abc examples
This page contains a whole series of abc examples starting from notes, beams, etc right through to some fairly complex tunes.
- Notes / pitches
- Note lengths
- Beams
- Bar lines
- Unit note length
- Broken rhythm markers
- Tuplets
- Ties and slurs
- Accidentals
- Chord symbols
- Accents
- Grace notes
- Chords
- Keys and modes
- Speed the Plough
- Paddy O'Rafferty (Jig)
- Kitchen Girl (Reel)
- Dusty Miller (commented)
- Old Sir Simon the King (commented)
- Jericho (chord symbols)
- Jericho (tenor sax)
- Jericho (hidden voice)
- Lyrics
- Polyphony
In each case, the staff notation is given first, followed by its translation into abc version.
X:1 T:Notes / pitches M:C L:1/4 K:C treble C, D, E, F, | G, A, B, C | D E F G | A B c d | e f g a | b c' d' e' | f' g' a' b' |]
X:1 T:Note lengths M: K:C A/4 A/2 A/ A A2 A3 A4 A6 A7 A8 A12 A16 |]
X:1 T:Beams M:C K:C A B c d AB cd | ABcd ABc2 | ABcdABcd |]
X:1 T:Bar lines M:C K:C [| A4 A4 | A4 A4 || A4 A4 | A4 A4 |] |: A4 A4 | A4 A4 :: A4 A4 | A4 A4 :: A4 A4 | A4 A4 |1 A4 A4 :|2 A4 A4 | A4 A4 |]
X:1 T:Unit note length T:Same notes / different notation M: K:C L:1/16 A/2 A A2 A4 A8 A16 |] L:1/8 A/4 A/2 A A2 A4 A8 |] L:1/4 A/8 A/4 A/2 A A2 A4 |]
X:1 T:Broken rhythm markers M:3/4 K:C A>A A2>A2 | A<A A2<A2 | A>>A A2>>>A2 | A<<A A2<<<A2 |]
X:1 T:Tuplets M:C K:C (2AB (3ABA (4ABAB (5ABABA (6ABABAB (7ABABABA|]
X:1 T:Ties and slurs M:C K:C (AA) (A(A)A) ((AA)A) (A|A) A-A A-A-A A2-|A4|]
X:1 T:Accidentals M:C K:C __A _A =A ^A ^^A |]
X:1 T:Chord symbols M:C K:C "A"A "Gm7"D "Bb"F "F#"A |]
X:1 T:Accents M:C K:C ~A ~c .A .c vA vc uA uc|]
X:1 T:Grace notes M:6/8 K:C {g}A3 A{g}AA|{gAGAG}A3 {g}A{d}A{e}A|]
X:1 T:Chords M:2/4 K:C [CEGc] [C2G2] [CE][DF] | [D2F2][EG][FA] [A4d4]|]
X:1 T:Keys and modes M:4/4 K:C T:C/CMAJOR/Cmajor CDEF GABc |\ K:CMAJOR CDEF GABc |\ K:Cmajor CDEF GABc |] T:C maj/ C major/C Major K:C maj CDEF GABc |\ K: C major CDEF GABc |\ K:C Major CDEF GABc |] T:C Lydian/C Ionian/C Mixolydian K:C Lydian CDEF GABc |\ K:C Ionian CDEF GABc |\ K:C Mixolydian CDEF GABc |] T:C Dorian/C Minor/Cm K:C Dorian CDEF GABc |\ K:C Minor CDEF GABc |\ K:Cm CDEF GABc |] T:C Aeolian/C Phrygian/C Locrian K:C Aeolian CDEF GABc |\ K:C Phrygian CDEF GABc |\ K:C Locrian CDEF GABc |]
X:1 T:Speed the Plough M:4/4 C:Trad. K:G |:GABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2BA| GABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:| |:g2gf gdBd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2df| g2gf g2Bd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:|
X:1 T:Paddy O'Rafferty (Jig) C:Trad. O:Irish R:Jig M:6/8 K:D dff cee|def gfe|dff cee|dfe dBA| dff cee|def gfe|faf gfe|1 dfe dBA:|2 dfe dcB|] ~A3 B3|gfe fdB|AFA B2c|dfe dcB| ~A3 ~B3|efe efg|faf gfe|1 dfe dcB:|2 dfe dBA|] fAA eAA|def gfe|fAA eAA|dfe dBA| fAA eAA|def gfe|faf gfe|dfe dBA:|
X:1 T:Kitchen Girl (Reel) C:Trad. O:American R:Reel M:C K:D [a4c4] [g4B4]|efed c2cd|e2f2 gaba|g2e2 e2fg| a4 g4|efed cdef|g2d2 efed|c2A2 A4:| K:G ABcA BAGB|ABAG EDEG|A2AB c2d2|e3f edcB| ABcA BAGB|ABAG EGAB|cBAc BAG2|A4 A4:|
X:1 % tune no 1 T:Dusty Miller (commented) % title T:Binny's Jig % an alternative title C:Trad. % traditional O:English % origin R:DH % double hornpipe M:3/4 % meter K:G % key B>cd BAG|FA Ac BA|B>cd BAG|DG GB AG:| Bdd gfg|aA Ac BA|Bdd gfa|gG GB AG:| BG G/2G/2G BG|FA Ac BA|BG G/2G/2G BG|DG GB AG:| W:Hey, the dusty miller, and his dusty coat; W:He will win a shilling, or he spend a groat. W:Dusty was the coat, dusty was the colour; W:Dusty was the kiss, that I got frae the miller.
X:1 T:Old Sir Simon the King (commented) C:Trad. % composer S:Offord MSS % source N:see also Playford % notes M:9/8 % meter R:SJ % rhythm Q:1/4=160 % tempo Z:originally in C % transcription notes K:G % key D|GFG GAG G2D|GFG GAG F2D|EFE EFE EFG|A2G F2E D2:| D|GAG GAB d2D|GAG GAB c2D|[1 EFE EFE EFG|A2G F2E D2:| M:12/8 % change meter for a bar [2 E2E EFE E2E EFG|\ M:9/8 % change back again A2G F2E D2|]
X:1 T:Jericho (chord symbols) T:Joshua fought the battle of Jericho C:Anon. M:C L:1/8 K:Dm "Dm"D^CDE FF G2|"Dm"A A2 A-A4|"A7"G G2 G-G4|"Dm"A A2 A-A4| "Dm"D^CDE FF G2|"Dm"A A2 A-A2 FG|"A7"A2 G2 F2 E2|"Dm"D6"^Fine"||dd| "Dm"dA AA A3 A|"Dm"A A3- "A7"A2 AA|"Dm"AA AA A2 A2|"A7"A6 ^c2| "Dm"d2 A2 "A7"A A3|"Dm"A2 A2- "A7"A2 AA|"Dm"AA G2 "A7"E2 D2|"Dm"D8|]
X:1 T:Jericho (tenor sax) T:Joshua fought the battle of Jericho N:adapted for transposing instruments such as a tenor sax N:see C:Anon. M:C L:1/8 %%MIDI transpose -14 %%MIDI program 67 %%MIDI chordprog 1 octave=2 %%MIDI bassprog 1 octave=2 R:Hornpipe K:Dm "Dm"D^CDE FF G2|"Dm"A A2 A-A4|"A7"G G2 G-G4|"Dm"A A2 A-A4| "Dm"D^CDE FF G2|"Dm"A A2 A-A2 FG|"A7"A2 G2 F2 E2|"Dm"D6"^Fine"||dd| "Dm"dA AA A3 A|"Dm"A A3- "A7"A2 AA|"Dm"AA AA A2 A2|"A7"A6 ^c2| "Dm"d2 A2 "A7"A A3|"Dm"A2 A2- "A7"A2 AA|"Dm"AA G2 "A7"E2 D2|"Dm"D8|] %%writefields N
X:1 T:Jericho (hidden voice) T:Joshua fought the battle of Jericho N:using a hidden voice to separate out the chord symbols N:see C:Anon. M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe %%MIDI transpose -14 %%staves (melody chords) K:Dm V:melody %%MIDI program 67 D^CDE FF G2|A A2 A-A4|G G2 G-G4|A A2 A-A4| D^CDE FF G2|A A2 A-A2 FG|A2 G2 F2 E2|D6"^Fine"||dd| dA AA A3 A|A A3- A2 AA|AA AA A2 A2|A6 ^c2| d2 A2 A A3|A2 A2- A2 AA|AA G2 E2 D2|D8|] V:chords %%MIDI chordprog 1 octave=2 %%MIDI bassprog 1 octave=2 "Dm"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 | "A7"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 | "A7"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 "A7"x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 | "A7"x4 x4 | "Dm"x4 "A7"x4 | "Dm"x4 "A7"x4 | "Dm"x4 "A7"x4 | "Dm"x4 x4 |]
X:1 T:Lyrics N:see M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C % use the w: field to add lyrics, with each word lined up on a note A A A A | A A A A | w:words line up on notes % % to align syllables on notes, use hyphens and/or spaces to split the words up A A A A | A A A A | w:syl-la-ble, syl- la- ble % % to align two (or more) syllables on a single note, don't split them up or use backslash hypen \- A2 A2 | A2 A2 | w:syllable, syl\-la\-ble % % to align two (or more) words on a single note, use a tilde ~ between the words A4 | A A A A | w:word~word syl-la-ble % % to align two (or more) notes on a syllable or word, use an underscore A2 A2 | A A A A | w:word_ syl-la-ble_ % % to skip one (or more) notes, i.e. to include blank syllables, use an asterisk * A A A A | A A A A | w:word * * * syl-la-ble * % % to save typing in lots of asterisks, advance to the next barline with a bar symbol | A A A A | A A A A | w:word | syl-la-ble | % % to include multipe verses, use multiple w: fields A A A A | A A A A | w:syl-la-ble | syl- la- ble w:word | syl-la-ble % % to include more verses underneath use W: fields (upper case) W: This is verse two of my song W: Syl-la-ble, word W: W: This is verse three of my song W: Word, word, syl-la-ble! W: %%writefields N
A good example of lyrics in use (Amazing Grace)
A number of polyphony examples are discussed in the YouTube video How to write abc notation for multiple voices (polyphony) including: