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6/8 Bb What's That To You THO1.094 4/4 Amix What's The Craic? 6/8 G What's the Life of a Man 6/8 G What's the Life of a Man 6/8 C What's The Matter With Father 6/8 G What's this tune called? 6/8 Dmix What's Up With Win 6/8 Amix What's Up With Win 3/4 Dmaj What Surprise? 3/4 Em What's Yours Is Mime 3/4 Em What's Yours Is Mime 2/4 D What Thadgh Said to Biddy 2/4 D What Thadgh Said to Biddy C Am WHAT THE DEIL AILS YOU. C| Amin What the De’il ails you? [1] C Amin What the Deil Ails You [1] C Am WHAT THE DE'IL AILS YOU? -- STRATHSPEY C| Amin What the Deval Ails You [1] 4/4 D What the Devil C What the Devil ails you? C| G What the Devil Ails You 3/4 Amin What the Devil Ails You? [1] C D What the Devil Ails You [4] C D What the D---l ails you C| Am What The D..l ails you. a Reel 4/4 G What the Hull? (Crooked version) 4/4 G What the Hull? (Regular version) C| Gdor What then is love but mourning 3/4 C What Tidings Bringest Thou? 6/8 A What Was Your Name in the States C D What will I do ann my Hoggy die C D What will I doe gin my Hoggie die C D What will I do gin my Hoggie die C D What will I do gin my Hoggie die C D What will I do gin my Hoggie die. C E WHAT WILL I DO GIN MY HOGGIE WAD DIE. C Eb What will I do gin my hoggie was die C| Amix What will I do with this thing of mine 6/8 D What Will You Do When the War Will Come? 6/8 D What Will You Do When the War Will Come? 4/4 Bm What Wondrous Love 3/4 F What Wou'd You Be At. EHo.147 6/8 D What would I do if the Kettle Boiled Over? [1] 6/8 Gmaj What Would You Do If the Billy Boiled Over 6/8 D What would You do if You Married a Soldier? 6/8 A What Would You Do? (Married a Soldier) 4/4 Bb What You Gonna Call Yo' Pretty Little Baby? 4/4 Bb What You Gonna Call Yo Pretty Little Baby? 4/4 Bb What You Gonna Call Yo' Pretty Little Baby? 2/4 A What you gonna do with the Baby-Oh [2] 6/8 C What You Need In The World 6/8 D What You Please 6/8 D What you please 6/4 D What you Please 6/8 D What you please 6/8 D What you please [1] 6/4 D What you please [2] 6/4 G What You Please [2]. (p)1657.PLFD1.135 6/4 Dm What You Please [2]. WCD3/1.099 2/4 G What you Please [3] 2/4 G What You Please [3] 6/8 D What You Please - 8x40J 6/4 G What You Please. (p)1657.PLFD1.135 6/4 D What You Please. (p)1657.PLFD1.135 6/4 G What You Please. (p)1657.PLFD.135 6/4 Dm What You Please. WCD3/1.099 6/8 Gmaj What You Will 6/8 D What you will 6/8 D What you will 6/8 C What you will [1] 6/8 D What you will [2] 6/8 D What you will [2] 6/8 D What You Will THO3.066 C A WHAUR WILL BONNIE ANN LIE I' THE CAULD NIGHTS C A WHAUR WILL BONNIE ANN LIE I' THE CAULD NIGHTS O' C A Whaur will bonnie Ann lie i’ the cauld nights o’ G Wha Wadna Fecht for Charlie? 2/4 F Wha wadna fecht for Charlie C G Wha Wad'na Fecht for Charlie C G Wha Wad'na Fecht for Charlie C G Wha wadna fecht for Charlie? 2/4 D Wha Wadna fecht for Charlie? C G major Wha Wadna Fight For Charlie C G Wha Wadna Fight For Charlie 6/8 G WHA' WIDNA FECHT 6/8 G Wha' Widna Fecht G Wha' widna fecht C G WHA' WIDNA FECHT FOR CHARLIE 4/4 A Wha Wouldna Fecht For Charlie 4/4 Gm Whayasay 6/8 D Wheat is ready for reaping now, The 4/4 G Wheatley Processional C| G Wheatley Processional 4/4 G Wheatley Processional 4/4 G Wheatley Processional, The 4/4 G Wheatley Processional 4/4 G Wheatley Processional, The 4/4 G Wheatley Trunkles 6/8 Gmaj Wheatsheaf, The 6/8 Gmaj Wheatsheaf, The 6/8 G Wheat Sheaf 6/8 G Wheat Sheaf 6/8 Gmaj Wheatsheaf [1], The 2/4 D Wheatsheaf [2]. THO4.107, The 2/4 F WHEATSHEAF SCHOTTISCHE (NEW), THE 2/4 F Wheatsheaf Schottische, The 6/8 G Wheatsheaf Tavern, The 6/8 G Wheatsheaf Tavern 6/8 G Wheatsheaf, The 2/4 D major Wheatsheaf. THO4.107, The 2/4 D Wheatsheaf THO4.107, The 2/4 D Wheatsheaf. THO4.107, The 4/4 D Wheatstraw 2/4 F Wheedler, the 2/4 F Wheedler, The 2/4 F Wheedler, the 2/4 F Wheedler. JJo1.150, The 2/4 F Wheedler, The 2/4 F Wheedler,The. JJo1.150 2/4 F Wheedler. WCD3/2.203, The 3/4 C Wheel, The 2/4 D Wheeler's Hornpipe 2/4 D Wheeler's Hornpipe 2/4 D Wheeler's Hornpipe 2/4 D Wheeler's Hornpipe 4/4 G Wheel Hoss Wheeling in the Wind 6/8 G Wheel of Life [1], The C| A Wheel of Life [2], The 2/4 D Wheel of Life (3) (The) 2/4 D Wheel of Life [3], The C | A Wheel of Life, The C| A Wheel of Life, The C| A Wheel of Life. THO2.036, The 4/4 G Wheels 6/8 Edor Wheels Of The Train, The C D Wheels of the World 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels Of The World, The 6/8 Gmaj Wheels Of The World, The 6/8 Gmix Wheels Of The World, The 6/8 Gmaj Wheels Of The World, The 6/8 Gmaj Wheels Of The World, The 6/8 D Wheels of the World 4/4 C Wheels of the World, the 6/8 G Wheels of the World, The 6/8 G wheels of the world, The C| C Wheels of the World, The C ADor Wheels of the World, The 6/8 Em Wheels of the World 6/8 G Wheels Of The World, The 6/8 G wheels of the world, The 6/8 G wheels of the world, The 6/8 G Wheels of the World., The 6/8 G Wheels of the World, the 6/8 G Wheels of the World, the 6/8 G Wheels of the World, the 6/8 G Wheels of the World, the 6/8 G Wheels of the World G Wheels of the World, The Em Wheels of the World, The C| G wheels of the world, The 6/8 G wheels of the world, The 4/4 Dmix Wheels of the World [1], The C| Dmix Wheels of the World [1], The 6/8 G Wheels of the World #2, the 6/8 G Wheels of the World #2, the 6/8 Emin Wheels of the World [2], The 6/8 G Wheels of the World [3] 6/8 G Wheels of the World [3], The 6/8 G Wheels of the World (jig), the C| G Wheels of the World (reel), the C| Ador Wheels of the World, The C| Dmix Wheels of the World, The C| Dmix Wheels of the World, The 6/8 G Wheels of the World, The 6/8 Gmaj Wheels Of The World, The C| Dmix Wheels of the World, The 6/8 G Wheels of the World, The C| Dmix Wheels of the World, The C| Dmix Wheels of the World, The C| Ador Wheels of the World, The 2/4 A Wheelwright, the 2/4 A Wheelwright, the 2/4 A Wheelwright, The 2/4 Bb Wheelwright [1], The 2/4 Bb Wheelwright [1], The 2/4 A Wheelwright [1], The 2/4 A Wheelwright #2, the 2/4 Bb Wheelwright, The 2/4 C Wheem, The