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 4/4 G       Welcome Whisky Back Again
 4/4 Gmaj    Welcome Whisky Back Again
 4/4 Gmin    Welcome Whisky Back Again
     Bb      Welcome Whisky Back Again
   C Bb      Welcome Whisky Back Again
   C Bb      Welcome Whisky Back Again
 2/4 Bb      Welcome Yule
 4/4 C       Welcome Yule
  C| F       Welcom home old Rowley
 6/8 G       Weldon's Maggot. JJo.005
 6/8 G       Weldon's Maggot. JJo8.005
 6/8 G       Weldon's Maggot. JJo8.005
 6/8 D       Wel Goedenavond
 3/4 Gdor    Well-a-Day
 6/8 G       Well a day, Lack a day
 6/8 G       Well-a-day, Lack-a-day.
 6/8 G       Well A Goo to Kelso. JBut.338
 6/8 G major Well a go to Kelso
 6/8 G       Well a go to Kelso
 6/8 G       Well a go to Kelso.
 4/4 Cmaj    We'll All Away To Sunniside
 4/4 Cmaj    We'll All Away To Sunniside
 2/4 C       We'll All Away to Sunniside
 2/4 C       We'll All Away to Sunniside
 2/4 C       We'll All Away to Sunniside
 2/4 C       We'll All Away to Sunniside
 2/4 C       We'll All Away to Sunnyside
   C G       We'll all be Married
   C G       We'll all be Married
   C G       We'll all be Married
   C G       We’ll all be Married
   C G       We'll all be Married. THO2.114
  C| G       We’ll all be Merry
  C| G       We'll all be merry before we go. Ca1758.028
  C| G       We'll all be merry before we go. Ca1758.028
  C| G       We'll all be merry before we go. Ca1758.028
 6/8 D       We'll all be Wed in our ain clays
  C| D       WE'LL ALL BE WED IN OUR AULD CLAES -- (Very Old)
  C| D       We'll All Be Wed in our Auld Claes -- (Very Old)
 6/8 D       We'll all be wed in wor ain clays.  WHL.[210]
 4/4 G       We'll All Clap Hands Together.
 2/4 G       We'll All Go to Heaven When the Devil Goes Blind
 9/8 Dmix    We'll All Lie Together
 9/8 Amix    We'll All Lie Together
 9/8 Gmix    We'll All Lie Together
 9/8 Gmaj    We'll All Lie Together
 9/8 Gmaj    We'll All Lie Together
 6/8 D       We'll all take a Sup in Our Turn
 6/8 Gmaj    We'll A' To Kelso Go
 6/8 F       We'll a to Kelso go
 6/8 F       We’ll a to Kelso go
 4/4 D       Wella, Wella, Walle
     A       We'll aye be fond o' Ingram
   C A       We'll Aye Be Fond o' Ingram
  C| F#min   We’ll Aye Gang Back to Yon Toon [2]
 4/4 Gmin    We'll Aye Gang Back To Yon Town
 4/4 Edor    We'll Aye Gang Back To Yon Town
  C| Gmin    We’ll aye gang back to Yon Town [1]
 2/4 Gm      We'll banish Sorrow
 2/4 Gmin    We’ll banish Sorrow
 2/4 Gm      We'll banish Sorrow
 6/8 Bb      Well Below the Valley, The
 2/4 G       We'll be married this Year
 2/4 G       We’ll be married this Year
 6/4 D       We'll be merry in our Old Cloaths
 6/4 D       We'll be Merry in Our Old Cloaths. WCD3/2.066
 3/4 Amaj    Well Bill?
 4/4 Bdor    Well-Bred Foal, The
 4/4 Bdor    Well-Bred Foal, The
 4/4 Ador    Well-Bred Foal, The
   C G       Well Buked Ballap, The
  C| F       Wellcome to the Country. JJo5.132
  C| F       Wellcome to the Country. Ru1.141
 2/4 A       We'll Dance all Night
 2/4 A       We'll Dance all Night
 2/4 A       We'll Dance all Night
 2/4 A       We'll Dance all Night
 2/4 A       We'll Dance all Night
 2/4 A       We'll Dance all Night. THO2.111
  C| Amin    Well Dane Jack
 2/4 F       Well der wesse wie mer sein, S. 13
 2/2 D       Well Done, Brenda
 6/8 F       Well done, cries she, brave Donnelly
 2/2 A       Well Done Jack
 4/4 A       Well Done Jack
             Well Done Jack
  C| A       Well done Jack
 6/8 D       Well done Jack
 6/8 G       Well Done Jack
 6/8 D       Well done Jack
  C| A       Well done Jack
  C| A       Well Done Jack [2]
  C| A       Well Done Jack [2]. WCD3/2.149
   C G       Well Done Jack [3]
  C| G       Well Done Jack [3]. JGi.090
 6/8 G       Well Done Jack [4]
 6/8 D       Well Done Jack [5]. Roose.0280
  C| G major Well Done Jack. JGi.090
  C| G       Well Done Jack. JGi.090
 6/8 D       Well Done Jack. Roose.0280
  C| A       Well Done Jack. WCD3/2.149
 6/8 D major Well done Jock.
 6/8 D       Well done Jock.
 6/8 D       Well done Jock
 6/8 D       Well done Jock
 6/8 D       Well done Jock
 6/8 D       Well done Jock.
 6/8 D       Well done Jock.
 4/4 Dmaj    We'll Drink Good Health
  C| D       We’ll Drink Good Health
   C D       We'll Drink To Good Health
   C D       We'll drink to good health
   C D       We'll drink to good health
   C D       We'll Drink to Good Health
   C D       We'll Drink to Good Health
   C D       We'll Drink to Good Health   #2
 6/8 D       We'll Drink to the Health of Keenan
 2/4 Emin    Wellerman, The
 2/4 Emin    Wellerman, The
 2/4 Fdor    Wellerman, The
 2/4 Bmin    Wellerman, The
 2/4 Amin    Wellerman, The
 2/4 Emin    Wellerman, The
 2/4 Emin    Wellerman, The
 2/4 Amin    Wellerman, The
 4/4 Em      Wellerman, The
 4/4 D       Wellerman, The
 4/4 D       Wellerman, The
     Dm      Wellerman, The
     Cm      Wellerman, The
 4/4 Em      Wellerman, The
     Cm      Wellerman, The [Cm]
 4/4 Em      Wellerman, The [Em]
 4/4 Em      Wellerman, The [Em]
 2/4 D       Weller's Reel
 4/4 Dmix    Well, Fancy That
 2/2 C       Well fare the Nightingale
 4/4 Dmaj    Well Field, The
 2/4 G major We'll gang nae mair to yon Town.
 2/4 G       We'll gang nae mair to yon Town.
 2/4 G       We'll Gang Nae Mair to Yon Town
 2/4 G       We'll gang nae mair to yon Town
 2/4 G       We'll gang nae mair to yon Town
 2/4 G       We'll Gang Nae Mair to Yon Town
 2/4 G       We'll gang nae mair to yon Town.
   C F       We’ll gang nae mair to yon town, with variations
 2/4 G major We'll gang nae muir to yon Town. RH.215
 2/4 G       We'll gang nae muir to yon Town. RH.215
 2/4 G       We'll gang nae muir to yon Town. RH.215
 2/4 G       We'll gang na mair to yon town
  C| F       We'll Go To Sea No More
 3/2 F       Well-Hall
 3/2 Em      Well Hall
 3/2 Dm      Well Hall
 3/2 F       Well Hall
 3/2 F       Well-Hall
 3/2 Dm      Well Hall
 3/2 F       Well-hall
 3/4 F       Well Hall
 3/2 A       Well Hall  (A)
 3/2 A       Well Hall  (A)
 3/2 F       Well Hall  [F]
 3/2 F       Well Hall  [F]
 3/2 G       Well Hall  [G]
 3/2 G       Well Hall  [G]
 3/2 G       Well Hall  [G]
 3/2 G       Well Hall  [G]
 3/4 F       Well Hall. (p)1679.PLFD1.237
 3/4 F       Well Hall. (p)1679.PLFD.237
 2/4 D       We'll Have a Little Dance Tonight, Boys
 9/8 G       We'll have A Widing What Ever Come out. TCo.05
  C| Gmin    Well House
  C| Gm      Well-House. PFD2.134
   C A       Well Humoured Reel, The
12/8 G       Well I Know What Kitty Wants
12/8 G       Well I Know What Kitty Wants
 6/8 G       Well I Know What Kitty Wants
 4/4 Gmaj    Wellington, The
 2/4 G       Wellington Dance [1], The
  C| G       Wellington Dance [2]
   C D       Wellington. EHo.196
   C G       Wellington Hornpipe
   C G       Wellington Hornpipe [1]
 4/4 G       Wellington Hornpipe [2]. BF13.073
 4/4 G major Wellington Hornpipe. BF13.073
 4/4 G       Wellington Hornpipe. BF13.073
 4/4 G       Wellington Hornpipe. BF13.073
   C E       Wellingtonia Reel
 6/8 Am      Wellington Jig
 6/8 C       Wellington Medley [1]
 6/8 C       Wellington Medley [1[
 6/8 C       Wellington Medley, The
 3/8 Amin    Wellington New Waltz, The
   C G Major Wellington's
  C| G       Wellington's

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