wearin' of the Green C| HP WEARIN' OF THE GREEN 2/4 G Wearin' of the Green, The 2/4 G Wearin' of the Green, The 2/4 G Wearin' of the Green, The C| D Wearmouth Hornpipe WHL.[041] 6/8 D Wearmouth Lads 6/8 D Wearmouth Lads 6/8 D Wearmouth Lads 6/8 D Wearmouth Lads 6/8 D Wearmouth Lads 6/8 D Wearmouth Lads 6/8 D Wearmouth Lads 6/8 Gmaj Wearmouth Lasses 6/8 G Wearmouth Lasses 6/8 G Wearmouth Lasses 6/8 G major Wearmouth Lasses 6/8 A Wearmouth Lasses,aka. Le4.135 6/8 G major Wearmouth Lasses. BF13.095 6/8 G major Wearmouth Lasses. BF13.095 6/8 G major Wearmouth Lasses. BF13.095 6/8 G major Wearmouth Lasses. JMT.047 6/8 G Wearmouth Lasses. JMT047 6/8 G Wearmouth Lasses. JMT.047 6/8 G Wearmouth Lasses. JMT047 6/8 G Wearmouth Lasses. JMT.047 6/8 G Wearmouth Lasses. JMT.047 6/8 A Wearmouth Lasses (not available here) 3/4 G major Weary Fund O'Tow, The 3/4 G Weary Fund O'Tow, The 2/4 G WEARY GLEANER, THE C| Bmin Wearying on the Gill Stoup C Am Weary Maid, The C Am Weary Maid, the C Am Weary Maid, the C Am WEARY MAID, THE C Amin Weary Maid, The 4/4 G Weary Man's Farewell to Work, The 4/4 G Weary Man's Farewell to Work, The 6/8 G Weary Of The Darning 3/4 G Weary pound of tow, The 2/4 G Weary pound o’ tow, The 3/4 D WEARY PUND O' TOW, the 3/4 D WEARY PUND O' TOW, The 3/4 Bb Weary Pund O' Tow, the 3/4 Bb Weary Pund O' Tow, the 3/4 Bb Weary Pund O' Tow, The 3/4 Bb Weary Pund O' Tow, The 3/4 G Weary Pund O' Tow, The 3/4 Bb Weary Pund O’ Tow, The 3/4 G WEARY PUN' O' TOW., the 3/4 G WEARY PUN' O' TOW., The 3/4 G Weary pun’ o’ tow, The C| G Weary Weaver, The 4/4 Dmaj Weary We've Been 4/4 Amaj Weasel, The 4/4 Gmaj Weasel, The 6/8 D Weasel, The C A Weasel, The C A Weasel, The C Dmaj Weasel, The 4/4 Ador Weasel In The Dyke, The C| Ador Weasel in the Dyke 6/8 G Weasel in the Grass 6/8 G Weasel in the Grass 6/8 G Weasel in the Grass 6/8 G Weasel in the Grass 4/4 Em Weasel's Revenge 4/4 G Weasel's Revenge 3/4 D major Weasel Waltz 3/4 D Weasel Waltz 6/8 D major Weatherall's Quick Step. RH.018 6/8 D Weatherall's Quick Step. RH.018 6/8 D Weatherall's Quick Step. RH.018 C D WEATHERBEE'S HORNPIPE 6/8 D Weatherbie's Jig 2/4 D major Weatherby Grange. VWMLa.207 2/4 D Weatherby Grange. VWMLa.207 6/8 Am Weathercock, The C| D Weathercock Hornpipe. MBe.42 4/4 Dmin Weatherman, The 2/4 D Weaver, The