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XVII. I must complaine,

Found in allparts.abc from the Serpent Publications abc collection
XVII. I must complaine, - staff notation
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T:XVII. I must complaine,
C: John Dowland
O: From The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires.
O: Newly composed to sing to the Lute, Orpharion, or viols, 
O: and a dialogue for a base and meane Lute with five voices to sing thereto.
%%MIDI nobarlines
%%MIDI ratio 3 1
K:G dor
z2 G2 B2 c2 d2 z d | f3 d c d/ d G/ B A4 |
w: I must com- plaine, yet do en- joy, en- joy my _ love, 
w: Should I a- griev'd wish she were lesse she were lesse _ faire, 
z B c e d3 c/ B/ | c f e > e d4 |
w: She is too faire, too _ rich in beau- ties parts
w: That were re- pug- nant _ to my owne de- sires,
z8 | g6 f4 _e2 d4 | z2 z d B G B > c | d2
w: Thence is my griefe for na- ture while she strove
w: She is ad- mir'd, new su- ters still re- paire,
z e f > e d A | B c d > d ^c4 |
w: With all her grac- es and de- vin- est artes,
w: That kin- dles day- ly loves for- get- full fires,
z A A A A2 =B c > c B/ B/ A2 |
w: To forme her too too beau- ti- full of hue,
w: Rest jea- lous thoughts, and thus re- solve at last,
|: d > d d c c2 c > c c B B2
w: She had no lei- sure, she had no lei- sure
w: She hath more beau- tie, she hath more beau- tie
A2 d3 d c4 B2 "?"z2 | A3 A G4 :|
w: no lea- sure left to make her true.
w: more beau- tie then be- comes the chast.