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 3/4 D       Westering Home
 6/8 G       Westering Home
 6/8 G       Westering Home
 6/8 D       Westering Home
 3/4 G       Westering Home #1
 3/4 G       Westering Home #2
 4/4 Am      Westering Sickle Moon, a
  C| C Major Western
 4/4 Amix    Western, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Western, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Western, The
 4/4 Dmaj    Western, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Western, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Western, The
 4/4 Cmaj    Western, The
 4/4 D       Western Country
 4/4 D       Western Country
 4/4 D       Western Country
 4/4 D       Western Country
 4/4 D       Western Country
 2/4 A       Western Gem
 2/4 A       Western Gem -- Reel
  C| F       Western Harvest Home, The
  C| D       Western Hornpipe
   C Em      Western Isle Air, A
   C Em      Western Isle Air, a
   C E Minor Western Isle Air., A
   C Emin    Western Isle Air, A
 4/4 EMin    Western Isles Air
   C G major Western Isles Air,A. RH.474
   C G       Western Isles Air,A. RH.474
   C Ador    Western Isles Air. RH.474, A
  C| D       Western Isles, The
  C| C       Western Lasses, The
  C| C       Western Lasses, The
  C| C       Western Lasses, the
  C| C       Western Lasses, the
  C| C       western lasses, The
  C| C       western lasses, The
  C| C       Western Lasses, the
  C| C       Western Lasses, the
  C| C       Western Lasses, the
  C| C       Western Lasses, the
  C| C       Western Lasses
  C| C       Western Lasses   #2, the
  C| C       Western Lasses   #2, the
  C| C       Western Lasses   #2, the
  C| C       Western Lasses   #2, the
  C| C       Western Lasses, The
 6/8 D       Western Lilt, A
 6/8 D       Western Lilt, A
   C D       Western Sky was purpled o'er with ev're pleasing
  C| G       Western Union
  C| G       Western Union
 6/8 G       Western Walks
 3/4 Eb      Western Waltz
 3/4 G       Western Waltz
 3/4 G       Western Waltz
 2/4 G       West Favourite, the
 2/4 D major West Fencibles Quick Step. RH.285
 2/4 D       West Fencibles Quick Step. RH.285
 4/4 D       West Fork Gals
 2/4 Dmaj    West Fork Gals
 2/4 Dmaj    West Fork Gals
  C| D       West Fork Gals
 4/4 D       West Fork Gals
 4/4 D       West Fork Gals
 4/4 D       West Fork Gals
  C| D       West Fork Gals
  C| D       West Fork Gals
 4/4 D       West Fork Gals
  C| D       West Fork gals
  C| D       West Fork Gals [1]
  C| D       West Fork Gals I
  C| D       Westfork Girls
  C| D       Westfork Girls
 4/4 D       West Fork Girls
  C| D       West Fork Girls [1]
 2/4 G       WestGrove
  C| Bb      West Hatch. JJo4.048
 4/4 D       West Hornpipe, The
 4/4 D       West Hornpipe, The
  C| D       West Hornpipe
 4/4 D       West Hornpipe, The
 4/4 D       West Hornpipe, The
   C F major West Hornpipe TS.152
   C F       West Hornpipe TS.152
  C| D       West Indian, The
  C| A       West Kilbride
   C A       West Kilbride
 4/4 A       West Kilbride
 6/8 F       West Kirkton
 6/8 D       West Kirkton
 6/8 F       West Kirkton
     F       West Kirkton
 4/4 Cmaj    Westland
 4/4 Cmaj    Westland
 6/8 D       Westland
 4/4 D       Westlands
 4/4 D       Westlands
  C| D       Westlands Reinlendar
12/8 Ador    West Limerick
  C| G       West Loaland Quick Step. JBut.926
 2/4 G       West Lowland Fencibles Quick Step, The
 3/4 Dmaj    Westlyne Waltz
 4/4 Gmaj    West Mabou
 4/4 Gmaj    West Mabou
 2/2 G       West Mabou
 4/4 C       West Mabou Hall
   C HP      West Mabou Reel
  C| G       West Mabou Reel
  C| G       West Mabou Reel
 2/4 G       West Mabou Reel
  C| G       West Mabou Reel
 6/8 Dmix    Westmeath
 6/8 Dmix    Westmeath
 6/8 Amaj    Westmeath Bachelor, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Westmeath Hunt, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Westmeath Hunt, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Westmeath Hunt, The
  C| G       Westminster Bridge
  C| G       Westminster Bridge
   C D       Westminster Bridge
   C D       Westminster Bridge
   C D       Westminster Bridge [1]
  C| G       Westminster Bridge [2]
 6/8 F       Westminster Bridge [3]
   C G       Westminster Bridge. JJo3.183
   C G       Westminster Bridge. JJo3.183
 6/8 F       Westminster Bridge. Ru1.016
 6/8 F       Westminster Bridge. Ru1.016
 4/4 D       Westminster Bridge THO1.096
 3/2 Dm      Westminster-Hall
 3/4 Dmin    Westminster Hall
  C| Gmin    Westminster Hall [1]
 3/2 Dmin    Westminster Hall [2]
 3/2 F       Westminster Hall. (p)1698.PLFD1.392
 3/2 Dm      Westminster Hall. (p)1698.PLFD1.392
 3/2 F       Westminster Hall. (p)1698.PLFD.392
   C D       Westminster March
  C|         Westminster Reel, The
  C| D       Westminster Reel, The
 2/4 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 1)
 6/8 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 2)
 6/8 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 2)
 6/8 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 3)
 2/4 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 4)
 2/4 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 4)
 6/8 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 5)
 2/4 D       WESTMINSTER SETT (tune 6)
   C D       Westminster Slow March.2voices RH.429, The
   C D major Westminster Slow March,The.2voices RH.429
   C D       Westminster Slow March,The.2voices RH.429
   C D       Westminster Volunteers March.
   C D       Westminster Volunteers March.
 6/8 G major Westmoreland
 6/8 G       Westmoreland
 6/8 G       Westmoreland
 3/4 G       Westmoreland Waltz
 6/8 G major Westmoreland Waltz
 6/8 G       Westmoreland Waltz
 3/4 G       Westmoreland Waltz
 6/4 G       Westmorland
 3/4 G major Westmorland
 3/4 Gmaj    Westmorland, The
 6/4 G       Westmorland
 6/4 G       Westmorland
 6/8 G       Westmorland
 6/8 G       Westmorland
 6/4 G       Westmorland
 3/4 G       Westmorland
 4/4 D major Westmorland Hornpipe. BF13.040
 4/4 D       Westmorland Hornpipe. BF13.040
 4/4 D       Westmorland Hornpipe. BF13.040
 6/4 G       Westmorland. (p)1686.PLFD1.260
 6/4 G       Westmorland. (p)1686.PLFD.260
 3/4 Gmaj    Westmorland, The
 3/4 G       Westmorland Waltz
 2/4 Bb      Westmount
 3/4 Dmaj    West Ocean, A
 3/4 D       West Ocean Waltz, A
 6/8 Amaj    West Of Rockall
 4/4 Edor    West Of The Corrib
 3/4 D       West of the River Shannon
 3/4 D       West of the River Shannon
  C| D       Westons Maggot
  C| D       Weston's Maggot
  C| D       Weston's Maggot. JJo1.068
 6/8 A       Weston Zoyland
 6/8 D       We stood there and gazed
 3/2 Gmaj    West Park
 3/4 G       Westphalia
 3/4 G       Westphalia
 3/4 Gmaj    Westphalia, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Westphalia, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Westphalia, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Westphalia, The
 3/4 Gmaj    Westphalia, The
 3/4 G       Westphalia, The

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