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6/8 C Within a Mile of Dublin C| G Within a mile of Dublin C| G Within a mile of Dublin C| D Within a Mile of Dublin C| Dmix Within a Mile of Dublin C| Dmix Within a Mile of Dublin C| D Within a Mile of Dublin C| D Within a Mile of Dublin C| D Within a Mile of Dublin C| Dmix Within a Mile of Dublin 4/4 D Within a mile of Dublin 4/4 DMix Within a Mile of Dublin C| Dmix Within a Mile of Dublin C| Dmix Within a Mile of Dublin 6/8 C Within a Mile of Dublin [1] C| Gmix Within a Mile of Dublin #2 C| D Within a Mile of Dublin #2 C| G Within a Mile of Dublin [2] C| D Within a Mile of Dublin [2] C| D Within a Mile of Dublin [2] C| Dmix Within a Mile of Dublin #3 C| Dmix Within a Mile of Dublin [3] C HP Within a Mile of Dublin "Arr. by T. Tully" C| D "Within A Mile Of Dublin" (reel) 1511 C A Within A Mile of Edenborurohe. EHo.376 4/4 C major Within a Mile of Edenburgh. JClw.34 4/4 C Within a Mile of Edenburgh. JClw.34 4/4 C major Within a Mile of Edenburgh Town. JJo.015 4/4 C Within a Mile of Edenburgh Town. JJo.015 4/4 G Within a Mile of Edinbrow Town. LIT.104 C C major Within a Mile of Edinburgh 4/4 Gmaj Within A Mile Of Edinburgh 4/4 Gmaj Within A Mile Of Edinburgh C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh. C C Within a Mile of Edinburgh C D WITHIN A MILE OF EDINBURGH C C Within a Mile of Edinburgh 2/4 G WITHIN A MILE OF EDINBURGH C D WITHIN A MILE OF EDINBURGH C Bb Within a Mile of Edinburgh C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh C D WITHIN A MILE OF EDINBURGH C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh 4/4 Bb Within a Mile of Edinburgh C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh. C C Within a Mile of Edinburgh 4/4 D Within a Mile of Edinburgh C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh [D] C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh. Dal.026 C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh (fragment). CJS.31 C G Within a Mile of Edinburgh [G] 4/4 G Within a mile of Edinburgh. LW.151 C D major Within a Mile of Edinburgh. RH.475 C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh. RH.475 C D Within a Mile of Edinburgh. RH.475 C D Within a Mile of Edingburgh 4/4 Ddor Within A Mile Of Greenock 3/4 G Within This Village Dwells a Maid C G Within This Village Dwells a Maid 3/4 G Within this Village Dwells a Maid [1] 3/4 G "Within This Village Dwells a Maid" (1st Setting) C G Within this Village Dwells a Maid [2] C G "Within This Village Dwells A Maid" (2nd Setting) 3/4 G Within This Village Dwells a Maid - No. 1 3/4 G Within This Village Dwells a Maid - No. 1 C G Within This Village Dwells a Maid - No. 2 C G Within This Village Dwells a Maid - No. 2 6/8 D With Jockey to the Fair 6/8 Am With Kitty I'll Go 3/4 F With Laughter and Singing (round) 2/4 Gmaj With Marley To Galicia 2/4 Gmaj With Marley To Galicia 2/4 Gmaj With Marley To Galicia C D With Martial Step 3/4 C With Me Hooks and Me Nets C Ab With My Dog and Gun 3/4 F With My Love On The Road 3/4 F With my love on the road 6/8 Dmaj With My Shillelagh Under My Arm 4/4 Edor With Ourselves 4/4 Edor With Ourselves 4/4 Edor With Ourselves 4/4 Edor With Ourselves 6/8 A With Our Songs We Greet Thee 4/4 C With Psalms And Hymns And Holy Songs 3/4 Bb With Rapture Abounding and Music Resounding 3/4 Bb With Raptures Abounding and Music Resounding 3/4 Gmaj With Stars Of Pride And Honour C A With Steady Hands C G With Steady Hands in G - Lute 4/4 Ador With the Best of Intentions 6/8 D WITH VERDURE CLAD 2/4 A With Your Feet 6/8 Dm Withywind, The 4/4 E Witjungfr?uelein (2-19) S. 63 C Bb Witolorauda C Bb Witolorauda 6/8 Bb Witolorauda 4/4 G Wittersham Maggot, The C| A WITTLE DEAN C| A WITTLE DEAN 4/4 A major Wittle Dean. FTB.102 4/4 A Wittle Dean. FTB.102 4/4 A Wittle Dean. FTB.102 C| D major Witty Hornpipe TS.118 C| D Witty Hornpipe TS.118 C| D Witty Hornpipe TS.118 6/8 D Witty Shepherd - Roe C G Wives and Sweethearts. Roose.0562 C G Wives and Sweethearts. Roose.0562 3/4 C Wives Excuse 3/4 C Wives Excuse C| Ador Wives of Kilwinnon, the C| Ador Wives of Kilwinnon, The C| G Wives of Kilwinnon, The 6/8 D Wives of Torphican, the 6/8 D Wives of Torphican, The 6/8 D Wives of Torphican. JJo4.070, The 6/8 D Wives of Torphican. JJo4.070, The 6/8 D Wives of Torphican. Ru1.088, The 6/8 D Wives of Torphican. Ru1.088, The 6/8 D Wives of Torphican,The. JJo4.070 6/8 D Wives of Torphichan, The 4/4 C Wives o' the Bow, The 6/8 Gm Wives' Victory, The 6/8 Am Wives' Victory, The 6/8 Gm WIVES' VICTORY, THE Gm WIVES' VICTORY, THE 6/8 Gm WIVES' VICTORY. TBr.09, THE 6/8 Gmin Wives' Victory, The 6/8 Amin Wizard, The 6/8 Emaj Wizard Fingers, The 6/8 Amaj Wizard Fingers, The 6/8 D Wizard of Oz medley 6/8 D Wizard of Oz medley p.1 6/8 G Wizard of Oz medley p.2 6/8 G Wizard of Oz medley p.2 Wizard's Dancing Ships Evit set 6/8 Bm WIZARD'S JIG, the 4/4 E minor Wizard's Walk, The 4/4 Emin Wizard's Walk, The 4/4 Emin Wizard's Walk, The 4/4 Emin Wizard's Walk, The C| Em Wizard's Walk, the C| Em Wizard's Walk, The 4/4 G Wizard's Walk, The C| Em Wizard's Walk, the C| Em Wizard's Walk, the C| Em Wizard's Walk, The C| Em Wizard's Walk, The C| Em Wizard's Walk, the C Em Wizard's Walk Harmony 1 6/8 Emin Wizard's Waltz, The C| F W ka?dym ucisku swoim wo?a?em do Pana, 2/4 E W kotly bebny uderzono 4/4 F W kotly bebny zabebniono 3/4 G Wlazl kotek na plotek 3/4 D W Lublineczku na ryneczku pili piwko kwatereczka 2/4 D Wm Davenport's Q.S. + 2/4 D Wm Davenport's Quickstep 2/4 D t=8 Wm Davenport's Quickstep C G Wm(?) Far Away. Roose.0560 C G Wm(?) Far Away. Roose.0560 A W.M.F. McHardy, Forgue 6/8 G W. M. Larrabee Q.S. 6/8 G t=8 W. M. Larrabee Q.S. 6/8 G t=8 W.M. Larrabee Q.S. 6/8 G W. M. Larrabee Quickstep + C A Wm. MacHardy's Strathspey C Em WMNSWRK1- A Woman's work will never be done [Black C Gm WMNSWRK2- Woman's work will never be done C Gm WMNSWRK3- The Black Eagle C Gm WMNSWRK3- The Highway to Edinburgh (Woman's C Em WMNSWRK- A Woman's work will never be done [Black 6/8 Dm WMNSWRKB1- Gigga to the Highway to Edinburgh 6/8 Em WMNSWRKB2- My tocher's the Jewel 2/4 Bb W. Morrison's Compliments to Mr. Scott 78th Regt. C D W. Morrison's Favorite 4/4 D Wm. Pitt 4/4 D Wm. Pitt 2/2 D major Wm. Pitt 2/2 D major Wm. Pitt. BF13.004 2/2 D major Wm. Pitt. BF13.004 2/2 D major Wm. Pitt. BF13.004 C| A Wm. Young's Best Malt C| A WM. YOUNG'S BEST MALT -- Strathspey 3/4 A W niedziele do dnia 3/4 A W niedziele rano 6/8 D major W'n I was a Younker. RH.350 6/8 D W'n I was a Younker. RH.350 6/8 Gm WNMSWRKB3- Lord Elcho's Favourite 6/4 D WNTNTHG- My Wife's a wanton Wi Thing C G Woad 3/4 G Woaf 3/4 G Woaf 2/4 C Wo ai mao zhuxi 4/4 C Wo' as sech dann dee Bauer, S. 15 6/8 Dmix Wobbly Wheel 3/8 G WO BIST DU DENN GEWESEN 3/4 G WO BIST DU DENN GEWESEN