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4/4 G Whiteside's Hornpipe (#320) 2/4 G White Snowdon [2] 2/4 G White Snowdon JBrk.37 C| C White's Polka 2/4 G White's Snowden 2/4 C major Whites Snowdon. JGi.178 2/4 C Whites Snowdon. JGi.178 4/4 Amaj White Star C| D White Star Clog 2/4 G White Star -- Reel 2/4 G White Star Reel 6/8 Gmaj White Stone, The 4/4 C major White Strand, the 4/4 Gmaj White Strand 4/4 Gmaj White Strand 4/4 Gmaj White Strand 4/4 C White Strand, the 4/4 C White Strand, the 4/4 Gdor Whitestrand Sling 4/4 Gdor Whitestrand Sling 4/4 Bdor Whitestrand Sling 4/4 C White Strand, The 3/4 D White Swan [1], The 6/8 Amix White Swan In The Window, The 4/4 A Whitewashed Kate 6/8 Amaj White Water 6/8 Amaj Whitewater Jig 2/4 C White Water (Log Jam Song) 3/4 D White Wheat 2/2 D White Widow, The 2/2 D White Widow, the 2/2 D White Widow. WCD3/2.076, The 6/8 Gmaj White Winged Diver, The 6/8 Gmaj White Winged Diver, The 6/8 Dmaj White Winged Diver, The 6/8 Gmaj White Winged Diver, The 6/8 D WHITE WINGS D White Wings 6/8 D White Wings [1] 3/4 D White Wings [2] 3/4 Dmaj Whitfield Brow 4/4 G Whither? 4/4 G Whither? 4/4 G Whither? 9/8 G Whither? 4/4 G Whither? 4/4 Dmaj Whiting Bay 6/8 Emin Whitingham Fair 6/8 Amin Whitingham Fair 4/4 Cmaj Whitley Chapel Barn Dance 4/4 Dmaj Whitley Chapel Barn Dance 4/4 Bmin Whitling Run, The C| D Whit Monday C| Eb Whitmonday Hornpipe. FK.06 C| Eb Whitmonday Hornpipe. FK.06 C| Eb Whitmonday Hornpipe. FK.06 C A Whit Monday. WHL.[105] 4/4 Gmaj Whitney's Fancy 4/4 Gmaj Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's fancy C| G Whitney's fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy C| G Whitney's Fancy G "Whitney's Fancy" (hornpipe) 1765 6/8 F Whitney's Farewell 6/4 F Whitney's Farewell 6/4 F Whitney's Farewell 6/4 F Whitney's Farewell. JJo2.109 6/4 F Whitney's Farewell. JJo2.109 6/4 F Whitney's Farewell. (p)1695.PLFD1.348 6/4 F Whitney's Farewell. (p)1695.PLFD.348 6/4 F Whitney's Farewell. WCD3/1.128 6/8 G Whitson Holiday C G WHITSTABLE, the C G WHITSTABLE, The C G Whitstable, The 6/8/ G Whitsun-holidays. Or... PFD2.230 4/4 Gmin Whittamore Road 4/4 Amin Whittamore Road 4/4 Emin Whittamore Road 6/8 Gm Whittingham Fair 6/8 E Minor Whittingham Fair 3/4 Gmaj Whittingham Green Lane 3/4 Gmaj Whittingham Green Lane C G Whittingham Vale Hornpipe, The 3/4 F Whittington 3/2 F Whittington's Catt. ThoH.079 4/4 Amaj Whittle Dene 2/4 G Whittlesea Straw Bear Tune none C Whitwell none C Whitwell 9/8 Gmin Whiz, The 2/4 C Whoa Ho Dobbin 4/4 D Whoa Mule 2/4 G Whoa Mule [1] C| G Whoa Mule [2] 2/4 G Whoa Mule [2] 2/4 G Whoa Mule [3] 2/4 D Whoa Mule [4a] 2/4 D Whoa Mule [4b] 2/4 D Whoa Mule, Whoa 2/4 G Who Are You? 2/4 G Who Are You? 2/4 G Who Are You? 2/4 G Who are You? 2/4 G Who Are You? #2 2/4 G "Who Are You?" (air) C| D Whoa There Clog 6/8 C Who can help it C| G Who can Help it Now? 2/4 G Who Can Help it Now. JJo.076 2/4 G Who Can Help it Now. JJo8.076 2/4 G Who cares for You 2/4 G Who cares for You 2/4 G major Who Cares for You. THO4.084 2/4 G Who Cares for You THO4.084 2/4 G Who Cares for You THO4.084 2/4 G Who Cares for You. THO4.084 4/4 Emaj Who 'Ceithir's? 4/4 Bmin Who 'Ceithir's? C D Who'd a thought it 3/2 Gmin Who’d have Thought it C F Whoe'er She Be C HP Who Fears to Speak of '98 "(Easter Week)" 4/4 Amin Who Has The Conn? 4/4 D Who Hit Nellie with the Stovepipe? 4/4 C Who Is He in Yonder Stall? 2/4 A Who is that knocking at the door? 4/4 F Who Killed Cock Robin C D Who Learned Yow to Dance and a Towdle 2/4 A Whole Bunch of Keys 6/8 G Major Whole Chicken in the Soup 12/8 G Whole Chicken in the Soup 6/8 G Whole Chicken in the Soup, The 4/4 Gmaj Whole Chicken in the Soup, The 6/8 C Whole Hog or None. WES.015, The 2/4 D Whole Polka. Le4.136, The 4/4 C Whole Step Half Step Chorale (Reduced Unisons) 4/4 Bmin Whole Thing, The 4/4 Emin Whole Thing, The 6/4 A Who list to lead a soldier's life 6/8 F Who'll be King but Charlie. 6/8 C Who'll be King But Charlie 6/8 C Who'll be King But Charlie 6/8 C Who'll be King But Charlie 6/8 F Who'll be King but Charlie. C F WHO'LL BUY A HEART? 3/4 G Who’ll buy my besoms? 3/4 G Who'll buy my besoms? 9/8 Dmaj Who'll Come Fight In The Snow? 9/8 D Who'll Come Fight in the Snow? 9/8 G Who’ll come fight in the snow? 9/8 D Who’ll come fight in the snow? 9/8 D Who’ll come fight in the Snow? 9/8 D Who'll Come Fight in the Snow? C| Ador Who'll Cut the Britches? C| D WHO MADE YOUR BREECHES? -- REEL C| D Who Made Your Britches? 3/4 D Whoop, do me no harm, good man 2/4 D Whoop from Arkansas, A 6/8 Dmin Who Owns This Land 6/8 Amix whore in the corner, The 6/8 Amix Whore in the Corner, The 6/8 Amix whore in the corner, The 6/8 G Whore's March, The 6/8 G Whore's March, The 6/8 G Whore's March, The 6/8 C Who's afraid 6/8 C Who's afraid 2/4 C Who's Afraid 6/8 C Who's Afraid. Roose.0320 6/8 C Who's Afraid. Roose.0320 6/8 C major Who's Afraid. THO4.142 6/8 C Who's Afraid THO4.142 6/8 C Who's Afraid. THO4.142 6/8 C major Who's afraid. VWMLa.129 6/8 C Who's afraid. VWMLa.129 6/8 C Who's afraid. VWMLa.129 6/8 C Who's afraid. VWMLa.129 2/4 G Who's dat Knockin at de door. Roose.0759 2/4 G Who's dat Knockin at de door. Roose.0759 6/8 G Whose 6/8 Gmaj Whose? 4/4 A Whose Garden Was This? 6/8 Gmaj Whose? Jig 4/4 Ador Whose Red Hair Is This? 2/4 D Who Shall Rule This American Nation? C| D Who Shit in Grandpa's Hat 3/4 G Who's the fool now? 3/4 G Who's the fool now? 2/4 Amix Who Stole The Miner's Hat? 2/4 Amix Who Stole The Miner's Hat? 2/4 Amix Who Stole The Miner's Hat? 2/4 F WHO TO GAIN THE LAUREL CROWN